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ㅇㅇㅂI am suffering to death because I had to undergo an unwanted surgery at a plastic surgery clinic.

moonyy 2024-07-31 (수) 00:35 1 Months ago 9501 [CODE : 42D7F]




턱중앙 만지며 아프다하니까 자기는 아래만 건들였다고 위에는 안건들였다고 왜자꾸 거기만지며 아프다하냐고 개승질내더군요 그후에 CT몇백번 돌려보고 전후비교하며 위에도 쥐파먹은듯이 갈아논거 확인하고 원장한테 말하니까 위에도 갈았다고 인정하고 입꾹닫하더군요 제가 그냥 생체실험환자죠? 죽고싶습니다

<턱중앙 만지며 아프다하니까 자기는 아래만 건들였다고 위에는 안건들였다고 왜자꾸 거기만지며 아프다하냐고 개승질내더군요 그후에 CT몇백번 돌려보고 전후비교하며 위에도 쥐파먹은듯이 갈아논거 확인하고 원장한테 말하니까 위에도 갈았다고 인정하고 입꾹닫하더군요 제가 그냥 생체실험환자죠? 죽고싶습니다>















<Before and after><Clown clap clap clap><When I touched the center of my chin and said it hurt, he said he only touched the lower part and didn't bother the upper part. Then, he started bitching and asked me why I kept touching there and saying it hurt. After that, I ran the CT scan hundreds of times and compared before and after, and confirmed that the stomach was also ground as if it had eaten a mouse. When I told the director, he admitted that he had also ground the stomach. He kept his mouth shut. I'm just a biological experiment patient, right? I want to die><Before and after><Chin notch depression><Two pins are broken, non-union><Before and after><Before and after><Oribular depressor muscle disorder><Discoloration of lower teeth>(Everyone has the right to decide and choose for themselves how to maintain life and bodily functions in accordance with the personal rights and the right to pursue happiness stipulated in Article 1 of the Constitution)
(Doctors must ensure that the client fully understands the difficulty of the surgery, surgical process, side effects, risks, etc.
The director in charge of the surgery has the 'duty of explanation' to provide all information so that the patient can sufficiently compare the necessity or risk and choose whether to undergo the surgery by providing a detailed explanation.
 Without explaining a single thing, they violated my right to self-determination and made me undergo surgery in violation of the medical law.
The director in charge made me undergo surgery 6 days before the surgery, but the doctor defrauded me by saying that he could not give me the CT because it was his hospital's property. I violated the medical law by not providing a CT scan, which is a recorded image.
The director in charge requested a re-consultation with the director to change the surgical method 4 days before the surgery, but the director said it was a holiday and did not allow me to come to the hospital. So I said I wanted to change the reservation date, but the director's time was already gone. They told me that I couldn't change the reservation date because I bought it, and that if I canceled, the reservation deposit would be forfeited. They made me feel intimidated by scamming me. When I consulted with the director on the day of the surgery, he said it was okay to have a baby at that time and that there was no problem. In the end, on the day of the surgery, I had the surgery 30 minutes before the surgery. My right to self-determination was violated because I had the surgery without even hearing a single explanation about the surgery details, effects, and side effects due to the change in method.
 The day I tried to go to the director for a second consultation was a weekday, but the director directly stated that he was always working on weekdays. I said this, but the director in charge lied and deceived me. The Korea Consumer Agency notified me that 90% of the deposit could be refunded up to 3 days before the surgery, but he deceived and deceived me by telling me that the deposit would be forfeited. I
consulted with the director on the day of the surgery. When I was being explained about the surgical information by a director whom I had never seen before, I asked to see the director again because I had something to ask him, but he touched my hand and told me to trust the director and that it was not important and that I did not need to see the director, violating my right to self-determination. And I had the surgery.
On the day of setting up the surgery date after paying the deposit, the director in charge informed me that our hospital is a free and open CCTV hospital, and of course I thought that the operating room was recorded on CCTV so I could watch it later, but on the day of the surgery, when the director whom I had never seen before guided the surgery, I Since I am a CCTV baby, I was scammed and had surgery by saying, “I can’t record because I didn’t apply for CCTV recording in advance.
