It's been almost 3 weeks since I received the implants from Dr. S.S. at Kirin. A lot of the upper bulge has disappeared and it feels a lot softer. So
in the first week, I went to the hospital and checked with the Dr., had stitches removed, breast packs, and lymph management. I've been able to move a little since then. It was easy and
I was a little scared to remove the stitches, but I was glad that they were removed quickly and less painfully than I expected.
After the stitches were removed, I felt like the pain and itchiness were gradually relieving.
Even when checking on the progress of the director, he kindly answered all my questions. (He had a dull expression.) Even if it looks like he's trying, he always answers everything in a soft manner haha)
As I entered the second week, a lot of the discomfort in the moving part disappeared, but it was difficult to raise my arms high.
Because of my job, I have no choice but to use my arms, so I raised my arms without realizing it, but I felt a tearing pain in my lower chest, which made me cautious again. I sent a message to the manager via KakaoTalk, and he kindly responded right away, which gave me some relief. There
is still some pain in my lower chest, but I am watching the progress. I'm watching.
For the 2nd week of treatment, I only received radiofrequency and lymph management, and the doctor only saw me once a month to check my progress, so it was over quickly. From the day of the surgery, it was done right away without waiting, so there was no waiting time, and I was very comfortable with the guidance.
The pain still feels a bit tingling and a bit shaky, and my right side often feels like it's in pain, but I guess time will tell.
As much as it hurts, I'm very satisfied with the way I feel the volume in just a sports bra, and I feel satisfied every day when I take off my clothes and look in the mirror. Yes, I feel like the time I spent worrying about it is a waste.