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[Rhinoplasty][Basic knowledge article][Read before rhinoplasty]/Nasal septum lengthening surgery/Nasal septum support/Ear cartilage/

kingkongbb 2016-10-13 (목) 15:15 7 Years ago 12665

We will teach you the basics of rhinoplasty, septum lengthening, nasal septum support, and ear cartilage.
I posted about Seongyesa several times and asked about it, but no one gave me an answer, so I asked the doctors directly and this is the answer I received.
It looks like there are no experts at Seongyesa Temple. I've posted dozens of times, but I haven't received any replies, so I'm writing this out of frustration, wondering if everyone is being selfish.
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 [Basic knowledge of nose surgery before reading]
Rhinoplasty = Correction in various cases, such as when the nose is congenitally low or deformed, or when defects or deformities occur in the nose area due to tumor surgery, etc. Rhinoplasty (nose heightening surgery) can be performed for the purpose of permanent treatment. (Including rhinoplasty for beauty)
Contraction = Nose lifting phenomenon (The photo of the nose area in the fourth photo shows a nose with contracture. The fifth photo shows the reason for nasal contracture and how to prescribe it)
Septum lengthening surgery = Raising the tip of the nose with the nasal septum ( If you look at the second photo, the nasal septum is harvested and placed gently on the tip of the nose
. (Septum support) = This is cut like a septum bar between the columella at the bottom of the nose and placed as a support. (First photo)
Ear cartilage insertion surgery = Ear cartilage is cut at the tip of the nose. This is a surgery to place ear cartilage. (Third photo) Ear cartilage is collected from the back of the auricle
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[The number is the question I asked, and the answer is the answer given by the doctor.]
[If there is a problem, I will delete it]
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1. If you look at the picture, the septum support is placed over the columella. That's called a septum support, right? (First photo)
Answer: Yes, that's right. The nasal septum can be supported using septum lengthening surgery, or it can be supported by only erecting a septal support.
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2. When the tip of the nose is erected with ear cartilage, if you look at the picture, the ear cartilage covers the entire side of the two nostrils, that is,
 the tip of the nose, and two cartilages are inserted into each nostril. Is this correct? (Third photo)
Answer: The two cartilages shown in the picture are not ear cartilages, but nasal wing cartilages that are originally in the nose. The support only applies to the middle.
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3. If you look at the septum lengthening surgery photo, only one septal cartilage is placed at the tip of the nose. Does it cover the side of the nose, that is, the bridge of the nose? (Second photo)
Answer: The cartilage in the bridge of the nose is as mentioned above. As I said, it is the original nasal cartilage, and septum lengthening surgery
  is a method of stretching the cartilage extending from the nasal septum all the way to the front. The cartilage placed on the tip of the nose can be septal cartilage if there is any remaining septum cartilage, or ear cartilage can be placed on top
  . The thickness is determined by the number of layers depending on the shape of the nose.
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4. I want to erect the tip of my nose using only ear cartilage. It's different for each person and you have to see Zeco in person to know, but when you judge objectively,
 what is the reason for setting up a septum support?
Answer: Septal support and septum lengthening are different surgeries. In the case of men, when correction of a crooked nose is difficult, surgery is sometimes performed using only a septum support.
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5. If a large amount of the nasal septum is harvested, there are side effects such as a bent nasal septum or saddle nose.
  Ear cartilage is often recommended for the first surgery considering reoperation. What are the advantages of having the nasal septum erected to straighten the tip of the nose? ??
 Does the design itself become prettier?
Answer: The nose is relatively stable, and there is no case of severe nasal septum obstruction among experienced surgeons.
 In fact, the phenomenon of crooked nose after nose surgery is more likely to occur when the original crooked nose is straightened without correction, making the crooked nose stand out.
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6. I saw an article saying that if you insert silicone into the bridge of your nose, you are carrying a time bomb. There are some people who experience side effects right after putting it in, but
 it is said that side effects occur in about 10 to 15 years. I heard that even after silicone removal, if contracture or nose bridge is
 shaved and inserted, reoperation to insert autologous dermal implants, etc. is inevitable.
 Also, many doctors know this, but
 they still perform surgery because inserting silicone into the bridge of the nose is the safest and most effective method technically. To be honest, if I were to be stubborn, I would
 have to live with silicone for the rest of my life. Not only does it make no sense to insert a foreign substance and live without side effects for the rest of your life, but
 there may be some people who live without side effects for the rest of their lives, but if I have surgery, I cannot guarantee that there will be no side effects for the rest of my life.
  / Counselor I'm curious what your opinion is on silicone nose bridge insertion.
 I want to keep my sanity, but I'm currently confused because of the many side effects posts, so I'm asking this long question.

