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[Don’t fail] Tips for choosing a plastic surgery clinic for beginners

망고좋아 2020-11-12 (목) 18:58 3 Years ago 7080
As experience with plastic surgery increases, the success rate gradually increases, so
I am writing down tips for beginners on choosing a hospital with a high success rate.
Excluding black hospitals is a given, so I mentioned it.

You should never think that the doctor will do whatever you ask for during surgery.
 You can't deviate from the scope of what the doctor is familiar with (He's friendly, but you don't like the design, so it's a shortcut to reoperation)

Step 1 - Check out reviews from time to time on apps like ㄱㄴㅇㄴ
Even when photoshopped photos & rehashing patients who had surgery in the past However, most of them are patients who had surgery at that hospital.
(If you're going to use a stolen photo, the directors will give you a discount, so there's no reason to ask them to reveal the photo every time.)
Even if it's a photoshopped photo, if you keep looking at it,
 you'll start to see each hospital's style.
Let's choose a hospital that has a design that suits your taste.

- Sometimes, there are hospitals that do not properly record which doctor performed the procedure.
(Example: Photos of the same patient are posted as reviews from multiple directors within the hospital, or the hospital has a designated specialist for each area, and a review of a nose surgery is posted in the review of a doctor who performs eye surgery.)
I filtered out these hospitals.

- Because even though many of the photos are Photoshopped, 70-80% of the hospitals accurately record the ‘doctor who performed the procedure/area in charge’.
 Most hospitals maintain a certain level of conscience in their marketing, but
 there are a small number of hospitals that do not adhere to that level, so we filtered them out.

Step 2 - Once you have chosen a design hospital that you like, begin your research. Seongyesa seems to be the best place to get information
 (of course there are also Prakchi, but they are easy to distinguish).
These days, hospitals have a lot on YouTube, so
 search on YouTube.
Before going for a consultation, it is helpful to understand the director's physiognomy(?), speaking style, business style, and values. No matter how much it's done for marketing,
 there's something catchy about the accumulation of these videos.
Sometimes, hospitals that work really hard on YouTube even interview patients who underwent surgery on what looks like TTV.
Videos are a good opportunity to understand non-Photoshopped designs.

- As I am accumulating experience in plastic surgery,
 I think the most important preliminary research is to understand the design through videos/photos.
When deciding to get plastic surgery, most of us only look in the mirror. We don't realize it when we live, but we often have a complex about our appearance when we see photos taken with friends, selfies, or videos that make us look older than before.
It is important to get used to envisioning how something will be captured in a photo or video rather than what you see with your own eyes.
Otherwise, it's a shortcut to reoperation.

Step 3 - Go for a consultation. If you go to the consultation, there are really important yet easy ways to skip the hospital.
- The manager or director asks, “Where are you dissatisfied?” “Where do you want to fix it?”
 In this way,
 you can skip hospitals that ask for the customer's desired direction and make a surgical plan.
We are not experts and we all want to look good like celebrities, but
 doctors need to know better what anatomically suits us and what is possible.
You can tell about the style of your favorite celebrity, but
 the hospital that puts off even the smallest details to the customer is a hospital that doesn't have much design experience and plans to use you as a maruta, so skip it.
These hospitals are friendly, but they all failed in the end.
Also, hospitals that let customers take charge of the design are trying to avoid responsibility.
 Didn't you ask for it?

- The hospital that I was really satisfied with was really competent
 and they got me right as soon as I sat down.
Leave the bridge of the nose the same, keep the bridge of the nose the same, lower the columella, etc.
Leave the length of the chin the same and resolve the asymmetry. You can't just do a square jaw, you need to shave some cortical bone, etc., and so on, and so on,
we subdivide and observe each part.
Experts lead the design process and then
 listen to customer opinions.
However, incompetent hospitals are only considerate, but they criticize customers and keep asking more questions.
 Even if the consultation lasts more than 30 minutes, they are unable to accurately identify the problem.
A good place can observe each part of your face in a short period of time.

Stage 4 - Same as stage 3, but if it is your first surgery, please keep your own opinion out of it as much as possible.
To me, your face looks long, but it may not be anatomically long and it may be a different problem... Anyway, we have to make our faces Because we are not used to seeing things three-dimensionally, we often misidentify the cause of the problem.
If you add too much of your opinion, the chances of your first surgery failing increase...
Only reflect your opinion when choosing a hospital after looking at the reviews

. +++ Avoid hospitals with lots of reviews for people who have had plastic surgery but are still ugly... That's also the design. It's a result of failure
 (ex. This patient's problem is his eyes, but he had his nose done because he wanted it).
There are consistent reviews of him looking handsome and pretty after getting plastic surgery.
> I recommend this hospital. Such hospitals lead customers well and
 design ways to make them look prettier.

Even if you know just this, beginners will not fail their first surgery.
Of course, I am someone who had failed my first surgery (contouring) haha. So I was very careful not to fail, and everything went well after that.

