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I'm writing this because I'm bored after the surgery. I'm writing this review after 5 nose surgery places. Very detailed..(ㅇㄷㅇㅇㅇ ㅇㅈ ㄱㅅㅇ ㅁㅅㅇ ㅋㄴㅍ)

토끼와곰 2020-02-19 (수) 21:06 4 Years ago 5725
Personally, I don't really like large hospitals... and it's a hassle to research which doctors are good, and I don't trust them either, so I exclude large hospitals when I'm trying to sell my skills!
 As someone who lives in the countryside, I hope this will be of some help to people like me!
 For reference, I have a beak-shaped nose.

1. ㅋㄴㅍ
 I think I waited for about 20 minutes. There were some surgery reviews on the table, so I read them. The books seemed a bit old.
 Then I met the head of the consultation room and the director.
 But I didn't know that I had a crooked nose until then. ㅋㅋㅋ After looking inside my nose, she said that I also needed surgery for my deviated septum and that I had a short nose, and that she would slightly pull the columella toward the nasal septum. She said that
 osteotomy was essential. Since it was my first time, I just looked it up on the internet. I didn't know the terminology for the columella, so I asked one by one and they answered kindly. I sighed a little bit, but ㅋㅋㅋ
 I understood because it was the last time. It felt comfortable, and the consultation was just okay. They showed me a lot of before and after photos. They were really natural, really amazing. They were so natural. I almost did it, but since it was an ENT clinic, I just... didn't make a reservation. The head of the consultation room said that if I made a reservation by a certain date, they would do it at this price, but I just left.
2. ㅋㅇㅍㄹㅅ ㄱㅅㅇ
 Here, for real.. As soon as I entered, there were about five aunties and uncles. That was okay, but when I went to meet the director,
 the director's perfume smelled really strong and she was wearing a doctor's uniform and her hair was hanging out.. It wasn't a good first impression..
 And she said osteotomy is required here too, and that septum deviation using ear cartilage on the tip of the nose was optional. So I told her that I didn't want to have cartilage put in, and she said it was possible but to consider that the tip of my nose would sag. When I asked to see a picture, she was flustered.. I wonder if the director of the consultation room has it? And then
 I moved on . The explanation was good, and he looked at my nose a lot and touched it, but I felt embarrassed because we made eye contact for so long. It seemed like he only looked at my nose for 5 minutes without saying anything, lol.
 Then the head of the counseling room came into the director's office and kept staring at me, so I just left. When I asked the head of the counseling room to show me pictures, I don't know if my eyes are weird, but all of my nostrils were wide open..ㅎ
3. ㅇㅈ
 As soon as I entered, it felt cramped. It was really cramped, but I don't really care about that kind of thing..ㅎ The head of the counseling room here is really, really, really kind.
 It feels like an older sister is talking to me, and there's no sense of salesmanship at all.
 He told me to go look around several other hospitals and showed me all the before and after pictures, and he was the only one who talked about aftercare even when I didn't ask.
 The director was also nice. Here, they took pictures of my nose and did a virtual plastic surgery on an iPad, which I liked. I almost got ripped off again. lol. But he didn't touch my nose.. It was my first time at a hospital that didn't touch my nose.. He told me to ask any questions I didn't know. This person also had a comfortable atmosphere. Details Are you kind enough to explain everything? I get that feeling, but there wasn't much talk about how I would do my surgery this way or that way.. ㅜ When I went, I witnessed one person getting the surgery and coming out. Here too, osteotomy + septal cartilage, ear cartilage, and nasal septum cartilage are optional.
4. ㅇㄷㅇㅇㅇ
 It seems like opinions are divided hereㅋㅋㅋ I think there were a lot of people who said that the director was unfriendly, but since I'm from the countryside, I didn't feel it at all.. It's just that the way he spoke was like that. Cynical? I think it's perfect.
 When I asked about the side effects, he listed about 20 side effectsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ But I said none of them applied to me. He
 said he'd do osteotomy and septum + ear cartilage if
 it's not enough. When I told him that I only wanted osteotomy, he said that was okay, but he said that he might regret it. He said it was optional
 . I didn't ask any questions, but he explained everything to me for 30 minutesㅋㅋㅋ He knew what I was worried about, but he kept explaining that he didn't regret it if he had nasal tip cartilage. He said there wouldn't be any side effects.
 Since his nose tip is so high, he didn't want to raise his nose tip, but just a little I convinced him that it was far from the side effects that other people say about having no nose tip and having it done because they're going to raise it while lowering it.. but he was stubborn to the end^_^ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ His tone is cynical and he speaks bluntly and what should I say? Should I be assertive.. That's probably why people feel that way because he's direct?
5. ㅁㅅㅇ
 Here , there's really nothing to say ㅋ
 The director here is the epitome of rudeness. Every
 time I say something, he laughs and makes me feel stressed. And why is the head of the counseling center standing behind me... I really don't understand......... Really.....ㅋ... It would be much more helpful if I left..; They said that you absolutely cannot have a bone graft here. They kept emphasizing that you absolutely have to have the tip of your nose done.
 He just didn't listen to me and ignored me. More
 than anything, the front and back views weren't my style, so I just said okay and left.
 While talking to the head of the counseling center, he said that he would put you under general anesthesia but would wake you up later and do local anesthesia. I said that it was scary and I said ^^ Even kids younger than me do it and I thought to myself, what does age have to do with being scared? I thought about it^_^
The cost is

