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Review of 7 areas of facial contouring

심뽕 2024-08-06 (화) 15:24 1 Months ago 1569 [CODE : 1A155]
I posted it here because the cooldown time for the post on the bulletin board is not over.

I have a long face, large
 cheekbones, a square jaw, a lot of weight (obesity), and
 the tip of my chin has a bit of a witch's chin and a strong impression.
Actually, let's just consult hospitals 1 and 2. So,
 this was before I knew the outline in depth, and I didn't even ask about cortical osteotomy or deep cheeks (please refer to this)
1. Nana Plastic Surgery
 ㄱㅇㅎ The director's
 counseling center was very kind and the director was
 also kind. Because of the witch's chin, both the director and I were satisfied. I don't know if it will bring results,
 but he said he would do his best to perform the surgery.
 3 types of contouring, liposuction, and muscle tying of the chin (masseter muscle reduction, I don't remember the deep cheek).
 The price is very attractive, and
 it is a hospital that is mentioned a lot these days, so I am considering it.
2. ID
 ㅇㄱㅁ The director
 was confident. He said he would do all 3 types of contouring, cortical osteotomy, liposuction, etc.
 He said he was very confident and that it would make you look prettier. He suggested
 that the bone be slightly advanced on the tip of the chin
 . The director was also cute and kind. I asked the director for medical treatment. I asked if there was an accident and
 he said no, but he watched YouTube..??
 The reviews from other doctors seem to be a bit harsh... The price was higher than Nana's.
 In fact, I was a little worried about the post-surgery care, so
 I think I'll choose another hospital
 because there were reviews saying that they barely saw the doctor's face after the surgery
. 3. Samsao
 Director ㅂㅈㄹ
 The director was quite old.
 He gave me a more detailed consultation than the previous two places.
 He honestly told me that I would get better results if I went on a diet together.
 He only recommended two types of contouring and the reason the tip of my chin is long is not because of the bone, but because of muscle or soft tissue. ? This is largely due to the fact that
 if you advance or recede the tip of your chin, you may not look prettier. You can have square jaw surgery according to the length of your chin..
 The two types alone are a little more expensive than the ID..?? I think it's
4. Soda
 , the director,
 and the director's consultation were both very good.
 When choosing a hospital, I tend to choose a hospital that matches the tiki-taka with the director, but
 this was it
 . I think the consultation lasted almost 2 hours and 30 minutes..
 Director Soda also did the surgery. He said that if you make up your mind, you will get better results by going on a diet as well as reducing the weight of the skin.
 He said that it is not that the skin lacks elasticity
 . Even with a long chin, if you go backwards or forwards, the tissue at the tip of your chin can be stretched a lot, so just shorten the length a little and
 do nothing forward or backward. I said no, and
 since it was my first consultation at a completely private hospital, I was scared and thought it would be cold, but
 it was a hospital where I was satisfied with the consultation itself. If you look at Byeongsam's review, there was a review with a low rating for the director's attitude,
 but I liked the counseling director, who was kind and good.
 The cost was a bit high.
5. The standard of outline.
 I liked Director ㅇㅈㅅ'
 s open event so much that I made a reservation for a consultation.
I just went here and that's it and that's the end of the consultation. I don't remember it, so I pass
6. Note
 the cost for 3 types is high here too.
 However, since I have a lot of weight, he said to do 2 chin types first,
 lose weight, and if the contour effect is good, proceed with cheekbones.
 But you know what, if I'm going to suffer, I want to finish it all at once.
 The consultation with the director was good, and the manager was also good...
 The hospital is really pretty and good, but it's a place I'm worried about.
7. 1%
 The consultation with the director and the manager was all good,
 and he recommended 3 types of contouring.
 He told me to lose just a little weight and have surgery now for a long time, but then he wouldn't do it
 . He said his face looked concave because he had a flat, square jaw and a large U-shape.
 He said it was a contour case.
 Unlike his YouTube image, he had a bit of charisma. He
 said he had large bones, so he suggested shaving them as much as possible and reversing his chin (witch's chin). Margin The cost is the highest

I'm obese and I'm still thinking about whether to get surgery or
 not. I've never heard anyone say I'm ugly in my life, but
 I'm a bit concerned about the appearance of being cold and cold.
 Oh, and I'm working out and controlling my weight.

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