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Rhinoplasty revision surgery consultation review

악몽이따로없네 2019-04-29 (월) 00:02 5 Years ago 933
 It's been quite a while since I signed up, but I've only been eyeing it.
 I'm posting a review of the consultation.
 I've had a lot of revision surgeries (4 times)
 and I haven't really had any contractures, but
 I don't like the way it looks and the skin on the tip of my nose is too thin,
 so I thought it was my last time and decided to consult for revision surgery. I'm back!
 I worked hard to write it, but it got a little tiresome later on,
 so the writing got shorter and shorter.
 I'm posting this in the hope that you'll find it helpful!
 I don't know if I can use the hospital name as is, so I'll post it with the initial consonant for now!

 Dermal transplant because the skin on the tip of the nose is thin
 Reuse the donated costal cartilage inside it
 Replace it with Gore-Tex since the silicone is not properly fixed
 Lower the nostrils with ear cartilage
 Recommended nasolabial angle surgery (cat surgery)
 Overall, I think the problems with my nose and the director's opinion are
 more than 95% It was a good match. It was
 before the end of the surgery, so I was most attracted to the fact that I could check the shape of the nose before suturing.
 The cost was 450 for the basic reoperation, plus this and that, and it came to 720.
 It was a bit crazy to say that if you make a reservation on the same day, you will get a 200,000 won
 The director spoke quietly and had a great reaction.
 I went in to see the director, but as soon as I walked in ,
 he said that you had worked hard, which made me feel embarrassed. He suggested
 autologous costal cartilage, and the cartilage on the tip of the nose was crushed. He said that
 it would be hard to use and that he could use ear cartilage if I really didn't like it, but it wouldn't make it stronger. He said that my nose was curved and the silicone was a little bent, so he said
 he would do it together with the rhinitis surgery. He said he would adjust the shape to my liking and showed me some before and after pictures. It felt a little sharper than I wanted, so this was what I was most worried about.
 After consulting with the director, a different director came in, and the feeling was really good. He spoke well and told me about any parts of my face that were lacking overall. The price is
 800 for cosmetic surgery, 500 for rhinitis, and 300 for rhinitis, but rhinitis is covered by insurance. This is how I can get a refund.
 The surgery time is 5~6 hours. This is a bit tough
 My nose is curved
 so I have to have an osteotomy. This is the first time they have talked about an osteotomy. They said I need to raise the bridge of my nose higher than I am now. They said I didn't want to raise the bridge of my nose, so they said that the bridge of my nose would end up lower than it is now, so I had to raise my bridge of the nose a little.
 Gore-Tex autologous costal cartilage fascia on the bridge of the nose eliminates the see-through phenomenon, and
 the director himself seems to prefer a natural look.
 He took a picture of the side profile and showed that it would look like this by applying it on the spot. When the director spoke, he spoke with a slightly mocking smile, which made me feel a little bad, but he does that every time he speaks. Looking at it, it seemed to be a habit, and
 the counselor was so-so. It felt a bit stiff and didn't seem to know much. The price was 660, so you can get about 2 million won back. The price seemed good, and they said they would give you up to 600 if you make a reservation on the same day, so I was worried a lot, but for now, I just came.
 didn't know. I heard it was black and I didn't know if it was true,
 but I went there, but the director told me to do this and that as if he were the director.
 I consulted with the director, and he said that he still had a lot of ear cartilage left, so he said he would focus on silicone and ear cartilage in the nasal septum, and if it wasn't enough, he could use the donated costal cartilage that he had now. They perform the surgery in their own way. It's a method I've never heard of, but it looks novel. It's not that the tip of the nose has become thinner, but the tip of the nose is originally thin, but they made it so pointed that it shows through.
 The bridge of the nose is the same as it is now, or lower than it is now, and the bridge of the nose is narrowed. They said they would raise the cut part higher so it wouldn't bend. I think the price could have been reduced by 600 more, but I bargained badly the first time. It's annoying
 . (Apgujeong)
 The bridge of the nose is about as high as it is now, and the rest is made up of silicone ear cartilage. If that's not enough, use the donated costal cartilage that is already in there. The see-through phenomenon can be done with self-dermal dermis or Alloderm. The cartilage lowers the nostrils and the upper part of the philtrum goes in and the tip of the nose is rounded and raised slightly. The price is in the late 500s.
 Both the director and the doctor had something unique about them.
 The director in particular was really weird. He didn't make any sense and
 seemed to solve the Muson riddle. Even if you have a nose surgery, it has to be done to move the tip of the nose. The doctor who uses donated costal cartilage is not skilled. He says he can do it, but he won't tell you how to do it anyway because he won't understand. This feeling, and he barely listened to my opinion about the shape. This is a bit annoying. The bridge of his nose. It can be done with silicone, but it is emphasized that the tip of the nose is non-implantable and is done with autologous tissue.
 I can't remember if it was 720 when done with nose bridge dermis, or 680 when done with silicone,
 but it was around that price. The price seems to be the most expensive.

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여니여니해 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
악몽이따로없네 Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
파뤼타임쓰 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
악몽이따로없네 Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
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가슴이 너무 빈약해서 예전부터 꼭 해보고 싶었던게 가슴 수술인데 이제서야 받게 되었네요 더성형 옥원장님 후기들을 많이 봤었고 워낙 가슴쪽으로 유명하셔서 상담부터 기대했었는데 제 기대를 너무 잘 충족시켜주셔서 바로 수술까지 받게 된거 같아요 보형물도 하나하나 다 핏해보면서 크기 가늠해볼 수 있었구요 제 생활패턴 꼼꼼하게 물어봐주시고 그거 토대로 절개부위까지 정해주셨습니다. 상담 때 크기 어느정도 나올거 같다고 한거 그대로 크기 잘 나왔구요 절개도 제 생활에 지장 안가게끔 잘 해주셔서 회복 단계에서도 크게 불편함 없이 잘 지냈던거 같구요 저는 사후관리도 꼬박꼬박 잘 받고 있는 중입니다 촉감도 지금 많이 좋아져서 너무 행복합니다 ^^
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