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Petit/Laser job

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Tattoo removal 5 times

핫도그렌지일분 2024-02-09 (금) 12:58 9 Months ago 1198
450 만원
Chest tattoo removal, finger tattoo removal, forearm tattoo removal, a total of 5 times, all fingers removed, chest and forearm are not visible, so people think it's just a big mole. It's been erased to the point where you can't even tell what the drawing was originally like! When I woke up from sedation, it hurt like hell..! Haha, but eventually I found myself getting used to it. I guess we should do it 8 times? 6th session now. It is being removed by extending the period.

Comment 5
herkl 2024-02-09 (금) 13:06 9 Months ago Address
How did you calculate the cost? I also have it on both arms now.
핫도그렌지일분 Writer 2024-02-09 (금) 13:09 9 Months ago Address
크기로! 여기는 컬러 흑백 가격 똑같아서..! 가슴은 그 퉁퉁이랑 이슬이 문신있는 그 짤 알아...? 이슬이 가슴문신정도 사이즈인데 60만원! 물론 1회에ㅎㅎ 그리고 손가락은 그냥 난장판이었는데 16만, 팔뚝은 명함한장이었고 18
herkl 2024-02-09 (금) 13:25 9 Months ago Address
하 난양쪽긴팔인데 반팔까지만이라도지우고싶은데

여름에 반팔입고싶어서ㅜ
핫도그렌지일분 Writer 2024-02-09 (금) 17:39 9 Months ago Address
와 근ㄷ 진짜 개..아파. 네이버에 수면마취 타투제거 블로그 검색해봐!!!
도로도로짱구 2024-02-10 (토) 02:39 9 Months ago Address
아프구나.....그냥 달고 살아야하나
하는게 쉽지 지우는게ㅜ어렵군 ㅜㅜㅜ
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