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Petit/Laser job


Review of In Mode + Shrink Universe 600 shots

해이성 2024-06-07 (금) 17:19 25 Days ago 3500

I never thought I'd be posting a review of the procedure. Last time, I got Shrink Universe 600 shots and an in-mode full face! But I thought the effect was pretty good, so I'll post a review. I'm writing this with a really nervous heart, so I might ramble on, but just understand... haha. Of course, the reason I received it was because of lack of elasticity + facial fat. I wonder how it will look if I upload a picture. I don't know, but I know I'm really old. But as time goes by, I don't know if it's obvious, but I started to look older than my peers who were managing me . Until then, I didn't know the importance of true management;; I wish I had known the seriousness of it back then;; Anyway, now I sensed that there was a difference, so I went for a consultation. At first, I was thinking about getting Ulthera, so I made reservations for three consultations, but two of them were really bad. The hospital... the wait was really long . There was one place that was long and the staff wasn't very good... so I just wanted to go home after the procedure, but since I had a reservation at the place where I got it this time, I didn't expect much and went for a consultation . The wait was okay and the staff were really friendly, but it was so hard in front of me, so I just took it from there . They said in-mode first, but this... no, it really hurt. I was really surprised. You can apply numbing cream, but if it's a full face, it's a burn. They said it might be better to just get it because there are risks and things like that, so I didn't want to get burned, so I did, but it was beyond imagination. It really hurt. Anyway, after all the hellish time, it was better to get Shrink Universe. I didn't feel that much pain, and I received both . I think the treatment time lasted about 30 to 40 minutes. It's been about a month since then. Isn't the effect good? I was so in love with it hahaha I was completely entranced, but I think it was effective because I chose the right hospital to go to! It's not my place to say that I made a hasty decision, but...lol Everyone, let's choose the right hospital. Whatever! Then, I think you will see good results from the surgery or procedure!!

Comment 28
바떠히 2024-06-08 (토) 02:15 25 Days ago Address
Mulberry? Information ㅠ
해이성 Writer 2024-06-10 (월) 16:05 22 Days ago Address
I sent you a message because I thought I shouldn't write something in the comments.
삼렙 2024-06-08 (토) 13:06 24 Days ago Address
Wow where did you do it??? Please give me some information
해이성 Writer 2024-06-10 (월) 16:07 22 Days ago Address
I'll send you a note.
딸기생크림파르페 2024-06-11 (화) 20:23 21 Days ago Address
Hey, can you give me some information?? It was so good!!!
doqmxa 2024-06-12 (수) 10:42 20 Days ago Address
Please send me a message tooㅠㅠㅠㅠI’m so jealous.
춤추는곰돌 2024-06-13 (목) 10:59 19 Days ago Address
Did you do it in a factory-type hospital?
다음생정소민 2024-06-13 (목) 16:24 19 Days ago Address
Could you please send me a message too? I wish it could be organized just like that.
리쑹웽 2024-06-13 (목) 17:00 19 Days ago Address
Wow, the effect is really good,,, Can you send me the hospital information too?
눈재수술하구시포 2024-06-14 (금) 02:11 19 Days ago Address
* this is a secret.
다다닼이어트 2024-06-14 (금) 05:18 19 Days ago Address
and… … . Was it something like this..? I also need some information...
은조조 2024-06-14 (금) 21:52 18 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
소라소 2024-06-15 (토) 08:21 17 Days ago Address
저도 정보 부탁드릴게요
멍응 2024-06-15 (토) 20:54 17 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
모쀼 2024-06-16 (일) 18:16 16 Days ago Address
웅내인갱 2024-06-17 (월) 22:29 15 Days ago Address
웅니 저두 쪽지 부탁드려두 댈까요ㅠㅠ?
큐티링 2024-06-18 (화) 04:44 15 Days ago Address
잘 되셨네요!!저두 쪽지 부탁드려요^^
myprotein 2024-06-18 (화) 18:32 14 Days ago Address
저도 쪽지 부탁 드립니다 !
뿌루뿔 2024-06-19 (수) 08:17 13 Days ago Address
정보 받을 수 이쓰까? 울쎄라랑 인모드랑 고민즁이라 ㅠㅠ
김삼이 2024-06-19 (수) 18:51 13 Days ago Address
나도 정보 부탁행 ㅠ
밍굴맹굴 2024-06-21 (금) 15:34 11 Days ago Address
헐 나두 얼굴형 고민중인데.. 정보 알 수 있을까...?
류춘덕 2024-06-21 (금) 21:16 11 Days ago Address
와 너무 잘 됐다 진짜.. 시술은 딱 1회만 받은거야?
눈코입하자 2024-06-24 (월) 15:44 8 Days ago Address
저두 병원 정보받을수있을까요 ㅠㅠㅠ
뵥뵥이 2024-06-26 (수) 00:51 7 Days ago Address
와 효과 좋다
병원 정보 부탁해도 될까??
정신병on 2024-06-26 (수) 08:54 6 Days ago Address
혹시 나두 병원 정보 알려물수잇어?? ㅠ
우울증돋네 2024-06-27 (목) 16:32 5 Days ago Address
저도 정보부탁드려요~
liiii 2024-06-29 (토) 01:08 4 Days ago Address
진짜 효과좋다!! 혹한다
zaaraa 2024-06-29 (토) 14:29 3 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.