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I had a failed nose surgery, so please give me advice on hospital reviews, compensation, lawsuits, and other issues.

하윤리 2018-06-11 (월) 05:04 6 Years ago 3824
Is it okay to mention the hospital name with the initial consonant and *?
 And why isn't your name mentioned?
 You can leave a good review, but if you leave a bad review, the only problem is that there will only be good reviews... Can't you just write down the region?
First of all, I made it look like a monster after the first nose surgery, and the second time, I made it so that it wasn't something people would whisper about in passing, but of course it wasn't the shape I wanted and people who saw it asked, "Why did your nose become so curved?" Of course, it is saggy and looks old, so you can never think that it was paid for. It doesn't make sense to turn someone's nose into a non-meburi nose.
And the hospital has done all kinds of ridiculous things, and if I mention it, they might think it's their hospital and take action in advance. How should I deal with it? I haven't told them to go to the hospital and compensate for the mistake of the surgery yet, but I plan to do so when I'm ready. I don't know what or how to prepare.
I want to expose everything you did to me, is that okay?
To give just one light example, he said to me while I was lying on the operating table, "I'm going to turn you into a sex tumor~" right before going into surgery. Haha, isn't this all over if he says he never did anything like that? I think some idiot doctor had his qualifications suspended in the past because he deliberately ruined his face, but that doctor wasn't this doctor, right?
 Another thing is that during the consultation in advance, we decided what to do and how to do it, but right before the surgery, they suddenly said something different. Suddenly, they asked me to sign the consent form for surgery using different materials. When I asked him if he had decided to use this material and not that material, he said, Oh well, just use that. But looking at the results, I wonder if surgery has ever been done with that material. I had already paid, changed clothes, and was about to go into surgery. I have a lot of other things to say to you, but let me tell you one thing: Even when you are lying on the operating table and holding an anesthetic injection, if you feel like it is not right, just run out.
And there are various circumstances that make it seem like you didn't have the surgery, but wouldn't that be the end if the hospital took it away?
Don't even trust the real manager. Haha, I'd like to say more about the manager, but he's terrible. There aren't just one or two episodes hahaha. I looked up the article and found that there was someone who suffered a similar method as me a long time ago.
I wonder what this director would be like haha. I hope that the hospital, the doctor, and the director all go bankrupt and suffer from pain for the rest of their lives. Like I've been through pain.
I'm trying to re-surgery at another hospital, but they say the more the surgery, the worse it gets. It's stressful and expensive, and it's really annoying. I don't regret the nose surgery, but I regret having it done at that hospital. It was a completely basic nose that only needed to be slightly trimmed. They said so themselves and other hospitals also said so.
I'm so angry until dawn that I can't sleep. I just wrote it down without any hesitation.. First of all, I have some questions:
 1. Are there any legal problems if I disclose everything I experienced due to the initial consonant of the hospital name at Seongyesa?
 2. How should I prepare when I go to this hospital? I heard that when other people had problems at this hospital, they put off consultations and didn't see them. I'm worried that I might do the same. If you read something like that, I don't think you'll be compensated properly. I don't want to do it again. At that time, I had no choice but to do it again there as soon as possible because the nose was made so that I couldn't go outside.
 3. How should I approach requesting compensation? Actually, I would like to claim the original surgery cost, re-surgery cost, compensation for psychological damage, and the losses incurred due to not being able to live in society, but I don't think they will do it, and I would like to receive the re-surgery cost or at least a refund for the surgery fee. They may say they will pay a portion of the surgery cost, or they may say they won't cover it at all, right? Then, can I say that I intend to proceed with a lawsuit? I am worried whether compensation will be provided only then or whether the evidence will be fabricated in advance.
 4. Is there any help from Seongyesa regarding this?
We would like to ask for opinions from other members.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

세스코 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
저도 어딘지 알수있을까요??
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