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I am leaving a review of my nose ~ ㄱㅇㅈ/ㅈㅇ/Eㅇㅌ/ㄷㅇ

웨인 2019-10-04 (금) 23:51 4 Years ago 2384
I'll combine it with what I wrote last time.
First of all, I said that I wanted to improve the shape of the nose + curved nose + shallow beaks. I don't care much about natural or flashy lines.
 Consultation.. That's it. It wasn't overbearing, but it didn't feel comfortable.
 It is said that the nasal bones are very curved. A C-shaped nose that slopes entirely to the left. (Both bones and septum) The bones are touched and the septum is examined by shining a light on it.
One side of the bone is vertical and the other side is tilted. Because the nasal bone is small, it is difficult to perform an osteotomy. It goes down a lot.. if you do that.
I do not apply silicone when making an osteotomy. However, if you put silicone in without making an osteotomy, it won't work because it will inevitably bend, and if you make an osteotomy, the bridge of the nose will be lowered, so instead, you should slightly grind it and fill it with the fascia and cartilage behind the ears above and below the beak.
The tip of the nose is now in the shape of a slightly saggy arrow nose + the tip of
 the nose is lifted slightly and pulled forward to make the mouth appear. If the wing cartilage is large, the bridge of the nose is excised, the fatty tissue is removed, and a support bar is erected to tie it off.
Take it out with a cotton swab and look at it. It doesn't take too long and feels like it's coming out naturally. The before and after photos looked just natural and it felt like the front didn't change much.
The consultation itself felt like it was just a moderate amount of work. It's better than going to the doctor for a cold, but it doesn't feel special. I was told several times that if I told them too much because they didn't know much, it would only confuse them, and they told me to go to a lot of consultations. And I told them to read the blog post... It ended up being shorter than I thought.

The consultation from the director (nurse) was better. kindness. Normally, I would listen to the director with one ear and let it out with the other, but since they said we would have surgery together, I listened carefully. I was told to unconditionally avoid places that require osteotomy and nose reduction, and that it was a nose that did not require septum lengthening surgery (for a short nose that is lifted. And that the tip of the nose does not move)
 . I was told to think carefully as the bone may be small during the osteotomy, making it difficult to breathe. And the nose itself has a slightly pinched shape, so if you reduce the nose bridge a lot, you could end up with what others call a pinched nose.
The shape
 of the women's line is half beoseon, and the men's line is straight.
 forward to a change in the
 The nose bone is small so no osteotomy should be done. You can achieve a certain degree of symmetry by sharpening your beaks. All people are naturally asymmetrical, so you don't have to focus too much on it. 3-4mm of silicone
  First, open your nose, and now you can just move your nose forward, so you can do a septum extension transplant or put a support brace on it. If there is a shortage during extension transplantation, ear cartilage or donor costal cartilage is used. Additional 50 for donor ribs. Placing a plate causes the nose to come off a little more sharply than erecting a support. The big difference is that the columella has been removed more beautifully.
 Anyway, it is tailored to the patient’s choice. I didn't ask about the boxy nose, but ended up asking about the curved nose...ㅠ
 It's better to keep your nose natural. The more flashy the product, the higher the chance of side effects. Compare it to building a building. The nasolabial angle is narrow, but it is okay to lift it a little, and the shape is okay even if it is pulled forward as is. When used as a donor rib, it is hard. Instead, it falls more sharply and can be seen as a difference of 90 points becoming 100 points. That's a choice. If the nasal septum is severely curved, extension transplantation is not possible.
Counseling is friendly. If you ask, they will tell you in an easy-to-understand manner, although it is not professional. There was no Citi or facilitation, only Sijin. In the photos shown, the side lines were all pretty, and the front shape didn't change much. I can't see the picture of Bokko... Mid 200 cash. If you have AS inflammation or a problem during surgery, we will take good care of it. Even things like a bent nose seem to be dealt with in the beginning. Of course, you can't suddenly show up three years later and say you don't like the way it looks, but don't worry about problems. It seemed like they said there was no time limit, but I felt like they were a bit presumptuous or I didn't understand...
 This is what I felt the last time I went for a consultation here, and the director was gentle and calm. And they saw me off when I left.
 The consultation was okay, so I was thinking about just doing it here.
 As soon as I saw the director, I started laughing. I watched it on YouTube, but when I saw it in person, it felt like something new.
As soon as I met him, I looked closely at his nose and touched it here and there. After chatting for a while, he examined the inside of my nose with an endoscope. Overall, the nasal bone was bent and the nasal septum was said to be very bent. At first, while explaining the shape, the director said that the pictures he showed me all showed the tip of the nose being raised, so I didn't like that line, and since I'm a man, I like a right triangle, and he said he wanted to maintain this angle without lifting the tip of the nose, and only move it forward. So, what does that mean? I decided to go with this. We keep bickering. I tried to show him a photo, but he said it wasn't much help since it was someone else's photo anyway. Anyway, I said that the tip of the nose line was not lifted due to the right triangle, and the director seemed to focus on the nasolabial angle. So, in the current state, if I just pull it forward, it becomes an arrow nose. Are you asking me to make it like that? It was like this. They explained and argued back and forth, but in the end, they told me not to have the surgery if I liked it, so I just complied.
 The design was gorgeous and natural, and they said they would match what they said out of the middle three, and that the cartilage used would not change. It seems that the feeling can be changed through manipulation.
The functional part is that the nasal bone is adjusted through an osteotomy, so the nasal septum has to be adjusted accordingly, and the adjusted nasal septum is then expanded or expanded again? Anyway, I was told that it had to be fixed with a spreader graft and that the turbinates had to be plasticized along the aligned nasal septum... Major construction;;

