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ㅇㅇㅇ, ㅍㄹㅁㅇ, ㅁㅂ Foot review

문라이트조명 2018-06-24 (일) 09:06 6 Years ago 4626
[Rhinoplasty product review/Beware of long posts]
I received a nose quotation and put down a deposit at ㅇㅇㅇ, ㅍㄹㅁㅇ, ㅁㅂ, but I'm really worried ㅜㅠㅜㅠ
 The bridge of my nose is not low, but my nose has been stressful all my life, so my top priority is to thin the tip of my nose / Preferably remove foreign substances. That was my request without adding it! Actually, when I look at my nose in the mirror, it's not as fat as it looks in the picture, but when I take a picture, it looks as plump as I can see in the mirror, so I'm not too greedy because I'm satisfied with it appearing in the picture just as much as I see in the mirror!
There are three methods: tying the nasal tip cartilage and straightening the tip of the nose with the septum cartilage.
 ㅇㅇㅇ: Column erection (using the nasal septum), silicone nose bridge (if you don't do it, your chin will become saggy and look unnatural) - KRW 2.2 million
            : The waiting time was long and the consultation time was very short...Doctor. Even when I asked him a question, he didn't give me a good answer, and when I consulted with the manager after seeing the doctor, he ended by saying, "You know we're good at nose jobs, right? If you want to make a reservation, you need to make it quickly." It felt a bit unfriendly and blunt, but there were so many good reviews of the surgery that I was worried. I think it might have been more objective since it was the only place where a CT scan was taken.
ㅍㄹㅁㅇ: Column erection (using mesh), osteotomy - KRW 2.2 million
               : The waiting time was long, but they were very kind. I was happy that the director told me that if I just trim the tip of my nose, I wouldn't be too greedy and that it would look pretty enough (I'm so happy haha). Even when I asked about this and that, he kindly answered everything, and when I said I was scared because it was my first surgery, such as mesh or osteotomy, I told him that if I was really worried, I would just do the basics and the shape would come out pretty. However, if you want to do something a little more fancy than what you already do, they made it easy for you by telling you that there is an option like this. However, when explaining the osteotomy, he said that it is relatively simpler to cut the bone than the tip of the nose, which touches the nerves, and that there are almost no side effects, but I was a little confused. While I was waiting, I talked to the person next to me. His cousin had it done here, and the before nose was exactly the same as mine, but he said it went really well, which gave me a little more trust.
ㅁㅂ: He suggested using mesh as well because he felt the septum would not be enough when raising the tip of the nose. - KRW 2.2 million
         : The waiting time was short and the consultation was very friendly. I asked him about what he had heard at a previous hospital, and he gave me a very realistic explanation of the pros and cons, so I trusted him. In order to make the tip of the nose look thin, you have to raise it and pull it forward, so there are limitations if you don't use silicone, but they say you can make it thin enough without silicone if you're not too greedy. It is true that the bridge of the nose is relatively thick compared to the size of the face, but the absolute size of the bone is small, so an osteotomy will not have any special effect, so they recommend not doing it. It was the most realistic consultation as it explained side effects well.
ㅍㄹㅁㅇ said that it was burdensome for me to use foreign substances, so he said it wouldn't be a problem even if I didn't have to use foreign substances, so he said that if you remove the mesh, he will make it 170! I'm thinking about getting an osteotomy, so if I remove the osteotomy, it'll be a little cheaper...? So the price is probably the cheapest for ㅍㄹㅁㅇ, but the consultation atmosphere was good for both ㅍㄹㅁㅇ and ㅁㅂ, and I liked ㅇㅇㅇ because all of the reviews' nose designs were really to my taste. I've been using this ㅜㅠㅜㅠ
This is the hundreds of times I've thought about doing something extravagant, but I've just consoled myself by telling myself not to be greedy ㅠㅠㅜㅠ I think I need to make a reservation quickly because summer is the peak season, but I'm posting this because I want to hear other people's opinions on what it's like!

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