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ㅁㅊㅍ Plastic surgery day D+1

감자떡짱 2024-07-02 (화) 10:51 2 Months ago 2501 [CODE : 4EA12]
Yesterday, I came back with dual arms!! It was my first surgery and it was buried
 (Director Seo Hyo-seok of Period Plastic Surgery)
 I wanted natural-looking eyes and am a cautious person, so I thought about the surgery for a very long time, but after doing it, I felt relieved and thought it was a good decision.
There is a lot of swelling, but I am satisfied with the lines!!
 In the morning, I raised the double eyelids on my eyes, or slightly above them, and the director said it was the lowest line that could be achieved on my eyes! (It's a matchless eye, but it was a bit heavy due to pressure, so the director judged it to be the lowest eye functionally), but
you could choose between sleep and topical, and
 it was done with local anesthesia!!
 (The last blow to both eyes really hurt, but it was bearable until then)
 There was a lot
more to do with my eyes closed and open than I thought, so
 I thought it was a good thing I did it with a sound mind.
It seems like he was meticulous in making sure my right eye was symmetrical based on my left eye! Looks like you did the right side more times!
Subconsciously, I was told that when I had my right eye re-done, I would apply too much pressure and bruise the front of my eye, but as soon as it came out, the bruises would fall out. Anyway, I
came out after the surgery, and the lines were symmetrical and I liked it, so in
 my mind, I gave it a pass!
Ah, it was buried!
The operating table was just like the hospital we thought it would be, and we were satisfied because there was CCTV at an angle where we could clearly see the operating table! (Of course, I was told I could view it, but since I was only under local anesthesia anyway, I saw the director always in front of me with my own eyes, so I didn't have to look at it^^)
I was reassured by the fact that they disinfected and spread the surgical cloth wide to avoid contamination! (If you actually do it, it's meticulous. (I think it's an operating room that has to be protected)
After that, I had some itchy eyes yesterday, but
 they said it could be because there was swelling and threads under the eyes (an acquaintance told me about it + it was written on the hospital notice)
 I also inquired at the hospital via KakaoTalk, but the directors here did not respond well. It seemed really good. They explained it to me and told me that I could come and check with the doctor. They responded to what I was saying without any pressure, so it was very easy to ask questions. I think this was one of the more satisfying points than I thought. Haha (communication)
Anyway, they put in artificial tears and did a good job of applying cold compresses. The next morning it was a little more swollen, but after applying a cold compress, the swelling seemed to have gone down a little more than yesterday!
It's very comfortable haha ​​(originally it was heavy because my eyelashes were pressed a lot, but now I can't open my eyes 100% due to swelling, but it's comfortable hahaha)
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