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Plastic surgery should only compensate for shortcomings, part 2

로그진 2024-08-23 (금) 10:50 20 Days ago 12412 [CODE : 82031]
First of all, thank you guys for liking my writing so much. There wasn't any criticism, so I think I sympathize with it a lot.
 Seonghyung only needs to make up for his shortcomings. Part 1 https://sungyesa.com/new/bbs/board.php?bo_table=free&wr_id=4757808
 This is my personal opinion, but I have prepared part 2.
Let me talk about why you should only focus on the shortcomings of plastic surgery and not look back.
 You guys know piercings and tattoos, right? It's really pretty in moderation,
 but if it's too much, it looks gross.
 Plastic surgery is similar, and piercings and tattoos are said to be a form of self-harm. That's not to say that's 100% true. If
 you're not satisfied with yourself, if your face becomes prettier or more handsome, your life will be more different.
 At the same time, because I don't like the way I am now, I get plastic surgery to compensate, which is a kind of self-harm.
 So, when I see tattoos and piercings, I feel sorry for them.
 This is a psychological part, and I'm not a psychiatrist, so I'll just stop here and pass.
When getting plastic surgery, it's important to see a doctor for the first time.
 He observes the flaws in my face, and just the nose and eyes are enough.
 Since the chin looks recessed when the nose is done, I think it would be good to just secure the chin.
 If you just get to that point, it feels natural and really good.
 At that time, the plastic surgery wasn't very good, so even if I don't like it, I have to be satisfied with it if it's better than before.
 why? Faces go through trends just like clothes, so who would have thought that a bare chin would be popular? Look at Cheon Woo-hee.
 If you look at the kids with dog faces now, they look a little awkward.
This is a very personal opinion, but
 in my opinion, the double couple, nose, chin, and teeth correction are the best.
 No matter what shape you get, if it's more than before, you have to stop there.
 After that, if you go this far with canthoplasty, lifting, filler (excluding Botox), double jaw surgery, or lift surgery, you will start to feel bad, and if you go
 all the way to nose, eye, chin, and facial revision surgery, you will have crossed a river of no return.
 It's difficult at first, but once you have the reoperation, you can continue.
When I look at celebrities up close and see them doing their makeup,
 I wonder if they are really celebrities when I see them before their makeup.
 Tier 1 actors are a little different. They are really pretty without being overly cheesy.
 These are faces that you would normally see on the street, but
 they are not there.
 Kids like Kim Da-mi, Kim Go-eun, Park So-dam, IU, Go Min-si, Seo Eun-soo, Song Hye-kyo, Chun Woo-hee, and Kim Tae-ri.
 When did this actor first appear on the monitor? Is that pretty? Is it really common? You know
 , but if you look at him in person, his facial features aren't really that exaggerated.
 Of course, we probably had plastic surgery, but it's not excessive
 (and Yeon-yen really only has bones. The reason our bones look swollen when we take pictures is because we don't go on extreme diets like celebrities, and because we have brachycephalic bodies, we're definitely not ugly)
Next, there are those who think we're really pretty. Idols
 There are a lot of idols who are exaggerated, so
 if you look closely, they have a lot of shading and their eyes, nose, and mouth are big
 so they don't look flat on stage.
 Those friends are idols who sing on stage, and
 the actors are actors who act out everyday life.
 Since the areas are different , it would be very awkward to imagine
 an idol appearing in a drama with a singing face on stage
 . We have to do plastic surgery based on actors.
 Even doctors know that's ideal.
 Then, I will give you some tips when getting plastic surgery.
 I met as many coordinators as possible while highlighting the shortcomings of my face, and
 asked questions like, "I want to become prettier, what should I do?" Instead, if
 your biggest weakness is your nose, say, "I want to get a nose, but I don't think it will match my nose. What should I do to make it look better?"
 If you look around a lot of places, you will come to a comprehensive conclusion.
 So, you should only touch that area and not do anything more than that.
 And don't do surgery that has a lot of side effects, like ectropion.
 I have seen so many kids who have hit the ground running
 and regretted it. Kids who have had too much plastic surgery look in the mirror every day and feel distressed.
 What should they do to get better?
 What should they do to look prettier and get people to pay attention to them?
 I'm so obsessed that I can't come out.
