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Swelling Treatment Period Swelling Reduction Medicine List

민지민지22 2024-09-01 (일) 10:51 24 Days ago 8613 [CODE : 52BDC]
I'll briefly summarize the swelling reduction medication that I personally experienced while getting 3 types of eye, nose, and contouring done on this vacation.
 I took it thinking that there would be no side effects.
 I didn't notice much of an effect while I was taking it (I thought that swelling would go down over time), but
 after taking it for a week and not being able to go to the bathroom, after stopping all the medication, my face swelled up like a pumpkin again after about 3 days, so I thought it was effective.
Ps. Plastic surgery clinics are usually located in Gangnam, but the prices at Gangnam pharmacies are a bit high. If you have time, I recommend buying it in Jongno. However, if you buy too much medicine at once, you may throw it away without being able to take it if you experience any unknown side effects. If
 you buy only a small amount and it seems to work for you, take it for about a week or
two. *The golden period for taking it is said
to be from two days after surgery to one or two weeks after surgery. *Medicine is usually a new drug that is developed and monopolized by the company for a certain period of time. After that period, other companies can make it with the same ingredients, so it is okay to take the one from the pharmacy if the ingredients are the same. (Well, each company uses different preservatives, etc., but I learned that the major effects and principles are similar.)
1. Bruna (♡♡♡♡♡)
 Medicines with the same ingredients include Dangguisu-san, etc.
 Side effects can include myopathy (muscles not functioning properly). Since it
 is a medicine made with herbal ingredients such as Danggui and Su-san roots,
 it is not very burdensome to take on an empty stomach, so I can take it even when eating liquid food (I think I started taking it two days after surgery).
 For me, there are no side effects. I could
 n't tilt my head back for about a week after the contouring (It really felt like someone was pulling my jaw and muscles ㅜㅜ)
2. Tripline (♡)
 There are drugs with the same ingredients as Infla, and
 side effects include diarrhea and constipation. One Quick
 sold on Coupang is made by adding vitamin C, zinc, catechin, etc. to Tripline.
 I took 2 tablets 3 times
 a day for about a week
 (from 3 to 4 weeks after surgery)
 (Taken with Bruna, Benosin, and Newvein).
 I couldn't go to the bathroom during that period, so I had to do enemas twice ㅜㅜㅜ
 (I couldn't go even though I put 3 packets of olive oil and probiotics on an empty stomach every day during that period).
 The most common side effects are constipation or diarrhea, but
 I suffered so much that I couldn't go to the bathroom the second time, so I stopped all anti-swelling medications and went to the bathroom normally after 3 days. ㅠㅠ
 But after 3 days, my face swelled up like a pumpkin again.
3. Benosin (♡♡♡)
 It's a drug that relieves inflammation, and the side effects are similar to Bruna.
 I took it from 3 to 4 weeks after surgery.
4. Newvein (♡♡♡)
 It has the same ingredients as Bruna. As for medicine, side effects that can occur with Ellas A
 include headaches and changes in blood pressure, and if there is a possibility of pregnancy, do not take it.
 The main efficacy of Ellas A is the same as that of Newvein, so I take the cheaper Newvein. It is the most expensive
 among the medicines introduced (40,000 won for 14 packs in Gangnam, 25,000 won in Jongro).
 It is effective or not. Even pharmacists have different opinions
 (it was not originally made for the purpose of anti-inflammatory effects, but for the purpose of lymphatic circulation, unlike other medicines).
 I take it because I think that lymphatic circulation is good for lymphatic fluid to be discharged well.
5. Vitamin C (♡♡♡♡♡)
 Vitamin C is something that I usually eat a lot. It helps rebuild damaged tendons and blood vessels from surgery.
 However, I think it has the fewest side effects (even if taken in megadoses, excess is excreted through urine), so
 I take it consistently.
6. Zinc, magnesium, calcium (♡♡♡♡♡)
 Zinc helps with cell regeneration, and magnesium and calcium help with bone health.
 I take it consistently as a multivitamin. 7.
Pumpkin juice.
 The old doctor who knows about it said that it would be less burdensome on the stomach, so I ate it.
 It seems like I ate it instead of rice when I was on a liquid diet.
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꿀 정보 너무 고마워 !
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너무 고마워 참고할게!!
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5 Hours ago
Nose job - 비더뉴의원(구 코노피의원) Cmt 0 View 225 Like 0
비더뉴의원 코수술 5달차입니다! 코4미리 콧대 실리콘 코끝 귀연골 정~말 이제는 정말 많이 자연스러워졌어요!! 벌써 5달이나 지났다니 시간도 금방 가는거 만큼 붓기도 쭉쭉 빠져서 너무너무 만족 합니당 이제는 코를 만져도 찡 하는 울리는 느낌도 안들고 세수할때도 코 성형 하기 전처럼 똑같이 하게 되는거 같아요 일상 생활이 조금 더 편해지고 얼굴 자존감도 점점 올라가는거 같네용! 어디서나 추천 하고 싶은 병원 입니당 ~!! 너무너무 만족…
6 Hours ago