But don't go here and say you shouldn't come here after seeing only my
 posts. It's definitely better to go there yourself.
 I 'm just posting this to be helpful. This place is absolutely not good. Never go. Know that this is not it.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

sukingg 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
복댕이야 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
ㅇㄷㅇㅇㅇ은 왤케 비싼걸까요 다른 곳에 비해서
하이야후이야 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
상담은 딱 다섯군데만 다녀오시고 수술하신건가요? ㅋㄴㅍ,ㅇㅈ 친절하게 설명 잘해준다고 들었어서 자세한 후기 찾고있었는데 도움될것같네요 감사해요
토끼와곰 Writer 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
[@하이야후이야] 넹 사실 열군데로 해놨는데 빨리하고싶은 맘에 ..다섯군데중에 정말 딱 이곳이다 하는곳 없었는데 그냥 예약하고 해버렸네용!
bory42 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
저도 4번 병원에서 할까 고민중이에요 ㅜ 여기만큼 진솔되게 봐주신곳도 없었고 제가 생각하고 있는걸 바로 캐치하시더라구요
토끼님은 무보형물로 절골만 하신건가요??
토끼와곰 Writer 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
[@bory42] 네 콧대가 있는편이라 모두 다 무보형물로 하자고 했어요! 절골하구 연골묶기했오요 여러군데 가보시구 결정 잘 하시길 바랄게요’
파일박스 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
상담다닐 리스트 짜고있는데 감사해요 참고할게요 이렇게 길고 자세히 후기써주셔서 좋네요 ㅎㅎ 다 넣어서 발품 많이 다녀봐야겠어요
토끼와곰 Writer 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
[@파일박스] 감사합니다 꼭 여러군데 상담해보시는걸 추천드려요!! 전 다섯군데밖에 안해서 그런지 아 이곳이다 하는곳은 없었거든요 ..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그날들 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
*게시자가 삭제하였습니다.
복댕이야 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
[@그날들] 전 많이 불친절하셔서 불편햇어요 솔직히 그 금액주고 굳이?그런 생각들정도로
earlgrey02 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
말씀하신 것처럼 직접 발품팔아야지 자신한테 잘 받는 병원인지 아닌지 구분이 되는거 같긴 해요 그래도 상세하게 후기 써주셔서 도움되네요! 전 재수술이라 개인병원이나 작은규모에서 실력괜찮다는 병원 위주로 찾아보고 있어요 다녀오신 병원중에서는 ㅋㄴㅍ ㅇㅇㅇ은 생각하고 있는데 ㅇㅇㅇ이 비싸긴 한가보네요..
차차라츄 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
저도어제 ㅇㅇㅇ가서 상담받았는데 지금 까지 발품팔면서 들었던 금액중에 제일 비싸더라구요.. 어디서 수술하신거에오?
Kellyy 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
이비인후과는 걸러야 되는지 고민중인데 발품이 답인가봐요ㅠ
똥주2 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
예약은 어디로 하셧나욤??
whiterollu… 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
저도 ㅇㅈ갓었는데 좀 시크하셨던기억이.. ㅇㄷㅇㅇㅇ도 상담 받고싶은데 수술 방법은 마음에 드셨나요?
mmuu 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
수술 어디로 결정하셨어요? 그리고 ㅇㄷㅇㅇㅇ 비용 얼마나오셨나요?
스마일밥 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
ㅇㅈ상담후기 공감되네요 ㅎ