I signed a surgery contract for cheekbones + T osteotomy + V osteotomy for a total of 600, but when I changed the surgery method to cheekbones + shaving, they only deducted 500,000 won from the price. I was informed just before entering the operating room that the total was 550. I thought this was something strange, so I went to a room far away and was alone with my thoughts. The director followed me to where I was and asked me what I was doing. He kept urging me to go into the operating room. I told him to stay away, but I fell. He came back again and kept urging me for about 15 minutes to tell me that I shouldn't be doing this and that I should go into the operating room. The countless urgings clouded my rational judgment, and I was deprived of my right to self-determination and was forced into the operating room as if I was being chased.
In addition, I asked the general manager to give me a medical record chart. He said he would tell the director and the director said he would give it to me, so I told the director in charge, and he lied and said that his parents came and took a picture before. When I asked my parents, they said it had never happened, so I asked them again, and this time, they said that they gave it to my mother through KakaoTalk, and when I asked my parents again, they said it was. I heard the answer that there was no enemy. They lied and deceived me. I had to get angry and scream to get it.
(Side effects)
 Saggy cheeks
 Nasolabial folds Cheekbone
 Cheekbone asymmetry
 wrinkles Tear trough
 Chin asymmetry
 Chin tip depression Chin tip depression
 center line depression
 Chin tip Sagging
 , sinusitis,
 sinusitis, when you clean your nose with a tissue, brown, orange, and green stains keep coming out.
 Right cheekbone. Pain even when you do nothing and stand still.
 When you press on the right cheekbone, you hear a bone sound. Pain
 in the right cheekbone. Numbness and anesthesia-like pain that often comes when you turn your head, talk, or open your mouth.
 Right cheekbone at 45 degrees. If you lightly tap or press the pinned area, there will be numbness and anesthesia-like pain.
 If you touch the temple of the right cheekbone, there will be numbness and anesthesia-like pain.
 If you unconsciously touch the right cheekbone or lightly touch it, there will be numbness and anesthesia-like pain . Immediately after doing the above two, if you slightly close the right molar, the right cheekbone will experience numbness and anesthesia-like pain.
 Stiff and excruciatingly painful numbness and anesthesia-like pain.
 Cheekbones, incisions in the mouth, tingling when you make certain facial expressions. Cheekbones,
 incisions in the mouth, are often chewed and bleed.
 Cheekbone pain when chewing. Even when the molars  
 are slightly closed to each other, masseter
 muscle tingling. Muscle tingling and tremors when you close your eyes.
 Muscle tingling when you raise the corners of your mouth. Tremors,
 zygomatic nerve electric current, burning pain,
 frowning, zygomaticus major muscle, zygomaticus minor muscle, trembling, smiling,
 zygomaticus major muscle, zygomaticus minor muscle, trembling,
 discoloration of lower teeth, tingling
 pain in lower
 teeth , pinching pain
 in lower teeth , pain that feels like the lower teeth are shaking,
 lower teeth Pain in the taste of blood,
 pain when the lower teeth + left lateral incisor are tapped,
 pain in the lower teeth when the lower teeth touch with the upper teeth.
Pain when touching the lower gums when eating solid food
 Pain like an anesthetic injection even when lightly touching the lower gums
 Pain in the center of the front jaw
 When you touch the front jaw, strange sensation + numbness as if it is not your own bone If
 you tap the front jaw, you can taste blood, pain in the lower teeth and jawbone, pain
 in the front jaw, you can taste blood, lower teeth and jawbone pain at
 the tip of the chin Feeling of a foreign body in the muscle
 Painful pain in the muscle at the tip
 of the chin Pain when moving the muscle at the tip of the chin Heaviness when speaking Difficulty in pronunciation Tightness
 as if the muscle at the tip of the chin were sewn tightly
 Pain in the chin muscle when making a walnut wrinkled facial expression
 Soreness Pain in the smooth muscle when the neck is slightly raised
 Sagging at the corner of the mouth
 Lower mouth depressor muscle dysfunction
 Drooping lips
 , not fully closing lips,
 spilling when drinking liquids
Am I a living laboratory rat? Why did I have to undergo surgery without being told any surgical method, without being told about the side effects, and without any obligation to explain where the cuts would be made and what tissues would be torn, broken, or damaged? How could I? Even on the day of the surgery, no explanation of the surgical process was given, no CT scan was shown, and I had to undergo the surgery only after hearing the name of the surgery. Why did I have to undergo surgery on my face with a hole in the maxillary sinus, severed masseter muscle, contracted masseter muscle, severed Zygomaticus minor muscle, severed Zygomaticus major muscle, and severed orbicularis oculi muscle on my face? The retaining ligament is torn, the periosteum is torn, the fascia is torn, the sma is torn, the subcutaneous fat is torn, the mentalis muscle is torn, the depressor muscle of the mouth is torn, the lower lip depressor muscle is torn, the platysma muscle is torn, the gum groove is cut, the blood vessels are cut, the lymphatic vessels are cut, why do you have to endure the injuries inflicted on your body during this type of surgery? Why did I have to undergo surgery without being told even a single thing? Why did I have to suffer nerve damage without asking about the inevitable nerve damage to the zygomatico facial nerve during cheekbone surgery and the inevitable nerve damage to the mandibular incisive nerve during chin surgery without being asked to explain it? I have never consented to a single one of these injuries, so why did I have to undergo a surgery I did not want while losing my right to self-determination without being informed of even a single one?
