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Hey guys, I'm so worried, please help me...

Eccle13 2024-05-30 (목) 23:21 3 Months ago 4419 [CODE : 5203B]
If you're an artist, what criteria will you use to choose? ㅠㅜㅠㅠ
I'm worried about 4 out of the 7 places that sold

my eyes... I had an inline incision + fat removal for the first time, but
 the folds and wrinkles were loose, so I had to have them done again.
The criteria I'm most concerned about is
 1. When it's just open. Sleepy-looking eyes
 2. Prevents double wrinkles from forming
 3. Prevents wrinkles from appearing 3. Prevents them from loosening
 4. Helps you sleep without feeling burdened
1. ㅇㅇㅋ (ㅗㄴ) - 4 photos of reviews I liked
Triple buried + eye correction = semi-outline
The only one recommended buried.. So I said that the incision
 is deeper than the burial and is less pretty.
 If you do it here, it seems like you will have to have burial at all costs.
 Will the burial really not come out? The line was pretty and I was told it would take 3 years of AS, but I don't want to take it again, not including the cost of anesthesia. The director said that the incision can be loosened and that I would have to do it again when I get older. Is this true, or does he have no choice but to have surgery to make it loosen? I'm worriedㅠ

2. ㅌㅇㅅ-ㅇㅅㅊ 2 photos of the reviews I liked
Incision + eye correction (later mention of forehead lifting when I get older) = In-out line like semi-out,
the most conservative consultation. At first, I tried Dr. Kㅁㄱ, but I didn't have enough time and wanted to get a consultation quickly, so I got a consultation from a director I liked (I'm wondering if I should get Dr. A as well.) Due to the condition of my eyes and the shape of the corners of my eyes, changes in the eyes that occur after surgery, etc.
 Semi-outline is not highly recommended. They said that it would be better if the in-out looks naturally like a semi-out when the slit is done. I set the line a little more conservatively and lower. I think he'll do a good job professionally, but what if I regret it because I don't get the line I want? Level of concern...

3. ㅇㅇㅋㅌ - 3 photos of reviews I like
Incision + slight diagonal opening + eye correction = semi-outline
A system that does not require surgery on a few people a day, and what I liked most about this place is that during surgery, the director draws lines for a very long time. . I recommend that it will look prettier if it is slit. I liked the line b It's a place I don't really have to worry about, but I can't find a reason why I have to do it here over all the other places ㅠㅠ It feels the best...

4. ㄸㅋ - ㄱㅎㅅ 2 photos I like
Cutting + upper slit = semi-out The same In-Out line
is the only one that did not recommend eye correction. If you do this, there is a higher chance of it loosening up, but when you look at it, the difference is that it looks like your eyelids are slightly open? So I don't really recommend it. Semi-out can also create a burdensome image if you do both sides, so even if you remove it with in-out, it will look like semi-out... The only thing that doesn't recommend eye correction, so I'm confused and I don't know if this is good or bad..... ㅠ But I will come out after consultation. Did the director sigh when he was tired? I was wondering if you would feel like you could get through this consultation by taking a break. It felt like the consultation was going quickly, but I was worried because you seemed to have the skills.

If you were an artist, what criteria would you use to make your choice??
 I'm so worried that my head is exploding...
 I wonder if it's right for me to go get counseling from the director too. I'm so tired.
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[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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Eyelid job Cmt 0 View 60 Like 0
절개로 눈매교정을 했습니다. 지금 8주차인데, 쌍커풀 라인도 커보이고, 눈 너무 부리부리한것 같아요ㅠㅠ. 거울볼때마다 깜짝깜짝 놀랍니다. 가족들 지인들도 성형한티가 난다고 하네요... 태국사람 같다고도 하구요.. 절개라서 좀 붓기를 빠지는거 봐야하는건가요?.. 이대로 8주차 모습이 거의 확정되는건 아니죠? 다른 후기들보면 8주차에 이미 쌍커풀도 속쌍으로 잘 안보이고 자연스럽게 되고, 완성형처럼 보이는 사진들이 많던데.. 전 왜이러…
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Nose job Cmt 2 View 196 Like 0
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11 Hours ago
Eyelid job - 제이티성형외과의원 Cmt 2 View 258 Like 0
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