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You completely ruined both your face and body with nose surgery in your early 20s.

스화 2024-07-22 (월) 15:33 2 Months ago 22298 [CODE : 48E00]

Does this make sense? I really can't even lift my face. In this hot weather, I have to wear a mask, and I can't meet my friends or acquaintances. Every day is a pain and a hardship. It's really, really hard, I'm so stressed, I'm upset, and I'm so upset that I keep thinking about dying. My face has become so ugly and grotesque at this age. However, the attitude of the hospital that performed the surgery was very shameless, and both the doctor and the director were very shameless. Everyone says the only thing they do at the hospital is an apology. Yes? Apple? Haha.. I haven’t even heard the letter s in apple. What kind of apple is... Everyone who looks at it is startled and there are several who look at it again, and what's more, the nursing assistant at the hospital didn't stick the needle properly many times. How many times have I had blood splattered on my shoes and clothes because I couldn't stop the bleeding? But it's a great hospital where the assistant doctor and the director never apologized or even pretended to be sorry, and they didn't even show that kind of attitude. I've even heard people ask if it's possible to carry a face with a nose like this, and I've heard all sorts of things. I really wonder if I paid a lot of money for the surgery just to survive hearing things like this, and I feel so unfair that I feel like I'm going to die. I am so resentful of the shameless hospitals in the world that don't know anything about their faults, and I'm really, really upset and angry. At first, they called from far away areas saying that they would do the surgery for free under some kind of overall model, but eventually they took a lot of money and even took an additional amount for the surgery. This hospital, which doesn't follow every single word, is just so funny. Because of this surgery, I was unable to go on several overseas trips scheduled for July and August, so when I think about the fees I lost by canceling them all and the airline tickets, hotels, and resorts that I did not receive a refund for, I feel really mortified and angry. I spent a lot of money traveling back and forth from the countryside every day, but they pretended that they would treat my inflammation for free instead of paying transportation costs. It's such a pity that this onion-like hospital exists the more it is exposed, the more it appears. I really hope that a victim like me never happens again. Every day is hopeless, and every time I look in the mirror, I live in an inexplicable depression and darkness. Please be punished. I hope.
+ Whenever the manager texts me, he only half-heartedly replies to the last word, doesn't he stop talking and is crazy slow in replying? Thanks to that, on a day when my doctor was closed, I had to travel 4 hours round trip from the countryside and just apply some ointment and come back. What on earth do they think I am? If I went to apply ointment, couldn't I just apply it by myself at home? I really feel like hell every day, but I'm so angry at the people at this hospital who show such a carefree attitude without even a single apology, I really can't express it in words. How on earth will I take responsibility for my future job, where my face is important, and what about my life? I really did nothing all day, just lay down and looked at the wall. I feel like I have depression and social phobia. Whenever I get on the subway or bus, people stare at me and it seems like it's because of my nose. It's really hard. I'm so angry at his shameless attitude, and every day is just so hard. I can't help but sigh at the huge cost of reoperation that I have to pay again. Please help me.
+ Is it okay for the director to treat and treat inflammation? Actually, I see my doctor once every 4-5 days. Even if you just look at it, you can see it roughly.
Every time all the doctors and people I see tell me that I will never, ever go back to the way I was before, I just end up crying like crazy, and it's so hopeless and heartbreaking that I can't express it. Is it really my fault that I made a poor choice? Please, victims like me will never happen again. Every day is really hell. Please help everyone. I have nightmares every night and can't sleep well, so I take psychiatric drugs and sleeping pills to survive. It's unfair to think about the doctor and the director of that hospital who can sleep peacefully in the world. And every time I go for treatment, even though I am in such a serious condition, I am always on the back burner, and no matter how important other patients are, they always put the other surgery patients first. I wait for a hundred years, ten thousand years, and then they just tell me to sit down and wait, and then they do post-processing after a long time, and the way they deal with it is really ridiculous.
+It's definitely not made of silicone or anything, so they keep looking at me and saying it's amazing how on earth my nose got like this. How can they say I'm seeing this for the first time in my 17 years at the hospital? Am I a museum exhibit or a monkey? If you say it’s amazing to see me, do I feel good? I really don't know what you're thinking. Actually, I am so hurt. I'm so upset and having a hard time. I really resent the hospital for saying this to me.
This article has no purpose to slander, and I hope it will be of some help to those who are choosing a hospital.