 It would be nice if you got photogenic plastic surgery and took a photo and posted it on Instagram,
 she's so pretty. I can't forget that sweet taste.
 You guys know that too, right? If you keep sweet candy in your mouth for too long, your teeth will rot.
 When you look at Instagram photos, they are so pretty that your mouth will drop,
 but they are all retouched, and lighting is important in videos as well.

But that doesn't mean they aren't pretty in person. If you see them on the street,
 they are flashy, with big eyes, a big mouth, and a big nose.
 If you look at them with their faces turned and small, they are pretty, but they are too much and they all look similar.
 And, like a myeloid, I'm obsessed with my appearance.
 That's why I haven't seen any of those kids who aren't thin, and
 they diet a lot and exercise a lot.
 That's admirable, but I can't invest that energy elsewhere.
If you decide to get plastic surgery, you
 will be captivated by the coordinator's words and will give you a discount, so don't do this or that
 . Even if you get plastic surgery, please do it as naturally as possible so that it is not noticeable.
 As time goes by, you will think that I almost took poison.
 I also got my eyes done 10 years ago, and
 I will do it again even if I am born again.
 But I will never have a repeat surgery.
 And if there is someone who can objectively evaluate your face,
 be sure to listen to their advice. (Your acquaintances never like you to look pretty~ hahaha)
 It would be nice if I could look at your photos and evaluate them, but
 I can't.
 If there's anything you want to ask, please ask and I'll leave a comment.
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따뜻하고 진심어린 조언 너무 고마워 ㅜ
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좋은 글 고마워! 정말 신중해야 함을 다시 한번 깨닫구 가...
chaeminha0… 3 Days ago 3 Days ago Address
맞아 적당히 라고 끝내는게 좋은것 같아 ㄹㅇ ㅠㅠㅠ
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코재수술 알아보고있는데 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 생각이 많이 든다..
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ㅜㅜ항상 알지 하지만 자기만족이 중요하다고 생각해 그거를 조금 덜어내는게 일이지ㅜㅜ
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코성형수술후기 Cmt 5 View 360 Like 1
내가 글을 처음 써봐서 이렇게 쓰는게 뭐에 걸린다거나 안된다면 말해줘 난 제발 말리고 싶어서 글을 써 나는 비염이랑 첫수술로 비중격이 휘어서 오른쪽 숨이 잘 안쉬어지더라고 그래서 그것때문에 기능코로 유명한곳을 어플로 찾기 시작했고 성예사라는 곳을 몰랐었어 광고만 그저 때리던 그 곳을 정말 간걸 너무 후회해 기능코로 광고 때리는 ㅂ성형외과 대표원장(이비인후과 전공이 있는) 에게 받았고 뼈저리게 후회하고있어 그 사람 후기 사진중에 잘린코…
4 Hours ago
체형/바디성형수술후… Cmt 1 View 73 Like 0
2020년부터 꾸준히 받고 있는데 식단하고 운동하면 확실히 효과가 있었어. 적어도 5회 정도는 받아야 효과가 나타다고 살이 찌거나 하면 대신 돌아가는거 같애. 스테로이드 있는 것만 맞아왔는데 조금 패임이 있는거 같애서 이제 없는 걸로 맞아볼려고…
5 Hours ago
코성형수술후기 - 비더뉴의원(구 코노피의원) Cmt 2 View 213 Like 0
비더뉴 정원장님 코수술 후기 이제 완전 제 코 같은 원했던 너무나 자연스러운 코 같아요! 과하면 코 수술 안 하는 것 보다 못 하다고 생각했는데 원장쌤께서 저한테 딱 맞는 아주 예쁜 코를 만들어주셨네요 ㅎㅎ 코수술 하니까 자연스럽지만 얼굴에 중심이 딱 서있어서 이미지가 한결 또렷해진 것 같아요~ 하길 정말 잘 한 것 같습니다! 비용은 제가 잘 기억이 안 나는데 300만원 언저리였던 것 같아요!
