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I want to stop living with rhinoplasty

익명 2024-07-21 (일) 21:32 2 Months ago 14861 [CODE : 4A4EA]
Now, several years later, I am so disgusted with the fact that I had rhinoplasty and feel ashamed of myself. I feel a lot of shame at the fact that I had to undergo surgery like this even though my face wasn't terribly ugly. I am very resentful of myself for thinking too complacent and not worrying too much because I had surgery without implants and the place had good reviews...
I have trouble breathing due to functional rhinoplasty. I'm happiest when I'm sleeping and dreaming because I'm living with a very stinging, dry, clogged breath, as if I were experiencing a chemical or biological room... People who don't understand me often say that they can mentally solve it on their own, but I can't say that it hurts easily because it's a result of rhinoplasty. I went to several hospitals to get it fixed, but they couldn't find the cause and said the inside of my nose was already damaged a lot. That's why you can't do it again. Opening the nose itself is a huge risk because it is accompanied by scarring, destruction of the mucous membrane, and decreased blood vessels in the nose.
The first surgery was a non-implantable one, but I think rhinoplasty itself is just dangerous. In rhinoplasty, an incision is made on the side of the columella, the skin is turned over, a lot of cartilage is removed, and the opening of the nose itself has many effects, such as scarring and blood vessels in the skin. Anyone who has seen even one rhinoplasty video on YouTube will understand that what I am saying is not an exaggeration. Don't forget that it is obvious that your nose is the healthiest before surgery, so please be very careful about nose surgery ㅜㅜI just gave up on this life... I'm just thinking about making money and committing euthanasia. Suicide is the only thing that makes me happy. My entire life was ruined by rhinoplasty. In conclusion, I wanted to convey the message that your current mother's nose is the healthiest and most self-harmonized one...

+) Please tell me the reason why you are reporting me... If I did anything wrong, I apologize. I don't really write comments, and this is the only post I've made recently, so I think I'm getting reports through this post.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

밍닝잉잉 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
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나불이 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
[@코수술피해자] 저도 기능코 수술날짜 잡아뇠어요..어디병원이에요?ㅜㅜ 쪽지를 어케보내는지 몰라서요
검은콩글로벌 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
코때문에 진짜 콤플렉스 있었는데 그냥 포기하고 사려고…ㅠㅠㅠ맘고생이 너무 심한사람 많은 거같아…
아잉뿌얖 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
진짜 힘내세요 저도 몇년전에 코수술했다가 매일 눈물로 지세우고 지금은 그러려니하고 삽니다… 화이팅이에요
체리바다 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
기능코 수술도 그렇구나 ,, 기능코 알아보는 중이었는데 코는 최대한 보수적으로 접근해야겠네 힘내길 기원해
rhfo7878 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
죽지마요. 행복하게 살아요. 이번생에서도 다음생에서도. 예쁘게, 열심히 잘 살아가고 싶은 마음에 성형한거잖아요.
트라조노 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
sfee 10 Days ago 10 Days ago Address
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