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Male chin implant + facial liposuction product review

턱끝전진술 2019-08-10 (토) 09:59 5 Years ago 1098
1. ㅇㅍ Plastic Surgery
 Currently, the name has been changed to ㅇㄴ Plastic Surgery and it is a hospital with only one director. First of all, there is no place that specializes in chinless implants, but this hospital has a lot of reviews on chinless implants (of course, I expect there are many brokers), and the before and after photos looked more natural than other hospitals. Anyway, this is the hospital I was most looking forward to. I went to the information desk and first wrote down my personal and special information, briefly listened to the surgical method, pros and cons of the surgery, and met the director. I talked to him for about 5 minutes and I trusted him so much. Other places usually give rough advice, but he consulted me for a very long time and answered my questions by writing them down on paper. After the consultation with the director, I discussed the surgery cost, possible date, etc. with the director. The manager was also very kind, which was nice.
 The downside is that it's a bit pricey. It's not that high.
2. ㄹㅂㅇ Plastic Surgery
 ㅇㅍ Plastic Surgery is nearby, so I went right away. It seemed like this place was famous for facial breathing. If you look at it on YouTube, it appears often, and if you look at actual YouTuber reviews, it's very satisfying. I went in and filled out a checklist similar to other hospitals and talked to the director. I trusted him when I saw that he said he wanted to have cheek suction + deep cheek suction + chin implants, so he didn't think he would need deep cheek suction. I don't recommend unnecessary things, so after that, I had a brief chat with the director and told the director about the price, date, etc. and that was it.
 The advantage was that he seemed very confident in terms of dialysis.
 The disadvantage was that I asked him to show me some photos of people who had implants for the chin, but the director said there weren't many photos, and the director said he didn't have any. They recommended bone surgery, so it seemed a little far from the direction I was pursuing. In my mind, I wanted to get my liposuction done here and get my implants done at ㅇㅍ...
3. ㅋㅇ Plastic Surgery
 There were more people than the cranial plastic surgery clinic I went to before. I went during the day on a weekday. There were a lot of people too. Not a whole lot, just one... 4 people? This place was a little unusual, with the director consulting first. I was impressed by the way the director took a picture of my chin right on the spot, transferred it to the computer, and performed a virtual plastic surgery using Photoshop. Unusually, lifting was also recommended here. Is it an elastic dream?? I wasn't thinking about lifting, so I just said, "Yes..." and then the director smiled and said that I didn't have to do it. I liked that the director was kind and thorough in providing consultation. After the consultation, I consulted with the director, and I felt like a bit of an older sister. Haha. This place is definitely popular, so you have to wait about 4 weeks to make an appointment for surgery.
 The advantage is that the price is cheap!
I also went to ㅂㄹㅇ, but it’s a place that a lot of people go to so I passed~

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[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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