I heard that they grow up lying on their backs, but I never thought it would be like this.
Haha. I have a habit of sleeping on my left side, but within a week of sleeping on my back, I couldn't stand it and started sleeping on my side. Is your left cheek and temple feeling pressured?? Strangely, the line changed hahaha. I took progress pictures every day, and I was surprised to see that the line had changed since the day I started sleeping on my side..
Only the line in that eye changed slightly in the direction I pressed hahaha. I made fun of it and told it to cut straight from today.
My eyes are pressed like in the picture. It wasn't like he changed this much, but as I kept looking at the pictures, I saw him changing like this.
Everyone, grow up straight!!!!
+ This morning, I couldn't stand it anymore and went to the hospital to ask about it, and they said it was still early in the surgery so I could still be affected while healing (it's an incision) so they told me to be careful and sleep as straight as possible. I was a little anxious, so I got taped to see that my front line was slightly different!