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Petit/Laser job

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My eyes can’t open after forehead filler (photo attached)

eqqmsl 2024-03-17 (일) 17:51 8 Months ago 2146

It's been 3 days since I had 6cc forehead filler Perfecta. Is this correct? I don't know if it's swelling or allergies.. Not even 1/3 of my eyes can open and my nose is completely gone. How long will it last?

Comment 9
조녜되자 2024-03-17 (일) 19:29 8 Months ago Address
Wow, that's right?? I also had forehead filler injections and it went down like that after drinking. If you do that as soon as you get it done, you should call the hospital right away. For me, it was because I was drinking, so it subsided after 3 days and even got to the point where the puffy skin was under my eyes.
할로유 2024-03-18 (월) 10:11 8 Months ago Address
omg … ㅠCall the hospital right away.. I was really surprised. How are you now? ㅠㅠ Are you okay? When I got hit in another area, it really swelled up, but it didn't subside over time, so I got an injection to dissolve it and it got better.
말랭11 2024-03-18 (월) 16:31 8 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
무엇이든물어보슈 2024-03-19 (화) 19:50 8 Months ago Address
병원 바로 연락하셔야할듯
랄라라좋아 2024-03-25 (월) 14:24 8 Months ago Address
이를 어째... 부작용 아닌가? 얼른 병원 연락해서 처치 받아야할 것 같아 ㅜㅜ
파댕 2024-04-01 (월) 03:51 8 Months ago Address
필러 녹여야될듯...
순대꼬치 2024-04-10 (수) 11:18 7 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
dkahffkd 2024-04-12 (금) 13:28 7 Months ago Address
병원 빨라 가보는게 좋을꺼 같은데??
오림 2024-04-23 (화) 22:28 7 Months ago Address
병원 빨리가보는게 좋을거같다ㅠㅠ
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