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뺭뀨뚕뀨 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
빈뉴 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
아하...말을 너무 잘해도 의심해봐야갯내요
오오오오기기 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다.!! 상담할때 고려하면서 해보겠습니다!!
별보러가요 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
병원 고를때 참고할께요 !!!
Wnxm 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다!! 생각하면서 상담받으러 다녀야겠어요
elppa 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다 첫 상담 가려고 병원 고르는 중이었는데 참고할게요
비숑단비 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
첫수술이라 어디서부터 알아봐야할지 계속 고민하고있었는데 꿀팁감사합니다
그저예뻐지고싶 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
친절하다고 수술도 잘하는건 아니죠...
허이쵸 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
초보자들에게 너무 좋은 글이에요
Ag22 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다 정독했네요 재수술이지만 도움이 많이 되요!
코하고싶어욧 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
좋은 글 정말 감사합니다 참고해서 좋은 병원 상담 다녀보도록 하겠습니다!
뚜비두밥야 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
좋은 말씀이네요!! 초보인데 ㅠ 완전 참고할게요 !
자아실현2 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
진짜 꿀팁이네요 ㅎㅎ 상담갔는데 뭘물어봐야될지도 모르겠어서 있었더니 그냥 상담 끝나버렸네요 ㅎㅎ 얘기를 해주면 거기에 대해서 질문을 할랬더니
개갠이이 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
꿀팁감사합니다 잘 알아볼게용
노체 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
잘 봤습니다 병원 선택이 제일 어려운데 글 참고해서 열심히 봐야겠어요
새미새미새미 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
좋은 정보 감사합니다!!
숨겨왔던나 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다~~ 많은 도윰 됐어여
해삐해피 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
좋은 글 감사합니다 !! ㅎㅎ
코지마코 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
원하는 방향이 대략적으로는 필요하지 않을까요?
가짜코의방구 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
오오 ,,,,첫수술 가다리는 사람으로서 ,,,감사합니다,,,
코코랑 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다!!!쌍수하려고 알아보고있는데 병원은 어떻게 고르나 원장님은 어떻게고르나 하나도 모르겠었거든요,, 도움이 됐어요!
빛아 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
오 꿀팁갑사합니다. 좋은 정보네요!!!
우줄 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다 참고할게요 ㅎㅎ
성일 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
내공이 느껴지는 진짜 제대로 된 꿀 팁입니다.
ofkro 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
꿀팁 감사합니다ㅜㅜ디자인 먼저 알아봐야겠네요ㅜ
쌍수할래여 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다 ㅜㅜ 아무것도 몰라서 걱정했는데 많이 참고할게요!
율탱 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다..!! 재수술이어도 병원고르기가 너무 힘드네요ㅜㅜ
반짝이는눈 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
좋은팁 같네요!! 다들성공길만 걷길,,
냥젤리11 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
와 뭔가 가이드라인이 뚜렷해진거같아요 감사합니다!!
나그네a 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다! 병원 고르는데 큰 도움이 된것 같아요!
럭키77 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다 참고할게요!!
참딱구리 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
꿀팁고마워요 참고할게요 ㅎㅎ
행복한고구마와사이다 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
지금 첫 수술 병원 알아보는중인데 발품판 곳 중 한 곳이 딱 저랬어요 저한테 어디가 문제인것 같냐 어디를 고치고 싶은거냐 계속 물어봄...;; 뭔가 안끌렸는데 이유가 있었네요!
hjjs0514 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
공감이 가네요ㅠㅠ 이글을 수술전에 읽었더라면 더 신중했을텐데ㅎㅎ
구르미푸 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
첫수술 알아보는 중이라 난감했는데 도움 많이 됐어요 ㅜㅜ
Anesdde77 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
첫수술할려고 알아보는 중인데 도움 많이됐어요!! 감사합니다
노이이레이잉 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다!! 저도 첫수술이라 한참 알아보는중이었는데!! 도움많이됐어요!!
누누라 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
와 대박 친절하고 자세한 설명 감사합니다!
샤뭉 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다ㅜㅜ 윤곽수술알아보고있는데 혹시 병원추천부탁드려도될까요?
혼돈의카오스의혼돈 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
꿀팁 감사합니다 참고해서 결정해야겠어요
Me몽 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
글 잘 읽어ㅆ어요!! 코 첫수술이라 이것저것 알아보고 잏는데 도움이 된거 같아요!!!!!
예쁘고똑띠 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
아고 저도 별 생각없이 수술했다 너무 힘들었는디 ㅜ 많은 참고가 됩니다
곰굼마 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
전 진짜 성형 무지해서 병원가서 상담하면서 눈모양 맞춰볼라했는데 그것도 조심해야겠네요..!
오요 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
진짜 꿀팁이네여 감사합니당
체체굿 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
꿀팁 감사합니다 진짜 좋은 정보네요
dPflaaaa 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
카뮤뮤 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
이런글이 개추글이지 개추
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Nose job - 비더뉴의원(구 코노피의원) Cmt 0 View 151 Like 0
비더뉴성형외과 코성형! 원장님한테 너무 감사해요~~ 다들 제 콘줄알았다고 수술한지 몰랐다고 하는 사람도 진짜 많고요, 자연스러우면서 들린?것도 없고 넘이뻐요ㅠㅠ 맘에듭니다!! 화장 안해도 이뻐보일정도예요 ㅎㅎ회복도 진짜 뭐 너무 무난하게 잘하고 지나와서 불편한것도 없었구 사진을 진짜 많이 찍게되는게 단점?인가 싶네요 찐후기남겨요 찐찐만족합니다!
6 Hours ago
난 매번 하이코 필러 같은 시술만 해왔었구 이번에 코수술 하고왔어ㅜㅜ 비포애프터 진짜 크지 않아...?ㅋㅋ 시술이랑 수술 중에 고민 하고 있는 예사들... 이렇게 비교했을 때 변화 너무 큰데 시술 선택 할거..? 시술로는 이런 코 절대 못 해ㅜㅜ..!! 그건 감안하고 후회없는 선택 했으면 좋겠다는 말 하고 싶어서 후기 올려봐...! 상담이라도 다녀보는 걸 ㅊㅊ..ㅠㅠ 일단 하이코랑 필러만으로는 본인이 원하는 코 '길이'가 안 될 수도 있구. 영구적인게…
7 Hours ago