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How to avoid side effects of breathlessness

익명 2024-06-24 (월) 19:22 3 Months ago 474 [CODE : 4E405]
If you have concerns about rhinoplasty, there are reviews that come up occasionally saying that it has been a few years since then but it is still difficult to breathe through the nose. I thought there would be many people who are curious about the cause and whether these functional side effects just occur randomly, so I decided to write this. I saw an article on a doctor's blog that said the probability of functional side effects is about 10-20%. That means 1 in 5 people. It is not common, but I think it is a probability that is hard to ignore. I am also experiencing functional side effects, and I have received a lot of advice and consultation from doctors about this, so I think it would be good to just look at it as a reference before rhinoplasty. After rhinoplasty, I have been doing revision rhinoplasty and side effects reviews, and revision consultations for 3 years, and the most breathing problems were with "septum", "osteotomy", and "beak". Of course, I recommend not getting rhinoplasty at all... but if you really want to avoid functional side effects, you can avoid those 3 things and you will not have any functional side effects.
 After consulting with an ENT specialist (Asan, Goguryeo, etc.), I was told that since osteotomy narrows the space, breathing may become difficult. My breathing problem also applies to this... However, the osteotomy type is divided into lateral and medial osteotomy, and the lateral osteotomy has relatively minimal impact.
 Beak -shaped: When shaving the bridge of the nose for a beak-shaped nose, the overall nasal roof becomes lower, and when shaving the beak, the upper lateral cartilage (beak roof) collapses, which can cause functional problems.
3. Septum:
 In the case of a septum, the nasal septum is removed by separating it from the nasal mucosa, so the mucosa is often damaged during this process. If recovery is slow, it can cause dryness in the nose, etc. This is why it is difficult to breathe in the beginning. And since the septum is removed and placed on the tip of the nose, the load that supports the bridge of the nose is transferred to the tip of the nose, so there is no load in the middle, and I heard that it can cause septal deviation after several years! Also, there was a doctor on YouTube who said that using a septum can cause functional problems (attached). Of course, using a septum does not necessarily cause functional problems, but I don't know where ordinary people get plastic surgery, and if you really want to avoid the functional part, then you should not use it!
It is not natural that everyone who does the three causes mentioned above will have functional side effects. However, I absolutely did not want to have functional side effects, but I did, and I realized these facts through consultations, various studies, and side effect reviews (Binko Side Effect Cafe, Gaasa, etc.).... And if functional side effects occur, it is absolutely not easy to go back. Functional side effects that are ruined like a broken leg are not easy to reverse, and there are no doctors who can tell you for sure that they can be functionally resolved... So I think it's right to study and avoid functional side effects as much as possible!!

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