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Review of day 1 of dimple surgery

다람찌 2020-10-01 (목) 13:10 3 Years ago 5652

When viewed from the front, the dimples are so deep that they look unnatural even though they have no expression. But I really wanted dark and deep dimples, so even though they look unnatural, I am very satisfied!!! It was the same day I had the surgery, so when I looked at it from the side, it looked flat and similar to a snake bite mark, but they said it was normal. You can think of it as being created as the shape and position are established for three months after dimple surgery.  1. Long dimple (6mm) surgery on both cheeks. I couldn't decide what kind of dimples to make, but the doctor recommended long dimples because I have a round face. My guess is that for people with round faces or large cheekbones and jaw bones, long dimples create vertical lines on the face, which diverts attention and makes the face look slimmer. On the other hand, if you have a long face, the nose dimples will complement your long face and make you look younger. However, since they are tied with thread, it is said that long dimples tend to come out better than small dimples!! I saw a lot of reviews saying that it had become lighter, and I wanted dark dimples, so I asked them to tie them tightly. 2. Price: 319,000 won including VAT + 33,000 won for medicine = about 350,000 won. The initial price is 350,000 won. You have to take good care of yourself because the treatment costs money, the dimples are fading, and treating the inflammation is very, very, very painful. 3. Hospital for dimple surgery. Among the famous hospitals that come up when you search on Naver, it has the longest name (7 letters). The reason I chose this hospital is because it has a lot of reviews, is famous, is not a large hospital, and has good after-care reviews. They say that if the dimples disappear completely after surgery , they will provide free after-sales service within one year, and if they are light, they will perform the surgery for 100,000 won per side>< 4. Sequence and time required Fill out charts and consent forms from entering the hospital to leaving -> Wash your face and wait -> Consultation and photos Filming->Procedure within 40 minutes in total Procedure time-5~7 minutes 5. When receiving pain: Local anesthesia>>> After antibiotic injection: Antibiotic injection>>>Local anesthesia Antibiotic injection is administered to the buttocks. After receiving an antibiotic injection, the pain feels like pressing on the bruised area. Local anesthesia just feels like a painful injection. It was more painful than chin Botox. I inject it into my cheek and place it in my mouth, but once I put it in my cheek, the feeling goes away, so it doesn't hurt when I put it in my mouth. However, for me personally, the psychological anxiety + fear was greater than the pain. I was under anesthesia so there was no pain at all, but I was just so, so, so scared.... I kept wiggling my fingers and toes;; It was only a short time, less than 7 minutes, but when I woke up, my eyes were sweating...?? And as soon as it was over, he told me to smile even though I couldn't move my mouth because of the anesthesia. Hehehe... -ㅂ -I took the after picture while smiling like this haha... After the local anesthesia wore off, I just smiled, oh haha? It feels a bit irritating and painful. That kind of feeling. It's not unbearable. 7. Swelling  There was no swelling so large that it interfered with daily life, and there was some swelling. However, there was more swelling on the left cheek, perhaps because it was tied more tightly.  Personally, I am satisfied -> It creates a cute and lively youthful image. ->Asymmetry is complemented. ->The shape of the face is complemented. I had an asymmetrical face, but since there were lines and depressions of the same length on both cheeks, it had the effect of making the asymmetry less noticeable.

Comment 4
국수 2020-10-10 (토) 10:42 3 Years ago Address
Thank you for the kind review. I wanted to get dimples and this helped a lot!!
춥네요 2020-10-11 (일) 14:59 3 Years ago Address
It's really pretty, the dimples. I want to do it too, but I'm just thinking about it so far.
뿌루뿡뿌 2020-12-18 (금) 14:51 3 Years ago Address
Oh,,, I’m also interested in dimples, and I think it turned out really well!! Could you please tell me the hospital information?
북극곰z 2023-09-08 (금) 15:07 1 Years ago Address
Please tell me the hospital information~~~~~~~
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