I don't know if it's uncomfortable to breathe right now, and I don't have rhinitis, but I just said yes, yes, yes... Other places said not to do an osteotomy because the bones are small, but when I asked what they thought, how would they fix the crooked nose if they didn't have an osteotomy? I looked at a picture of a woman with a very small nose bone, and she also had an osteotomy. Explain that you got it right. I asked if it was possible to fix the curved part by grinding it and manipulating it with silicone, and he explained why I shouldn't do it in detail while drawing a picture.
When I asked if there would be any problem with breathing after the osteotomy, he said that since I can't breathe well right now, I should improve accordingly. So, I'm breathing well... Anyway, I was told that it would be better than this, so I said no.. haha. Anyway, counseling is a fight. However, I felt that it was done meticulously and that they were well looked after. The consultation fee was not a waste. But as a lot of things were added, the cost became too much... The general anesthesia fee was added to the functional surgery... It was a cash price with a discount, but it was 500 Won...
4. ㄷㅇ
 A close doctor tried it here and it went really well, so I gave it a try. I've been there. At first, I went with ㅇㄱㅁ because ㅇㄱㅁ was famous, but when the manager came to me through an acquaintance, she said it would be better to see the same doctor... Actually, I had that feeling, so I changed it to ㄱㅈㅇ.
I asked the manager to show me several photos, and they came out exactly like the ones my close friend did. Personally, I like the shape.. I thought this was being taken, but at the same time, I thought it could look good because it creates the shape of the nose without any ups and downs.
It's a large hospital, but the wait wasn't as long as I thought, and there weren't that many people. What’s interesting is that all the patients and counselors were men. I guess he's famous for being a man. Anyway, the director came in and consulted. It seemed a bit rushed. As soon as I saw him, he gave me an estimate and I had a feeling that this person would be good at surgery.
  There was a certain vibe coming from that moment. He didn't look confident and was just quiet and timid, but it felt like something.. Anyway, after examining and palpating, he explained that my nose was big, but when I opened it, it was clear that my nose had a small septum, making me touch his nose in various ways. They said my nose has spread cartilage and is filled with fat. Bokko. No matter which hospital I went to, I was told that the higher the tip of the nose was, the more the improvement would be. Anyway, they said they would cut out the inner flesh, manipulate the cartilage, and raise the tip of the nose.
The nasal septum is always used and the donor ribs are used in addition. The nasal septum is the best for surgery, but I was told that the volume would definitely not come out. In my case, they told me how they would cut and insert the donor ribs and place the septum slightly on the tip of my nose.
When I asked about the crooked nose, they told me not to do an osteotomy because the bone was small, and that they would grind the slightly crooked part or simply manipulate the crooked nose to correct the crooked nose. In the case of a deviated nasal septum, if it is not bent too much, just hold it slightly and take it into consideration. If it is bent a lot, you have to break it and re-arrange it. In this case, the strength of the septum is weakened and it cannot be raised much. They said that this part could be left to the doctor performing the surgery.
 Anyway, Director A had the nasal septum and nasal tip cartilage developed quite like Westerners. He touched his nose and explained it to me using examples, which I understood quite well. The consultation time was short, about 10 minutes.
  The manager kept pestering me, but I decided to think about it on my own. After thinking about it for a while, I felt something and saw that they would provide free A/S for one year, so I placed a deposit and left. Cost: 300 Won.
I think the fact that a doctor I'm close with said that being good at speaking is different from being good at surgery, that people who are good at surgery have unique taste in their hands, and that I should just refer to unedited photos was a big contributor to my decision.
ㄱㄹㅂ decided to change the date because the surgery would take a long time, and the other two places were pursuing extremely natural lines, so I was worried about whether or not I would regret it if I didn't go to the consultation, so I just canceled. I will have surgery later and post a review~

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