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How to hear that you are pretty

iuyeqwi 2024-09-07 (토) 12:40 12 Days ago 11211 [CODE : 16F6D]
*I really thought there wouldn't be many people, but there were so many commentsㅜㅜ I'm surprised ㅠㅠ I might not be able to handle it if I leave it any longer, so I'll only contact you for estimates up to the comments so far!! Even though it's slow, I'm doing them one by one, so please wait ㅎㅎ If you have any other questions, ask hereㅎㅎ

Ha... Don't use the Sungye Sa app to temporarily save..
 I'll write again after all the text flew away..

Since I'm already here, I'll just briefly get to the main point..
 I'll help you have a pretty face that no one can tell you've had plastic surgery, not a face that looks like you've had plastic surgery (I don't think it'll help if you're just an ordinary person who wants it to look obvious).
I've been in the photography industry for a long time, so most of my acquaintances in the industry are influencers, celebrities, stylists, and models.
 So I've seen countless pretty and handsome people, and

the reason I'm writing this is because
 I also signed up to read hospital reviews and ended up seeing the community, and it seemed like everyone was only after plastic surgery that focused on the shortcomings, or plastic surgery that completely changed their appearance, or plastic surgery that was trendy, so I'm
 writing this because I wanted to help at least one person who has similar values ​​to me. This is the first and last time...
How to become the prettiest with my natural face
 ? First, you have to objectify yourself and understand yourself, and then you have to get the surgery.
 That's the top priority.
 Whether they're celebrities or not, all the monsters can't do that, so
 Haha can't
 become Kang Dong Won just because he got plastic surgery . If he tried to, he'd lose all his original improvements and become a plastic surgery loser.
And just because you have pretty eyes, nose, and mouth doesn't
 mean you're pretty. Being pretty comes from the overall balance and vibe of the face.
 For example,
 if you look at Irene and Wendy,
 Irene's eyes, nose, and mouth are all a little lacking.
 If you take Wendy's face off recently, her eyes, nose, and mouth are all pretty,
 but in person, Wendy looks like a woman with plastic surgery and is pretty. I feel like it's Irene.
 There are a lot of ordinary people who
 don't know this. Because you have to look at it objectively, but since it's my face, that's
 not good. They only show my flaws and keep using me as an example. For example, people around me say I'm pretty, and a lot of people ask if I'm a model. But objectively, my face isn't
 pretty . I'm not beautiful. To be honest, I didn't know what was pretty.
 But if you look at it objectively, I think it comes from the whole picture
 . The feeling of beauty.
 It's not the face that I like, but the makeup, style, clothes, behavior, etc. that fit my face. *****
 First of all, I've had a lot of plastic surgery -
 eyes, hairline, fat grafting, nose job? etc. I've become pretty, but I didn't get surgery to become like Song Hye Kyo. I just fixed my flaws. My
 eyes were already pretty, but I just got the line and now I have in-line eyes. People think I was
 always pretty because I had straight eyes. But that's absolutely not true.
 I have a unique face. I'm good at objectification these days, so I figured out that this face wouldn't be a typical pretty face anyway, and
 I think I did an analysis that would bring out my face,
 and then this thing called atmosphere came about,
 and there are so many girls around me who are prettier than me, and
 judging from the fact that I've heard a lot that I'm pretty among them, I think atmosphere is really important. I wish people would realize this. ㅠㅠ I've seen too many Seonggwaes, so I can't go back. Anyway,
 I talked for a long time, but no matter how much you fix your eyes, nose, and mouth, a woman without atmosphere can't be told that she's pretty. That's true,
 so after analyzing me and replacing just a few places, no one will know that it was plastic surgery!! I hope you get plastic surgery right away.
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