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두번의실수는없어 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 491BE] Address
연락한 내용들이랑 코 사진 매일 증거 자료 만들어서 캡쳐하고 만들어ㅠㅠㅠ
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아니면 재수술비 대달라고 햐ㅠㅠ
거기선 절대 다시 하지말고ㅠㅠ
아리랄리 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : AD04C] Address
이거 변호사 찾아가서 고소 진행가능한지 상담받고 거기서는 후치료도 그만 받는게 맞는 것 같아. 타 병원 상담받아서 재건가능한지 체크해야할 것 같은데... 그리고 좀 강경하게 교통비 일부라도 보상해주라고 해봐. 그거 안해주면 여기저기에 후기 계속 올릴거라고 얘기해보던가...ㅠㅠ
Linda88 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 31206] Address
헐 ㅠㅠ 이 병원 이름이 뭐에요? 저도 이번에 코수술 고민중인데 ㅠㅠ 혹시 보형물은 뭐로 넣었었는지 알 수 잇을까요?
그만머거 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 29CBA] Address
와 병원 대처 진짜 너무하다 힘내ㅠ
aaom 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : D5056] Address
이개 무슨…. 어떤 마음일지 가늠도 안가..무슨 그냥 무보형물 수술 이였는데 이렇게 된거야? 마음이 아프다…
롤리팝 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 43315] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
공구일일 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 2787E] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
이룰더 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 312C9] Address
힘내세요.... 다시 전과 똑같이는 아니더라도 재건 꼭 할수있을거에요
Kyonee9 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 22BE8] Address
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오헐 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 16119] Address
어디 병원인가요 ㅠㅠ??
pinkvenomm 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 7DFE6] Address
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나도미도 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 6869E] Address
도데체 어떤병원인가요 ㅠㅠㅠ 너무마음이아프네요
쿠키귀신 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 435B4] Address
와 진짜 너무한 거 아니야"? 저렇게 해놓고 사과하나 없는게 진짜 인간들인가?? 내가 다 억울해서 눈물이 난다...
뇽뇽1 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 15B45] Address
미친거아냐? 의사도 의사지만 직원들 태도도 진짜 어이없네 저 병원 꼭 망했으면 좋겠다 꼭 이기길 바랄게..
Jakeeeeee 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 3375A] Address
정말 너무 하네요.... 20대 초반 하....
우냥이잉이 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 2B4B8] Address
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nksk 2 Months ago 2 Months ago [CODE : 48300] Address
와 진짜 너무하다ㅠㅠ내가 다 화나네..사과를 해야지 왜 신기하다고 말하고 앉아있어ㅠㅠ휴 잘 풀려서 괜찮아지길 바래
행복지키미 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 1B065] Address
미친 병원이다 진짜로 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ.....
냐냐누누너너 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 4E4A8] Address
이게 실화인가... 꼭 정당한 보상 받고 치료 받으시길 바랍니다
꽁기쏭 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 43EB0] Address
너무 마음이 아프다.. 의사 처방 있으면 치료 가능 한걸로 알고 있오..
케빈김 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 18BE2] Address
진짜 뻔뻔한 것들이네...
소라카여신 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 1C3F5] Address
와...진짜 어디병원이야??? 미쳣다진짜...힘내
믿니 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 1D437] Address
어디 병원이야??? 힘내
룰루랄롷 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2DEFE] Address
속상하겟다ㅠㅠㅠ 아휴 마음아파라..
뽀또러버 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : ADC9A] Address
미친거 아니야 진짜?... 아니 이러는데 폐업을 안한다고??... 대체 어느 병원이야? 사진으로 계속 남겨놔야할 거 같아 ㅠㅠ
하러하 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2BAD8] Address
어디 병원인가요. ???
바퀴벌레탈출 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2EA9C] Address
마음이 너무 아픕니다... 어느 병원인가요?
강민이네누렁이 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 25E68] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
만재이 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 33B5C] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
콩콩히야나 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 8522B] Address
마음이 너무 아프네요... 하 .. 어디병원인가요?
포텐셜 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 29CA8] Address
허...ㅜㅜㅜ 진짜 속상하겠다 그 병원 진짜 뻔뻔하네
Sunsunny 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 53373] Address
여기 병원 어딘지 알고 싶네요. 내가 화난다ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
비둘기모이 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 23078] Address
어떤자식들인가요?? 너무화가나네요
럭키빅키대성공 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 43EA3] Address
이건 정말 고소하고 공론화시켜야합니다 어떻게 이럴 수가 있는지...마음이 너무 아프네요
율잏 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 25E68] Address
미친 사이코 병원 아니야? 화난다.. 하 ;
다미담이 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 4134A] Address
증거확보해서 사건반장이나 언론제보하고 인터넷에 글올려 나라면 그렇게 할래
모찌미몽 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
진짜 어느병원이에요. 밝히고 이겨내세요
rocher 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
하루아침에 저렇게된게아닐텐데 전조증상있을때 병원 안가봤어?
스껄스 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
아니 진짜 이건 아니잖아
병원 알 수 있을까?
말거 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
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아테콜 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
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Cocomommy 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
어디 병원이에요!! 블랙이에요 ㅠㅠ
Qwerj 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
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일리아인 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
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아스라라 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
악마같은 병원 고소 꼭 하길바래 ㅡㅡ
ㄴㅓ무 궁금해 어딘지 알수있을까?
