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[Skin Improvement]

BBL Laser Review

또리누나 2024-04-18 (목) 02:29 5 Months ago 1150
웰스피부과의원 압구정본점
625000 만원
10 days
전 사진입니다. 동남아 여행를 길게 다녀와서 주근깨가 한가득이였어요

<전 사진입니다. 동남아 여행를 길게 다녀와서 주근깨가 한가득이였어요>

필터없이 기본 카메라 셀카모드 입니다.

<필터없이 기본 카메라 셀카모드 입니다.>

Freckles have been a lifelong concern, so I looked into various lasers and thought BBL would be the best fit, so I looked into a place with BBL. ㅋㄹㄹㅁㅊ They said the minimum amount over the phone was the average for most dermatologists, but when I actually went there, they said they would charge twice as much, and the minimum price was twice the average price. ㅇㅅThe dermatology clinic was having a discount event so I just went there, but first of all, he is a dermatologist. But since they don't provide deep consultation, I think it's more of a factory type. Still, I'm very satisfied with the effect, so it's good. Unless it's something tricky like freckles, it would be better to just follow the device + price. Even though I only got it once, the effect was so good that I thought I made the right choice with BBL. Well, I'm not recommending it to hospitals, but I think I'll get similar results with this device wherever I go.

Comment 2
똠양꿍4321 2024-05-02 (목) 00:56 4 Months ago Address
How long does the recovery period take after laser???
돌아와라 2024-08-04 (일) 20:31 1 Months ago Address
저도 윗분처럼 레이져후 회복시간 얼마나 걸리셨어요? 딱지 언제쯤 떨어지셨어요?
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