Answer: The reason why silicone is the first choice among currently available implants/autologous materials is because it has relatively stable stability/shape and
  does not cause damage to other parts of the body by being absorbed from other parts of the body.
 It doesn't make any sense to put a foreign substance in your body and live your whole life without any side effects.  It is difficult to explain
 this in detail because it requires other medical knowledge
 . If you are concerned about implants, in limited cases, surgery can be performed without implants.

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7. Where does the septal support stand stand? (First photo)
Answer: If it refers to the columellar support and is used separately from septum lengthening surgery, then the column is placed between the cartilage that forms the columella on both sides. It is used to reinforce the height by putting it like this
 . When you look at it from the outside, you can think of it as putting cartilage between both nostrils.
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8. What is the reason for establishing a septum support??
Answer: A septum support is erected for various reasons. First, it is used when a nose shape is desired and a relatively simple surgery is desired. Second, if the nasal septum is severely bent and septum correction surgery is difficult, it can be used to prevent the nose from appearing crooked.
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9. What is the reason for setting up a septum support and tying the tip of the nose with ear cartilage??
Answer: After erecting the nasal septum support, it is meaningful to make up for the missing height with ear cartilage, and if it is built with only the cartilage at the tip of the nose, it may look too pointy, so it is meaningful to adjust it slightly.
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10. Is it true that if you straighten the tip of your nose with ear cartilage, it will sag later?
Answer: Slight sagging of the tip of the nose will occur no matter which cartilage is used. Since this is a type of aging, you can think of it as similar to the fact that no matter how much surgery you have to remove wrinkles on your face, they will eventually come back. However, since the difference varies from person to person and the shape of the nose can look very awkward, there are cases where the tip of the nose is re-operated and cases where it is not.
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11. If you look at it 9 years after the procedure, the gap between the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose has widened. What is the reason for the gaping and sagging? (6th photo)
Answer: There are various causes, but in most cases, that area is due to implants and This is the border area of ​​the cartilage. Since the cartilage and the implant are not connected to each other,
  over time the tip of the nose will come down and the gap will widen. In particular, in the case of Gore-Tex, after a certain period of time, scar tissue
  adheres to the implant and is fixed in place, and cartilage naturally falls down with age, which
  is thought to cause the phenomenon of widening.
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12. What are the pros and cons of Gore-Tex and silicone for the bridge of the nose?

Answer: The advantage of Cortex is that it is not hard and stays in one place well, but reoperation is difficult and the above phenomenon is more likely to occur. Silicone may feel slightly hard to the touch, but it has the advantage of being relatively consistent in shape and making reoperation easy.
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13. If the gap between the jaws widens, do I need to have reoperation?
Answer: If you wish, you can have reoperation.
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※ I think the most important issue regarding nasal side effects these days is inside the nose rather than outside.
 The reason why side effects and inflammation occur is because silicone does not suit one's body type. There are many cases where the surgery
 ends with the inside of the nose being messed up. It causes inflammation 100% of the time. please refer to this.

http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=2119681&cid=51004&categoryId=51004 (Naver rhinoplasty information)

The last thing I wrote in the article was only the basic framework. I know more details.
I have been studying rhinoplasty for two months. Since the nose area is the most dangerous plastic surgery and requires many revision surgeries,
I think it is essential to obtain a lot of information before performing the surgery. I believe that in this way, I will not be influenced by the doctor before the surgery and
will find the right doctor and hospital for me, and the success rate of the surgery will increase.
If you have any questions about nose surgery, please leave a comment. I will answer you sincerely based on the information I know.
There are a lot of things I don't know, so if you want to share information, please leave a comment.
I would like to create a group chat room for information sharing. If you would like to share information in the group chat room, please send me a message.

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