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In conclusion, the less plastic surgery you do, the better (history of considering plastic surgery until I was in my 30s)

넵넵2 2024-07-23 (화) 20:27 1 Months ago 20398 [CODE : 22A49]
I'm in my mid-to-late 30s.
 I'm here again to find out about lifting, but
 the more I look into it, the less plastic surgery I do, the better.
Below are the plastic surgeries I gave up on:
1. Breast/nose implant surgery
 My breasts are AA cups, so I was mentally ill in my 20s, so I researched them like crazy.
 The biggest problem is The thing is that the construction is a random draw.. What
 if it stays fine for a year or two and then the construction comes ten years later?
 I cried and took it out, and the skin in the area I removed stretched out, so I thought about what to put back in, and doubled or tripled the money.. It's crazy.
 I won't do any plastic surgery involving implants in the future
. 2. I feel so bad for the Korean women who got breast/face fat grafting.
 If I lose weight, I fill in the area where I lost weight, and after filling, I take it out. I'm crazy
 about this . I know this a lot after losing weight. I
 already have AA breasts, but when I lost weight, I couldn't find a bra that fit.
 Implants go crazy when the immune system starts attacking them, so wouldn't it be okay if it's just the fat in my body?
 I looked into the route of this thought
 , but I was distressed when I found out that the route of fat -> calcification -> nodule ->~~ -> breast cancer was pierced. I thought
 this is what happens when too much fat goes in, so after a few years, I lost a lot of weight again and recognized the shape of my face.
Wouldn’t it be okay because it has less fat? I think
 the problem is the dripping issue.
 As the weight of my face increases, the muscles that are originally attached to my face cannot handle it. If you put it in and it sags, you go to take it out again later.
 You put it in, you take it out, you put it in, you take it out. After something happened,
you realized that you shouldn't try to fill up with fat when you need to increase your facial muscles.
 After trying to solve the problem to some extent by stretching the facial muscles themselves by exercising, I was glad I didn't do this. I swept my chest down.
In fact, I went crazy early this year and went straight to get surgery, but my friend is a doctor and I secretly told him I was going to get this done. He 
 showed me a lot of my face with fat grafting and said that wasn't the answer,
 so I threw away the deposit and canceled the surgery.
 Thank you, my friend.
3. Thread lifting
 as above. reason. It is said that the thread will dissolve and disappear, but when you open the skin to lift it, it remains tangled inside the skin.
 Later, the more you try to do something properly by tearing the skin, the more you realize that it is important to keep as much of the raw skin area as possible.
4. Filler that does not melt, can be used in the area where the lifting treatment will be performed later. Like
 1, building issues. Like +3, if something remains in the skin, it interferes with what to do later. Issue
Treatments that have recently drastically reduced or discontinued the
 number of times
. 1. Botox.
 As you age, every gram of muscle is more precious.
 If you put in fat, it sags, but muscle doesn't. The more it is applied, the higher the face goes up...
 When I was young, I got Botox on my chin and chin, but when I kept getting it on my forehead and around my eyes, I lost all of my muscle. I saw that I was becoming more and more depressed, so I stopped.
 I realized that the best thing to do is to use my facial expressions as best as possible and control my facial muscles.
 I'm stressed because I keep getting fine wrinkles, so just add some fine wrinkles. However, I decided to live with a face full of muscles.
2. Filler
 I didn't do a lot of filler in the first place, but
 this is also something that is put in between the skin, so the problem that remains later (no matter how much it melts, it remains)
 + Nodule issue (Sculptra)
 Fundamentally, it increases the weight that my facial muscles can handle. Since I decided not to do it, I decided not to do it in the future
surgery procedures that remain for me
1. Skin booster
 , I have crazy dry skin, so I manage fine wrinkles with water-glow injections,
 and PN injection, which improves the skin itself,
 but it also involves piercing the needle, so skin adhesion issue
2. No one can stop
 lifting and aging without using foreign substances.
 No matter how much you exercise your facial muscles every day and manage your facial volume by managing your weight,
 what you will end up doing is a facial lift for sagging skin
 . I 'm planning to go to a place that's really good at it and
 get it done. If you go to a place that's really good at it, the amount of money will change.
 I'm planning to save up for that day
The best plastic surgery I did and regretted was square jaw surgery and facial jaundice.
 I really want my jaw bone back right now. If I have a jaw bone, my facial skin will improve.
 It would be tight because it's hanging there,
 but I didn't have enough bone to hold the surface of my skin, so even if I wanted to, I couldn't put it in. I took it out at a young age.
 I should have treasured the fat, so why did you take that away?
 As I got older and lost weight, the skin on my cheeks became saggy.
 Bone restoration. I looked into it, but the unit is in the thousands.
 Before getting a lift, you can get a jawbone restoration consultation first.
The best thing I did was not have cheekbone surgery.
 My cheekbones frame my face, so I can maintain this facial line.

Things I enjoyed doing and recommend to everyone
1. Facial muscle exercises, body shape correction exercises,
 especially ballet, to straighten the neck, shoulders, and back, build muscles around the neck
 , and strength training to build muscles around the face and chest. The
 wrinkles on the neck disappear and even the face line is lifted
 . By building muscle, I completely solved the cheek depression that wasn't possible with filler.
Oh, that's right, one of the things I solved with ballet was the distorted image of my
 chest. Ballet uniforms look good on flat chests.
 At first, it was so strange not to have breasts,
 but I kept wearing that outfit for several years. After I got used to it, anything I put on my chest started to look strange.
 Ballet clothes are ballet clothes, but I've been swimming for a few years, so when I swim, I just wear tight-fitting swimsuits to press down on my chest. As I exercise,
 I'm starting to avoid tight bras.
 Now, I just wear them and have a pretty, straight, well-muscled body. I realized that solving the mental problem before fixing the body with plastic
 surgery may be the answer.

2. Improving the inflammatory constitution through eating habits and lifestyle habits.
 There is a lot of inflammation.
 Then, after the inflammatory reaction, the skin tissue and bone tissue continue to melt and disappear and become thin.
 When you return to your 20s, binge drinking and I think I'll stop smoking, eating instant noodles, and playing all night long.
 It's not just my skin that has become thinner. Compared to my peers, my gums have melted a lot, and
 braces were a bit difficult
 . I'm trying to exercise as much as possible and live as healthy as possible to preserve the remaining skin thickness and bone density as much as possible.

Conclusion The less plastic surgery you do, the better..
 The more you
 do it, the more it becomes a quagmire. Life is so hard to keep going from one thing to another.
How great would it be if someone told me this when I was in my 20s?

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