까르보나라불닭 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
헐 ㅠㅠㅠ 진짜 미친 병원 아니냐고 너무 화나 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
작키 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
성형을 생각하고 해본사람 할 사람 모두의 문제다 이건 진짜 저런 의사 놈들 와 ..참 일단 단계적으로 해결해나가셔야 할 거 같습니다
와 진짜 사람 얼굴에 손대는 수술은 실력이 없다 싶거나 완성이 안 된 사람은 절대 사람을 대상으로 수술하면 안되는데 휴
오뚜기감자 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
와 ㅁ ㅣ티겠다.. 보는 내가 다 슬프고 억울하고 화나
지니지니진진 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
병원 정보 제발 부탁드려요 진짜 너무 화나네요
트라조노 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
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람잉스 29 Days ago 29 Days ago Address
진짜 어디병원이야 ㅡㅡ 당장블랙 !!!
럭키럭키키 26 Days ago 26 Days ago Address
진짜 메스컴 타야하네
ㅇㅇㅇㄴㅇㄷ 21 Days ago 21 Days ago Address
하 … 진짜 병원 미친거아니야?? 예사야 힘내 진짜 ..
고민끝 19 Days ago 19 Days ago Address
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comet77 15 Days ago 15 Days ago Address
와 진짜 그냥 너무 어이가없는데?
민영엉 8 Days ago 8 Days ago Address
아이고ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 어떡해요 제가다맘이아프네여.. 어느병원에서 하셨어요??ㅠㅠ 저두 곧 코수술하는데 무섭네요,,
코가문제다 7 Days ago 7 Days ago Address
나도코수술받고 없던 축농증부비동염에 비중격만곡증까지생겨서 숨을제대로못쉬어ㅠ거기다가코끝 귀연골튀어나오기일보직전에 단차에다가ㅜㅜ후 4번째수술앞두고잇어ㅠ눈도  재수술이엇는데 상술에넘어가앞트임밑트임뒤트임  아웃라인으로해서 11년째 소세지눈으로살아가....  가리려고 아이라인문신두껍게하고 속눈썹연장하고 앞머리내려서눈가리고다닌다......이병원어디야?진짜폭파시키고싶다
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23 Minutes ago
Facialbone job - 입체성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 43 Like 0
사각턱이 많이 발달 됐었고 턱 튀나와 있는게 고민이 심해서 입체에서 윤곽 수술 받았습니다 사각턱, 피질절골, 턱끝 수술 받았고 누가봐도 확실히 느껴질만큼 개선이 잘 됐습니다! 턱 감각도 무뎠던게 많이 돌아왔고 생활하는데에도 지장이 없어 너무 편하고 좋네요
29 Minutes ago
Nose job Cmt 0 View 51 Like 0
8년 동안 되게 길게 고민한 코한게 4달전이네요 벌써 전엔 뭉퉁하게 생겼단 소리 들었는데 그땐 그게 뭔소린가 했어요; 근데 지금보니깐 코 때문이였나봅니다 매부리코가 심해서 굴곡이 굉장히 심했는데 매끈해진 콧대만 얻어가도 성공한 수술이다 싶은데 인상까지 달라지니까 좋네요
32 Minutes ago
Facialbone job - 플래너성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 38 Like 0
인중이 워낙 길었어서 하관이 너무 콤플렉스였음 어느정도의 흉을 감안하고서라도 하고 싶은 마음 ㅜ 인중 길면 중안면부 엄청 길어보이고 노안이미지로 보임 진짜로,, 인중골도 없어서 축소하는김에 C컬로 만들어주는 인중오목술 같이함 일자로 축 내려온 인중에서 축소 + 인중골 같이 하니까 더 짧아보이는 느낌이 듦 입술 말린것도 효과 보는듯한 느낌? 3주 정도 지나니까 인중 딱딱해진 것도 많이 풀림 인중축소 관련해서는 후기 별로 없길래 사진 모…
40 Minutes ago
Petit/Laser job - 사적인아름다움지유의원 일산점 Cmt 0 View 22 Like 0
턱보톡스 항상 맞았는데 코어톡스 맞고 싶어서 지유 가서 받았어요! 다른 시술도 항상 좋았는데, 턱보톡스도 괜찮아요 다만 용량 확인이나 병 확인은 안시켜주시더라구요 조금 찝찝하긴 하지만 괜찮아요 효과는 나오는 중입니다
43 Minutes ago
Facialbone job - 신상성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 35 Like 0
이중턱지흡 너어어어무 만족합니다. 얼굴부분이라 어색할까봐 걱정이었고, 살찌면 다시 찌지 않을까 걱정했는데, 둘 다 아니네요. 살이 쪄도 이중턱은 생기지 않아서 크게 스트레스 안 받아요. 회복기간도 길지 않아서 좋아요
46 Minutes ago