My nose is round and I can't even see the bridge of my nose from the front, so I get very stressed every time I take a picture. I have a bridge of my nose, but I don't like the shape of my nose. Balpoomdanini here and there recommended osteotomy a lot.
Silicone nose bridge osteotomy, like this. He doesn't recommend nose bridge reduction. I've only heard about double nose correction from one place.
However, it's my first surgery and I'm too scared of side effects or anything like that
, so I'm not going to use silicone. I don't want to be greedy, and I want to see a lot of frontal results. If there's a hospital you can recommend, please do.
The place I went to for consultation is ㅁㅍㄹㅅ ㅇㄹㅁ ㅈㅅㅌ ㅍㄹㅁㅇ It's like this. Now I'm going to go back.
If you have had a case nose surgery like me, please help me ㅠㅠ