<Before contour surgery><After contouring surgery><Double chin and missing jaw line after contouring surgery><Double Chin Tie Hospital>The last time I wrote a shit about facial contour, I got a lot of comments and people kept replying.
Is it because you gained weight or is it swollen? No
, it's been a while and I'm not fat... The
time you wore pink was before the surgery,
aren't you so fat? I thought it was because I had a lot of weight, so I added my whole body lol. I'm 170cm and 53cm.
The enlarged photo of my face below is after surgery.
All photos are unedited studio photos, and you know that the photos taken in the studio are more explicit... right? More than Gika's? So, I attached it..
Anyway, now.. the shape of my face has collapsed, my face has become puffy and big, and I have a double chin.
I had surgery last year, so they said it was swelling, but
when I went to the hospital at the 6th month, the doctor said that the swelling on my face would not go away any more. Haha, that's why I don't have a swollen face right now...
Internally, I blew a bomb on myself haha.
People around me and my family
are asking me if I've gained weight, or saying that I have a double chin and that it looks like the full moon haha. I'm dying too.
My boyfriend once took a picture of me from the back of his car. If you look at the picture you gave me,
your face is really different from before ㅜㅠㅠ
I tried In-Mode and Shrink twice, but there was no answer,
so I got a neck lift (muscle tying) today.
Not only does my face look like a pig, I hope my double chin goes away.