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Petit/Laser job

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턱필러 후기

니냐니뇨뇨뇨히히 2023-02-08 (수) 09:46 1 Years ago 1855
24 만원
30 days

돌출입으로 스트레스라서 턱 필러 맞으러 갔었어요
효과는 너무너무 만족했고 확실히 입이 들어가보여요
턱도 뾰족해져서 살 빠진 듯한 느낌도 있어요
근데 시간이 지나면 염증인지 뭔진 모르겠지만 트러블이 너무너무 많이 생겨요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Comment 13
가로로긴눈 2023-02-08 (수) 20:06 1 Years ago Address
딸긩 2023-02-08 (수) 22:17 1 Years ago Address
I think you need to go to the hospital right away.
코코넛망고스무디 2023-02-08 (수) 23:58 1 Years ago Address
That's right, the satisfaction with the appearance of the chin filler is good, but there are pimples.
계란톰마토 2023-02-09 (목) 01:54 1 Years ago Address
Hey, I need some information.
계란톰마토 2023-02-09 (목) 01:54 1 Years ago Address
Cost...and cc!
믹시스 2023-02-09 (목) 03:19 1 Years ago Address
It worked out naturally!? If you have any trouble, go to the hospital right away!!
단지마누라 2023-02-09 (목) 03:53 1 Years ago Address
I'm going to the hospitalㅠㅠ I held it in because it was pretty, but I think it's even worse if I take it out late.
뿡빵이입니단 2023-02-09 (목) 06:09 1 Years ago Address
It's pretty to do it ㅠㅠ
좋은얼굴 2023-02-13 (월) 21:30 1 Years ago Address
It's definitely pretty to do.
뼈닥 2023-02-14 (화) 14:51 1 Years ago Address
How did the problem occur? Is it only on the chin? But it has definitely gotten prettier!
고고공12 2023-02-15 (수) 01:32 1 Years ago Address
Wow, it's pretty! If it's an infection, it's better to go to the hospital right away!
무텅이 2023-02-19 (일) 01:12 1 Years ago Address
I'm also really worried about fillers, but I'm hesitant because of the side effects of causing problems around the chin and the fact that they don't dissolve 100%.
kny0 2023-03-09 (목) 07:38 1 Years ago Address
What filler product did you use?
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