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Written nose surgery 3-site consultation review

림스 2019-04-01 (월) 19:15 5 Years ago 1150
I've been to three places for consultation in writing, but I feel like I have more concerns after each consultation...ㅠㅠ Is there a blacklist that I should filter out? I searched cafes and everywhere, but I'm so anxious because even at famous hospitals, there are side effect reviews like construction.
I've been to ㅁㅇ, ㅇㅇㅇㅋ, and ㄷㅍㅇㅅ for consultations, but
ㅁㅇㅡ They said they would put on silicone on the bridge of my nose, cover it with Alloderm so that it's less noticeable, tie the cartilage on the tip of my nose, and extend the columella with my septum or ear cartilage? They mentioned making an incision outside the nostrils, but they said they wouldn't do that. Anyway, the price was the most expensive. Maybe it's because of the Alloderm, but they said it was 330 for a card and 300 for cash. Not only the price, but they didn't even touch my nose for the consultation, so I didn't trust them, so
I eliminated them. ㅇㅇㅇㅋㅡ They did the consultation while touching my nose, and it was over really quickly. Here, they did nose bridge silicone, nose tip cartilage tying, nose tip raising with ear cartilage, and nose fat removal on the inside for 280 on card and 260 in cash. The head of the consultation room is more trustworthy than the director...? He said that raising the nose bridge shouldn't be the main goal, but that we should improve the tip of the nose and adjust the height of the nose bridge accordingly. I'm worried because I'm wondering if I really need to get nose fat removal...
ㄷㅍㅇㅅㅡ I like the facilities and the director's consultation the most, so it's my number one priority right now. It seems like they're pursuing a natural nose, and I want to do it naturally too, so that's good. Just like ㅇㅇㅇㅋ, they did nose bridge silicone, nose tip cartilage tying, and nose tip raising with ear cartilage, and the price was the same - 280 on card and 260 in cash.
 At other hospitals, they wanted to cover it with Alloderm, but since my nose is so low, they were worried that it would be noticeable if they put silicone in. So they said that they could put it in so that it wouldn't be noticeable, and after feeling here and there on my nose, they said that my skin wasn't thin enough for it to show. I think the consultation was the most thorough and thorough. Among the cafe reviews, some people said it went well and others said their noses collapsed, so I'm worried ㅠㅠ
First of all, my nose can't use a septum, so the basics are nose bridge silicone, nose bridge extension, nose tip cartilage tying, and ear cartilage to make it stand up. I think it's like that.
 I liked ㄷㅍㅇㅅ the most, but they didn't say anything about removing nose fat.... I got a consultation here first and went to ㅇㅇㅇㅋ and heard that, so I'm really worried.. Did they not suggest it because it was unnecessary or did ㅇㅇㅇㅋ make the nose shape more delicate?
I wanted to get a consultation at ㄴㅈㅇㅇ too, but their website is gone and they said their phone number is a dead phone. Does anyone know if this place is out of business...? I'm going to go get a few more consultations for now ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Please recommend people who got rhinoplasty in Seomyeon and had good results

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
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림스 Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
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