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Petit/Laser job

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단호바긍디 2023-09-29 (금) 23:27 1 Years ago 1497
20대 후반부터 깔짝깔짝 레이저받아봤는데 처음에는 더블로 6개월에 한번씩 두번 인모드 1달간격?으로 세번 브이로한번 해봤구여 다..걍 그래서(더블로가 효과좋았으나 유지기간이 짧음) 큰맘 먹고 울쎄라400샷 받아봤는데 서서히 효과나타나는게 아직까지 맘에들어요! 원장님두 친절쓰하시고 또 방문의향있습니당

Comment 14
luvday 2023-09-29 (금) 23:50 1 Years ago Address
I also want to take care of my skin. You know because you’re over 30 haha.
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
단호바긍디 Writer 2023-09-29 (금) 23:53 1 Years ago Address
Yes haha ​​so so so so so so so so muchㅠㅠ I think I go to the dermatologist more often than the internal medicine doctor nowㅠㅠ
삥빙이 2023-09-30 (토) 00:27 1 Years ago Address
Are there any side effects? I'm both in my 20s and I'm worried that if I start taking it when I'm too young, there might be side effects, so I can't do it.
단호바긍디 Writer 2023-09-30 (토) 02:03 1 Years ago Address
It's too early to get Ultherapy in your 20s. It's Kebake and Sabasa, so I can't say what the side effects are. But after having double treatment twice in my late 20s, I was afraid that I would age faster, so I did my best at home care with a device instead of laser. Then I maintained it pretty well, but I'm in my mid-30s haha. Home care wasn't enough, so I got Ultherapy and I'll continue to do home care. If you're still in your 20s, I recommend buying a cheap laser + device machine and maintaining it consistently.
ㅇㆍㄴ 2023-09-30 (토) 01:24 1 Years ago Address
울쎄라할때 눈물나나? 울쎄라니깐?
단호바긍디 Writer 2023-09-30 (토) 02:04 1 Years ago Address
삐릿쀼 2023-10-01 (일) 03:53 1 Years ago Address
저도 해봐야겟네용
행복행복하고싶다 2023-10-03 (화) 15:21 1 Years ago Address
울쎼라 받고 얼굴살 빠지진 않으셨나요??
단호바긍디 Writer 2023-10-12 (목) 21:07 1 Years ago Address
음 약간?빠진거같긴한데 눈에띄게 지방이 적어졌다 이런느낌은 없어요!
김민주125 2023-10-05 (목) 14:05 1 Years ago Address
수면으로 하셨어용?
앙뚜연뚜 2023-10-12 (목) 00:35 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
단호바긍디 Writer 2023-10-12 (목) 21:07 1 Years ago Address
인모드는 그냥 공장형 피부과에서 했어요!
광자 2023-10-18 (수) 04:03 1 Years ago Address
병원 선생님 정보 알려 줄 수 있을까요 ?
승이승이 2023-10-23 (월) 16:59 1 Years ago Address
울쎄라 많이하던데 수면으로 하셨나요
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