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ㅁㅌ Eye and nose plastic surgery process, review

익미엉 2024-07-04 (목) 18:20 1 Months ago 537 [CODE : 18B4A]
Date- July 2nd 10:20-14:20
 Eyes- Epigastric lift, eye correction, in-out line, eyelid fat removal
 Nose- 3.5mm silicone, septal cartilage (if insufficient, ear cartilage)
When you arrive at the hospital on time, you change into patient clothes, write a consent form for the surgery and make a payment, and decide on the height and shape of the silicone (straight, straight, etc.) with the director. You will hear a general explanation of the surgery again and make adjustments. (It takes about 20 minutes)
Then the surgery begins in earnest. As soon as you lie down, they give you an injection each on your arm and the top of your foot (I thought it was an anesthetic shot, but I later saw on the hospital's YouTube that it was an IV and antibiotic shot). It hurts a little.
 Then, they dip a toothpick in ink and design a double eyelid above your eyes, which is secretly annoying and painful. They said that my Mongolian folds are very, very thick, so it takes a long time to design them.
 Now the surgery begins in earnest. The nose is anesthetized first, but the eyes are only local anesthetized, so they put 3-4 anesthetic injections into the eyelids while I was awake, and it hurt quite a bit. But the pain was acceptable. After
  wiping the blood off my eyes and telling me to open my eyes~, I opened them and closed them~ and repeated this process (the sensation was similar for both epicanthoplasty and double eyelids). Then they removed the fat from my eyelids, and it hurt terribly. Should I say it felt like they were pulling out my eyeballs? It felt a little bit burning, and anyway, it hurt sooooooooooooo x100. Then they told me that they were going to flip my eyelids over and inject anesthesia. I was scared and screamed that it hurt so much, but they didn’t even start the anesthetic injection; they just gently pinched my eyelids with their hands. The director hadn’t even started and scolded me for being too joking.
 After my eyes were done, I went to the bathroom and then the nose job started. The rhinoplasty is much more painful than local anesthesia for the eyes, so they said that they would first put me under general anesthesia for about 10 minutes and then prepare for the actual rhinoplasty with local anesthesia for my nose and ear disinfection.
 After waking up from general anesthesia, I honestly don’t remember much. All I remember is that I enthusiastically cried out for a hamburger when I woke up. Maybe that’s why the nurses asked me if I was hungry during the surgery. Maybe it was because I was dizzy,
but the rhinoplasty didn’t hurt at all. In my previous hospital surgery review, I said that it felt uncomfortable when they extracted the septal cartilage, but I didn’t feel anything. Even I, a joker that the director acknowledges, didn’t feel any pain, so I think rhinoplasty really doesn’t hurt. After
 the surgery, before the final suture, they brought my guardian into the operating room and made me stand up to check if the shape was okay. I said that I was satisfied with the height of my nose on the side, but they said that they would overcorrect a little more and suture it because they thought that the tip of my nose would sag later. They stopped the 
bleeding for about 10 minutes before the final suture and then sutured and finished. At this time, the nose is disinfected, which is very difficult. The disinfectant goes down to the esophagus, so my throat is very sore. The cotton is surprisingly uncomfortable, but it doesn't hurt much. It feels like half the pain of the PCR? This is the end of the surgery
 . After the end, they give me an IV for 1-2 hours and watch the progress. I finished at 2:20, but the director came in at 3:40 and explained the post-surgery precautions.
Review - I have a type 3 alar retraction, so my nostrils stick out, which was a complex, but the director said that it wouldn't improve. So I cleared my mind about that part, but when I checked after the surgery, my nostrils had improved beautifully. He also said that my skin is too thick and the distance between my eyebrows is narrow, so there won't be any dramatic changes. But the eyes themselves have become very refreshing. Also, since my nose was raised at the same time, I was worried about my eyes getting squinted, but the director adjusted the length well, so my eyes don't get squinted much even with the splint on. When I see this, I think the director is bluffing a bit. When I consult, he says that this is the extent of improvement, and that it is not as much as (the person) wants, which is extremely realistic, so I lower my expectations, but when it comes to the actual surgery, he makes me look natural and pretty. Isn't that proof that the director's eye and skills are objective and professional? And I could see that the director's surgical method itself pursues a lot of detail.
 In other reviews, there were many who said that the director is chic, but that's not necessarily true. He smiles a lot and is kind. Even when my mom and I bragged about being YouTube fans, he accepted me well.
Overall - It seems to be one of the few plastic surgery clinics that has all three elements: natural beauty + extreme safety + realism. There's a reason it's famous. If you're looking for a natural look, I highly recommend it, and I recommend that even people who are completely new to it put it on their list and go for a consultation.
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