I did not ask about the surgical procedure. I asked, “How is the surgery done?” “Like orthopedics.” “Slit the muscle and go in.” This is the entire surgical procedure explained by the director. Does that make sense? If I say this, what would an ordinary person without any knowledge think? Why is it that the most important part of the baby, which is the facial maintenance ligament, periosteum, fascia, smas, and subcutaneous fat that are attached to the bone, is peeled off? I didn't know that there were countless tissues, and I didn't know that those tissues were torn. Why on earth did I have to undergo this surgery without knowing? Why did they not even mention the exact muscle name and put the word orthopedic in front of it to make me think that all muscles are the same? Did they make it? Muscles that are important when talking, muscles that are important when eating, muscles that are important when making facial expressions. There are important muscles in the face that are independent from the general muscles, but why were they not even told the exact names of the muscles, so I had to undergo an unwanted surgery without any understanding and with incorrect information? The
director was not obligated to explain anything about the injuries inflicted during the surgery, nor was he required to explain a single thing about the side effects that would occur after the surgery. Although he was not required to explain anything, he actually deceived me. I realized that only the square jaw was dangerous during contour surgery. I didn't know anything about the side effects of cheek or chin surgery. I asked about the side effect I knew about sagging skin, 'I won't get saggy, right?' and he said, 'I won't get saggy.' Of course I believed it. I didn't know at that time that sagging skin is something that affects the face. I thought it only applied to fat people, but I didn't know that the soft tissue between the skin and the bone was attached, and I didn't know that all the soft tissue was being torn off, so I cut the bone, and sagging skin is inevitable. I can't give a proper explanation even once, but I'd rather lie. He deceived me. Not only that, but
how could a contour specialist not use CT to analyze bones just once? Why is there a CT and why was it taken? I had a consultation for contour surgery for the purpose of improving asymmetry. How could he use a CT program just once? Did they show it to me and trick me into getting the surgery by simply saying there was no doubt about it without analyzing it? How come they didn't explain the surgical method until the day of the surgery, didn't even turn on the CT program and didn't show it, and then asked, "Why?" or "What's the reason?" or "I'm going to shave this side" and "Why did you change it to shaving?" while showing the CT and saying, "Why did you change the surgical method to shaving?" Shouldn’t I explain the surgical plan? How can you say ‘shaving?’ without explaining it at all? 'I understand.' Is this the end that made me have to undergo surgery due to my own illusions? If you had explained and informed me and showed me the CT, I expected the chin surgery to be canceled, so I kept my mouth shut out of regret? On the day of surgery, right before surgery, I have no obligation to explain where to make an incision, where to cut, where to shave, where to insert how many mm, where to remove how many mm, what side effects will inevitably occur and what risks of side effects there are, and the surgical plan only once. I had the surgery after hearing only the name of the surgery. I
received non-face-to-face consultation at another hospital that performed facial CT analysis and found out that the difference between the cheekbones of my maternal and fetal bones was 0.5 mm on both sides, which was not asymmetrical at all, but the gap between the square jaw and the two nipples was on one side. He diagnosed that it may feel asymmetrical because it is larger. The center line of the teeth matches well, but the jaw joint is higher on one side, so the width on both sides is different, so it may feel asymmetrical. In other words, I underwent contouring surgery, which cannot improve asymmetry with contouring surgery. It was a face that didn't need to be made at all. Why did I even set foot in that hospital? Why on earth did I blindly trust only that director? Why on earth did I purely follow the director's words? The more I thought about it, the more I got trembled and felt like I was going crazy and dying. It's painful