전 사실 ㅇㄷㅇㅇㅇ 같은 경우는 기대를 많이 하고 가서 그런지  실망이 컸어요ㅜ
어느정도였냐면  제코 수술할 의사가 없어보이는데 애둘러 표현하시는거냐고 제가 상담 끝나고 실장한테 조심스럽게 물어볼 정도였어요~

개인사정이 있긴 했어요, 왜냐면 상담날짜 잡기도 힘들어 겨우 금요일 저녁에 반차 쓰고 급하게 올라갔거든요.
호텔 숙박까지 감행하면서요, 그런데다 수술후 부작용 팩트만 나열해주시고, 그걸 보완할 수 있는 수술법이나 해결방안 제시를 안해주시니
저로서는 답답하고 속상했어요.
한 15분 상담했나, 차마 상담비용을 지불 안 할 순 없었지만 ㅜ
덕분에 이렇게 후기는 공유할 수 있어 다행이라고 해야할지 ㅎㅎ
쮸리뜌리 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
ㅋㅇㅍㄹㅅ 엄청 비싸다 들엇는데 ㅇㅇㅇ이 더 비싸요?;;
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눈재수술과 코수술 같이하고 나니까 전체적으로 시원시원해 보여요 수술하기 전에는 쉐딩하는데 시간을 많이 썼는데 지금은 화장에 공들이지 않아도 콧대가 예쁘게 반듯하고 코끝이 오똑하게 올라가 있어서 좋아용ㅎㅎ 원하는만큼 또렷한 느낌이지만 또 너무 수술한 티가 나지 않는게 다 탑페이스 원장님 손기술 덕분이라고 생각이 든답니다! 다른 후기들보다 진짜 제코가 제일 예쁜 것 같아요...ㅎㅎ 대만족입니다ㅠ
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27 Minutes ago
코성형수술후기 - 오블리성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 90 Like 0
오블리 성형외과 매부리코 코끝(무보형물) 수술후기 저는 오블리 성형외과에서 매부리코 제거, 코끝(귀연골 비중격) 수술을 받았습니다. 현재 수술 한달차 되었습니다! 평소 긴코와 매부리코가 고민이 되어서 성형외과를 찾아보다 매부리코, 무보형물 코수술로 유명한 오블리 성형외과 김다앎 원장님을 알게 되었고 상담 후 매부리코 교정, 코끝(귀연골+비중격) 코성형으로 수술예약 하였습니다. 수술 당일에 생각보다 많이 긴장되었는데 원장님, 실장님, …
50 Minutes ago
가슴성형수술후기 - 디테성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 75 Like 0
이제 가슴수술 일주에서 이주정도 된 가슴수술한 예사 후기 글 쓴당 처음에 알아볼때 애초에 많이 알아볼건 없었고 좀 커트하고 후기 좋은곳 몇군데 알아봐서 결국 정한곳이 디테야 이준욱원장님 한분이 다 하는곳이라 거기로 정했고 cctv랑 마취과의사 다 있대서 결정했어 후기사진도 보고 모티바로 310? 정도 넣은것같아 엄청 자산이 없어서 그정도 넣어도 적당한정도...밑절로 했고 새가슴이 진짜 넘 심해서 하이브리드랑 같이 했어 고속도로 생기면 안되니까 …
55 Minutes ago