It's been 3 days since I got my rhinoplasty. My original nose is a bulbous nose with no bridge at all between the eyebrows and only a high nose tip. When I look at it from the side, my forehead is visible and the tip of my nose is high, so it's not bad. But when I look at it from the front, my nose looks like a "ㅅ" shape from a cartoon. I got the surgery after seeing people who got pretty nose surgeries. It's not the pretty nose I thought it would be, but if it's not weirder than my original nose, I'm thinking of keeping it and not getting a second surgery. But if I read regular posts, there are so many people who regret it. I'll have to wait a while to know for sure after seeing the cast, but I wonder if everyone regrets it because it's not the nose they wanted, or because they don't like the line.