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One month after nose surgery

제예 2024-06-09 (일) 04:02 3 Months ago 8655 [CODE : 7DDC3]
It's been almost a month since I had a nose surgery. I had an osteotomy + cartilage tying + nostril reduction + tip of the nose (nasal septum, ear cartilage), but it doesn't seem to have improved the front at all, so I'm so stressed... I know the swelling from the osteotomy is still in the process...
 It's not for the purpose of improving the side view . I did it because I have a complex about my front appearance...
 But isn't this too much? ㅜㅜ ??
 What do you guys think... ? When I met the doctor in the 3rd week, there was still a lot of swelling from the osteotomy and there was also a lot of swelling around the bridge of the nose. He said it would take about 3 months for it to go down to some extent and that I would have to wait until the fall to get the nose shape properly, but he said there was little difference. ?
 There is a difference in the front view from the side because of the osteotomy and tip of the nose, but there seems to be almost no difference from the front. Is it really because of the swelling? There doesn't seem to be much of a difference, so I don't think my nose has improved. What do you think?
 ((The photo with bangs is the before))

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