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A review outlined today!

abcfhh 2024-06-21 (금) 20:16 3 Months ago 9296 [CODE : 1A18C]
Hello, everyone. I outlined it at 10 am today!
 I had a lot of worries for one reason or another, but I wrote this because I thought it might be of some help to those who are scheduled for surgery.
It was my first surgery according to the doctor, and it was my first surgery with 3 types of contouring! Rather than going into the operating room expecting a lot of results from the surgery, I think I was very stressed even after making an appointment because I am a very sensitive person. Maybe that's why, when I compare the before and after photos, my facial lines seem to have gotten much prettier, but I feel like I'm not sure because I'm even more swollen..! When the swelling goes down, I will leave a picture and review in a month.
When I entered the operating room, it was just a little cold, and the anesthetic was administered by injection, but the needle was thick, so it felt a little more painful than a regular blood test. But it was bearable, and when the anesthetic was administered, my throat hurt a little and I felt uncomfortable knowing where the liquid was going hahaha ㅠㅠ Then they put me on a ventilator and I think I fell asleep without realizing it.
After the surgery, the surgical pain was painful, but the process of waking up from general anesthesia was very difficult. I saw a review saying that it was very difficult because they woke me up so I couldn't sleep, but I don't know if I could remember or he didn't, but I only remember being told to sleep well, so I don't think it was difficult.
 But I wanted to come to my senses, but the feeling of being so drunk that I couldn't control my body was very difficult.
Also, I think it was difficult because I had a severe headache due to the anesthetic.
 Anyway, maybe because they put antibiotics and painkillers on my arm, it doesn't hurt or anything like that right now. My bones are throbbing? I can keep in touch with my friends and even do some work on my laptop!
They say it's because of the anesthetic, but I feel like my mouth is a bit dry today. After the surgery, the nurse put a little water in my mouth once at 2 o'clock, and I can drink water freely around 4 o'clock, so I'm drinking a lot of water. Since I'm wearing a urinal, I don't need to go to the bathroom, so I just keep lying on the bed! When I'm awake, there's a button to raise and lower the bed, so I get up and down, and I can also just straighten up :> That's because my face hurts.
I was told to bring a neck pillow and hip cushion, but delivery was late so I couldn't bring them. But I didn't think I needed it because the bed was comfortable! In fact, I wonder if my face would have been lifted up even more if I had put a neck pillow on it...! They say they give you a drink with nutritional ingredients in the evening, so it seems like they're giving you new care, and starting tomorrow, I'm going to eat rice porridge! I will be discharged tomorrow morning.
After 1 week, the stitches on my cheekbones will be removed, after 2 weeks, the stitches on my mouth will be removed, and they will take care of swelling for a month starting from the 3rd week, so I have to go to the hospital for 6 more weeks, but I'm really looking forward to it :> I
was worried because it was my first plastic surgery, but like me, I hope this will be of some help to those who may be feeling anxious. I also got a lot of help here! If you have any questions, please leave a comment so I can answer them :)
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