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I got lip filler in Dongseong-ro, Daegu.. This is the place, no matter what.

쏘루 2024-06-06 (목) 09:07 3 Months ago 6431 [CODE : 48FC7]

A photo from the first day. I was scared because I heard it would leave bruises, but it turned out well without a single bruise.
I didn't like the contour
of my face, so I thought about getting lip filler first. I was contemplating going to the hospital, but my friend said this place was good, so I went there. I really like the classic lip-filling method. I really hated fillers, so I wanted to do it naturally, and I just wanted to shape the shape.
I got fillers for my front cheeks a long time ago, and wow, it hurt so much that I wanted to jump out the window.. haha.
 So what if it hurts that much this time? Should I really run away in the middle of it? haha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha to the point
, but the director is really kind and carefully looks at the entire face to know exactly what is lacking, and if necessary later, explains where and what needs to be done, and carefully designs the lips with a white pencil. He
decisively adds filler, but the director is so sweet that the needle goes in. I had time to prepare my mind a little because they said it would sting ^^.. Still, I was scared, but haha.
Anyway, in the end, it didn't hurt.. Except for a little stinging when the needle went in than I thought.. It didn't hurt at all. Smooth and shape the lips..ㅇ.ㅇ
The lips are not noticeable, but they look pretty. I went too.
 I heard that it falls out quickly, but I'm worried.. I have to do it again.. haha.
It's my first time using it, and it seems to have gone well, so I'm excited to
 try it.
So, I'm asking a question now.. I recommend a hospital that's good at getting rid of nasolabial folds.. They said I should do a lifting, but I've already had 6-7 galls of contour. I'm worried about this...
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