If the director had done his duty of explanation, if he had shown me the CT, if he had received the CT, if he had consulted other plastic surgeons, if he had not gone to that hospital, if he had searched on Google, if he had studied facial anatomy, if only the director had done so. If I hadn't blindly trusted you, if I had had doubts and searched for the refund policy when they scammed me that my reservation deposit would be lost, if I had had doubts when they didn't let me meet the director, if I had run out when they said CCTV recording wouldn't work, if I had run out when they came to me and urged me to go into the operating room. Ramen, every single day, every moment, I reminisce about the past and suffer from a painful trauma that makes me
feel like I'm dying. After the surgery, my life has turned into hell. I can't concentrate on anything, I'm not interested in anything, and I used to live a comfortable daily life. And the future has been shattered, and a life has become filled with only anxiety, fear, side effects, and trauma. Without knowing what is being done to one's precious body, without knowing that one's tissues and nerves are being destroyed, and without knowing the side effects that will occur, a CT scan of one's facial bones is done. I can't get out of my head the fact and reality of having undergone such a terrible surgery that left me with all sorts of side effects without even being able to get a proper explanation, and every moment, every minute, every second has become a terrible mental trauma that I can't shake off. I suffer from extreme depression, anxiety, phobias, and panic. I was left with pain that I couldn't handle even if I took psychiatric medication, including disability, social phobia, insomnia, nightmares, heart attacks, and hyperventilation. For the first time in my life, I experienced true suicidal impulses thousands of times. My heart started beating so fast, my whole body trembled, and my whole body trembled hundreds of times a day. I am experiencing symptoms of spinning and stiffening. I am so tired that I can only fall asleep when I have no energy to move. I sleep for 4 hours and then wake up, and then sleep for 5 hours and wake up. As soon as I wake up, my heart attacks, and I cannot sleep properly every day. 1 Every second, every second, pain in the lower jaw that lasts for 24 hours, nerve damage that tastes like blood, soreness in the jaw, foreign matter in the jaw muscle, tightness in the jaw muscle, tightness, cheek pain, heart attack, whole body tremors, hyperventilation, trauma, straining my whole body, begging, and moaning for a day. I am living in hellish pain every moment of the day. Time has stopped before the surgery. I have lost everything. I want to die. I hope no other terrible victim like me emerges
(this article is not false, slanderous, or exaggerated, and everything that happened to me is what I am going through. We write only the facts about all side effects and pain and state that this article is intended to help share information and make prudent decisions for the public interest.)

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Jawline job - 와이구강악안면외과치과의원 Cmt 0 View 167 Like 0
큰 수술이다 보니 양악윤곽으로 유명하다는 타병원 3곳를 포함해서 상담을 돌아다닌 뒤 마지막으로 와이구강악 상담을 갔어요. 다른 병원과 비교해보니 더욱 이곳이다 확신이 들었습니다. 안전을 강조하시면서도 제사 원하는 수술을 방향성을 정확하게 캐치하시는 것이 좋았어요. 또, 치과도 같이하고있어 후 교정을 이곳에서 할수있는것도 좋았습니다. 모든 병원 통틀어서 가장 깔끔하고 친절한 분위기인 것도 한 몫했습니다. 원장님 상담은 제 성격에 잘 맞았던 것 같아요. 솔…
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4 Hours ago
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로블에비뉴에서 정성우 선생님께 팔 겨부 뒷 부유방 지방흡입 받았습니다 내원 후 석혜진 실장님께 상담받았고 예약 후 바로 수술했습니다 수술 후 3일정도 많이 아팠지만 그 뒤로는 일상생활 가능했습니다 처음엔 뭔가 로봇마냥 팔 들고 만져질때 어색했는데 한달정도 지난 지금은 뭔가 제 살같고 기간이 지나면 지날수록 느껴지는 변화가 다른 것 같아요 살을 조금 빼기 시작했는데 다이어트 같이 병행하면 더 예쁠 것 같아요! 흉터 거의 없고…
4 Hours ago