8 Hours ago
눈수술수술후기 Cmt 6 View 256 Like 0
쌍수하기 전에 쌍테를 2년정도 붙이고 다녀서 쌍커풀 테이프 라인이랑 다르면 어떡할까 싶었다 부담스러우면 어떡하지 같은고민때문에 1년정도 쌍수를 미루고 미뤘는데 이젠 그럴필요 없어서 편함!! 솔직히 조금만 더 높았으면 좋았을텐데 싶기도 하지만 더 높았으면 내 체질상의 이유로..(피부 탄력 강함 피부 두꺼움 등등) 망했을거 같아서 지금에 만족하려고 한당 재수술을 한다면 라인이 아예 안보여서 하게 되지 않을까 싶어 이러 저러한 이유로 내 선택에 만족해 ㅎㅋㅎ…
8 Hours ago
눈수술수술후기 - 워너비성형외과의원 Cmt 6 View 293 Like 4
수술전 사진 보면 눈밑 사선으로 음영진 다크 보이지? 저것때문에 넘 스트레스 받았거든 없애고 싶어서 상담 여러군데 받다가 수술 받았어 난 지방재배치를 해도 부족할거 같다고 하셔서 지이까지 같이 받았어 지금은 사진 찍으면 저렇게 매끈하게 나온다 피부화장 덕지덕지해도 안가려졌는데 지금은 쌩얼에도 안보여 수술하고 따로 흉도 없으니까 수술한티도 안나서 아무도 모르더라 어때? 마니 좋아졌지?
9 Hours ago
체형/바디성형수술후… - 365mc의원 안양평촌점 Cmt 0 View 154 Like 0
지방추출주사 맞고 한달 조금 넘어가니까 이제 슬슬 주변에서 많이 빠졌다고 하기 시작함 원래는 어디가 허벅지고 엉덩이인지.. 구분이 안됐는디 이제 좀 허벅지 엉덩이인지 알겠음.,ㅋㅋ 무릎 위에 살 이랑 뒷벅지 셀룰라이트 때문에 ㅈㄴ ㅜㅜ 썰어버리고 싶었는데 점점 썰리는거 보니까 너무 좋음 ( 감격스러움 그냥 ) 자고 일어나면 하체가 너무 무거워서 자주 저리고 했는데 지금은 순환이 잘되는지 하체가 저린 적이 없고 자고 일어났을 때도 개운함.. 최고임
10 Hours ago
가슴성형수술후기 - 카이성형외과 Cmt 0 View 260 Like 0
카이성형외과가 저같이 작은 가슴 후기들이 이뻐서 방문했어요 물어보기도 전에 먼저 cctv 제공해주신다고 이야기해주시고, 저는 제가 마르고 작은가슴이라 당연히 이중평면으로 수술할줄 알았는데, 피부 두께까지 꼼꼼하게 확인해주시고는 근막하 추천해주셔서 근막하로 수술해용! 이준범 원장님에게 수술받습니당 제가 병원을 진짜 여러군데 다녔는데 카이에서 상담받고 당일 수술받으러 가요!!
10 Hours ago
코성형수술후기 - 어나더성형외과의원 Cmt 3 View 221 Like 0
엄청난 꼬막눈은 아니지만 작아보이고 답답해보이는 눈을 가지고있었고 복코수술을 받았지만 하나도 제대로 교정된게 없어서 코수술 티가 안나던..코 거기에 납작하기 짝이없는 얼굴까지.. 복코는 진짜 코 잘하는곳에서 교정 받아야 한다고 하는 말을 첫수술 받고 깨달았고 코안에 휜느낌까지 들어 숨쉬는것도 답답해 진짜 힘들었는데 어나더 지승렬 원장님께서 내 지금 코 상태가 정확하게 어떤지 그리고 내가 원하는 자려려 직반이 되려면 어떻게 2번째 코수술을 해야하…
10 Hours ago
가슴성형수술후기 - 디테성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 334 Like 0
시술한지 7일됐고 아직 붓기가 안빠졌어요 붓기빠지면 제가 원하던 크기 모양될것 같아요 디테 성형외과 이준욱 원장님께 가슴 보형물 + 지방이식 받았어요ᆢ허벅지 안쪽에서 지방빼고 부유방 제거도 같이 했어요(밑선 절개, 이중평면) 새가슴이라 풀 B컵만 되도 만족하는데 후기보면 더 크게 할걸 후회한다는 얘기가 많아서 C컵으로 할까 많이 고민했어요ᆢ요즘엔 크게하는게 추세인것 같아서요 상담할때는 모티바 미니 290cc, 275cc 넣기로 했는데 …
11 Hours ago