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Please select Bokko Hospital ㅠㅠ (ㅈㅇㅈㅇ ㄷㅇㅇ ㅇㅆ Valpum Review)

로챙 2019-07-09 (화) 19:53 5 Years ago 2681
My nose has a low bridge and a slightly hooked nose. The tip of my nose is also small, low, and depressed (I lived my whole life thinking I had a big nose, but everyone told me I had a small nose.) The
 part I wanted to improve the most was my boxy nose. When viewed from the front, it felt sharp. Because I wanted it, I put the most emphasis on improving the front.
 I hadn't really thought about the side lines in detail, so I asked them to be somewhere between natural and glamorous. They also said I could bring a photo of the celebrity I wanted, so I brought a photo of beauty YouTuber ㅇㅅㅂ.
Consultation fees for all four areas. There was none.
 The nose tip correction (cartilage tying, fat removal, nasal septum, ear cartilage) and nose bridge silicone were mentioned in common.
 I first wanted to do it without implants, so I asked if I could do it without silicone. My forehead and mouth were protruding, but my nose was pressed in, so I had to do a nose bridge. He said it would be pretty, and that I have a hooked beak, so if I don't put silicone in, the side lines will be uneven. He also said that if I don't do the bridge of the nose, the effect of improving the nose on the front will be diminished, so I decided to put silicone in.
Please understand that it's a bit ugly from here on.

ㅈㅇㅈㅇ (Director Jeong)
 It doesn't have a factory-type feel. It was good, waiting time was 30 minutes.
 Donor costal cartilage can be used if the nasal septum
 is not enough. The bridge of the nose is small, so there is no need to have it done, but
 if you want to feel as sharp as
 the picture (Mr.
 I don't have one, but since it was my first hospital, I didn't know much, so I couldn't ask many questions, and I don't think I'll go there because I'm afraid there might be something I don't like during the final consultation.
 The price is the cheapest among the four.
 (Director Kim)
 It's a large hospital, and the waiting time is 30 minutes.
 Director He looks very busy, so he explains it quickly and leaves.
 As soon as he leaves, he takes a photo of his face and provides consultation based on the photo. He said
 that he will reduce the nostril bridge through an incision and that an osteotomy is not necessary.
 He will also correct the crooked nose due to severe facial asymmetry
 (the eyes and mouth are all slanted, but only the nose) They said they would correct it as much as possible in a line that matches the face properly because it would be weird if it was straight.
 100% correction is not possible.)
 When I asked if raising the bridge of the nose with silicone would make the space between the eyes narrower, they said that it would narrow the area and that they would do it as much as possible to make it as narrow as possible . The director has a lot of experience, but he said that there are many things that can't be done. I felt trustworthy because he said clearly that it was not possible. I had a brief consultation, but it felt most professional.
 The downside was that the manager forced me to pay a reservation fee, and I was worried that it was too large (I was worried about the possibility of using a shadow doctor, and I was worried about disadvantages such as having a bad review deleted if I had side effects.)
 The price was the highest
 ㅇㅆ (Director Choi)
 It's a private hospital, it's famous for cleft lip surgery, so I got a nose job while receiving treatment for cleft lip surgery, but it was surprisingly good (the director says it's famous for nose revision surgery).
 The director personally took a picture with a camera and photoshopped
 it right away. They measured the length and were meticulous (instead, the previous three hospitals used cotton swabs to shape the nose and showed it to me, but there was nothing like that).
 Although they were blunt, they kindly accepted my questions. They
 said they trimmed the beak and made an osteotomy, and corrected a crooked nose if it was asymmetrical. Likewise, they corrected it 100% of the time. During the consultation with Dr. Bulgar
 , he did not mention reduction of the nose bridge, so I asked the director and he said that he would not do it because it seemed unnecessary.
 I liked that it was a private hospital and I liked that they showed me most of the before and after photos. The
 downside is that the director is good at answering questions. They didn't mention some of them until I asked.. When I asked about silicone, they said it was included. After the consultation with the director, they remembered the silicone reduction, so I asked the manager about it and he said he didn't think it would be necessary.
 The price is about mid-level
 ———— ——————————————
 I'm worried because I like the before and after photos of all four places.
 The price is ㅈㅇㅈㅇ < ㅇㅆ < ㅍㄹㅁㅇ (including osteotomy) < ㄷㅇㅇ and
 now my mind is leaning toward ㅇㅆ. I think..
 I like the director, but the large size is too big..ㅠㅠ This is
 a subjective review. If you have any further questions about the exact price or anything, please ask in the comments. Also, if I have any incorrect information or if you have any information about any of the hospitals mentioned, please let me know!

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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기모나나 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
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코끝 정면에서 볼때 들린느낌이 나서 재수하려고 간거였음 원장님 지정 제대로 못했는데 비주 볼륨있는 느낌 내려면 김원장이라고 함 엄은 비주는 살짝 썰린느낌 난다며..ㅋㅋ 그래서 자로 패스 사진 찍어서 인쇄해서 그려주면서 상담했는데 넘 옆라인만 신경쓴 느낌 나는 정면개선이 주 목적이었는데 병원에서 촬영하는 것도 완전 측면만 사진찍고 끝이어서 전문성 떨어져 보였음 10군데 넘게 상담다녔는데 이런곳은 처음이라 뭐지 싶었음 원장님이 뭐 개선하고싶냐 말하래서 말했고 거기에 대해서 할수있다 못한다는 확실하게 말해줬는데 뭔가 급해보였어서 수술해도 내가 난리치지 않는 이상 제대로 안봐주겠구나 싶어서 패스..ㅎ
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