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8 reviews

바닐라쉐이크 2019-02-23 (토) 18:32 5 Years ago 1112
Male, first surgery, surgical area: eyes (eye correction), nose (nose bridge, tip of the nose, osteotomy, nostril reduction)

1. ㅇㄱㅈ / ㅁㅇㄴㅇㅊ
 I went there on the recommendation of my brother, but I didn't really like the reviews or the consultation.
 It was also my first consultation. I did it, and I didn't like it so much that I couldn't remember it.
2. ㅇㄱㅈ /ㅅㅎ
 A friend of mine had her eyes and nose done here and it turned out pretty well, so I went on recommendation.
 The consultation fee was 10,000 won, there was no mention of osteotomy, they tried melting the filler to reduce the bridge of the nose, the tip of the nose, and the bridge of the nose, and it was said that the beak could be slightly sharpened.
 They said that if there was a shortage of nasal septum and ear cartilage after using it, a mesh would be put in, but the fact that a mesh would be put in even if it was insufficient
 did not sound very good.
 6 million won in total for the eyes and nose
3. ㄱㄴ / ㅇㅍㄹ
 Non-incision eye correction, nose tip cutting, slight shaving of the beak, and nostril reduction,
 although it was under the condition of partial disclosure of the photo, it was so cheap that I felt bad, but the moment I was about to make a reservation deposit,
 an acquaintance stopped me and I received information from various places, so I did not deposit the money. If I had done that, it would have been a really big problem.
4. ㄱㄴ / ㅇㄴ
 I took a CT scan and the director liked it and showed me how much filler was in.
 Looking at my septum CT, my septum was small compared to my nose, so I would use ear cartilage and not use mesh, and I remember that the size of the nose was 640, including the tip of the nose and the nose bridge reduction osteotomy.
 , But the reason why I didn't do it here is because the director ㅡㅡ asked for 130 nose reduction and made a deal saying that if I set a date right here and now, he could reduce it up to 590, so I didn't do it because of the director ㅡㅡ
5. ㅅㅅ / ㅍㄹㅂ
 They said the directors came over from that ㅂㄹㅇ. He said he was good at reoperations, so I thought he would do well for the first surgery, so I went and
 got a CT scan, and he explained things well. But why? Gore-Tex is recommended;
 The nose is 400, but the eyes are 200 or 250. I heard
 that the name changed from ㅂㅇ during the expansion of the business recently, but there is no information, so this place is still only a candidate..
6. ㅇㄱㅈ / ㅁㅍㄹㅅ
 Two of my acquaintances worked here and everything went well.
 However, if there is a problem,
 the price is: Jun Navissem's nose alone is over 500, and they even recommend noble surgery, but when I looked up the consultation reviews, I
 thought it was a bit strange to see that they recommended all noble surgery to people other than me.
 For the eyes, partial incision eye correction costs 250 won
 , so the total cost is 830 won, and if the filler is dissolved, an additional 100,000 won is added. 840,
 excluding nobles, it's 750. But they keep recommending nobles.
 I'd like to do it here because my friends are doing so well, but I've seen a lot of bad reviews recently;
7. ㅅㄴㅎ / ㅂ
 Here, Director A is famous for having a good nose, so I nominated him to become a counselor.
 But the coordinators are too annoying and the highlight is the director;; Did I come here to get surgery from this person after seeing him with his legs wide open and trembling
 ? The price
 wasn't as expensive as I thought.
 But I was advised not to do the eyes but to be a clown.
 The cheekbones stick out, but they say the cheekbones will have a great effect.
 Actually.. my older brother has a wide nose, so I found it very effective...
8. ㅇㄱㅈ / ㅇㅇㅇ
 I went there yesterday,
 but I don't think it would look good on my eyes. If I had to recommend it, it would be a posterior epicanthoplasty, but I don't want to recommend the eye surgery itself.
 I thought about the osteotomy for the nose, so I decided for myself, and the nose bridge reduction, nose tip osteotomy was
 550, looking at other people's estimates, it doesn't seem to be this much, but I feel like I've had my eyelids...
After using it, I can speak casually as I please. I wrote this.
Please share some information about my product and review. The first surgery costs over 500 dollars, so I
 'm tired of continuing to sell my product in the hope that it will work out at a place that really treats me well ㅠㅜ

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됴됴새 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
바닐라쉐이크 Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
테일러힐 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
프리미소 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
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Eyelid job Cmt 0 View 61 Like 0
쌍수 5개월차 경과한 사진인데 어때보이나요 절개로 했고 인아웃라인으로 했어요 붓기나 멍도 처음부터 많이 없었고 회복도 빨랐던 편인거 같은데 라인이 생각보단 잘 나온거 같아 만족중입니다. ㅎㅎㅎ 눈매도 더 또렷해진거 같고요
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