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It's the 6th week of double eyelid surgery + eye correction. Are there any stitches left in the black part...?;; Those of you who have had an incision, please take a look.

bg64 2022-04-01 (금) 15:21 2 Years ago 4193
속쌍인데 눈 앞머리쪽만 부은 것처럼 겉쌍으로 라인 두 줄이 형성

<속쌍인데 눈 앞머리쪽만 부은 것처럼 겉쌍으로 라인 두 줄이 형성>

원래는 속쌍이라 빨강 부분이 가려져야 정상 ㅠㅠ

<원래는 속쌍이라 빨강 부분이 가려져야 정상 ㅠㅠ>

검은 부분

<검은 부분>

검은 부분

<검은 부분>

<It's an inner pair, but two lines are formed on the outer part, as if only the front of the eye is swollen><Originally, it is an inner pair, so the red part has to be covered ㅠㅠ><black part><black part>Hello,
 I would appreciate it if you could tell me what this is. ㅠㅠ
 (For your information, I asked the hospital first, but the director's schedule was full so I could visit in two days,,,
 I couldn't help but ask first!!)
 Incision + Eye Correction Now 6 It's parking, and
 the swelling has almost completely gone down
(all pictures are of the right eye, in case you get confused when the left and right are reversed).
The important thing is, I'm a man, so I got an inner pair. The
 other left eye has completely become thinner, but the right eye I'm asking about from now on is the same. What is the problem?
 Strangely, from the beginning of the surgery, the inner skin of the double eyelids is visible like the outer eyelid on the front side of the eye. (Can we call this two lines?)
 <Photo 1> As you can see, it is the inner eyelid, but only the front side of the eye has two lines as if it
 is swollen. If the outer eyelid line is the problem, If it were, the middle line above the black eye would also be connected to the outer pair, so I wouldn't know if the entire thing was an outer pair, but
 since only the bangs have two lines, it's very awkward, as if the inner skin is swollen.
 That's why I have the power to only open my eyes in this part with overcorrection. I wondered
if it was because it was so loud. If you can't see it clearly, please refer to <Photo 2>. In that way, there are only two lines in the front of the hair.

I tried it a lot, and the swelling continued to go down, so I waited for about 6 weeks, and the swelling has completely gone down elsewhere, but I don't think it's possible that the only area around the front of the eye is left with swelling. While I was thinking about it,
one day, if I close my eyes and look closely, I see black marks exactly on the two lines on the front side, which have been a nuisance..? The same thing appeared.
If you look at <Photo 3> and <Photo 4>, there is definitely a black mark.
 This was not there at all in the beginning of the surgery, but as it got bigger, it became more visible. I also wondered something about it one day,
 but it's definitely not a bruise or a grime. I tried to
 wash it off, but
it was still the same. I looked up the black mark on my double neck on the Internet, and it said it could be a stitch.
 The manager missed it when he was removing the stitch, or maybe he missed it. I heard that it may be the thread tied inside that sticks out.
 Has anyone experienced this? Is the black thread in this correct...?
 However, it is not a burial that is tied with thread, but an incision surgery, so how can the stitches tied inside be seen protruding this far...?;;
 It was an incision surgery to begin with, but are there any stitches left inside?
 (It seems that the stitches that were left due to the manager's mistake were not the same, so even after he had removed all of them, he looked at them very carefully for several minutes with a light shining on them,,,)

I guess the black part looks like stitches to me. First of all, as I mentioned earlier, the front of the eyes, So, you said that only the part where there was a black area was raised in two lines, as if it were overcorrection...
 Could it be because of the stitches? I was wondering if the strength of the binding caused the flesh to lift, making the two lines look like an outer pair,,,
 (It would be better if there were some stitches left. So far, it has been an inner pair, but if that was the reason why the bangs line was weird, if it were to be undone, even the bangs would become a perfect inner pair. ㅠㅠ)
If you have any thoughts on whether there were any stitches left like this or what the black part is, I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice ㅠㅠ

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