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Review of 1 type of contoured square jaw (1) - Choosing a hospital and the day of surgery

마라롱샤맛있어 2024-05-24 (금) 22:42 3 Months ago 5864 [CODE : 52B37]
Hello everyone,
 I had contour surgery on the 13th and am now quite recovered so I am writing a review!
 In fact, I went to Sungyesa to find out everything. I hope it helps those who are preparing for outlines
 (I risk my whole family and am not a broker, but if I am a broker, I will commit suicide immediately.)

1. My specs:
Early 30s / Underweight / No facial fat at all Skeleton .. / When viewed from the front, she is slim, but she has cheekbones and a wide side chin.
 *Special note: I have sick family members, so I nursed several major general anesthesia surgeries at a university hospital.

2. Standards set by the hospital
First of all, I thought about contouring for 10 years and also read reviews. I really saw it a lot.
 Originally, I thought being pretty was the best and wanted to try all three types, but after my family got sick, I realized that health and my own happiness were the most important.
 So, I decided to only do the square jaw, which I had a lot of complex about, and set the standard as follows:
 1) The amount of resection should not be excessive: I was afraid of the side effects of coldness because it was cut closer to the nerve line than the others... I want to avoid damaging the sensory or motor nerves, but this is just luck. This is the area of ​​, but it can be prevented if you hit it naturally. And doing this will reduce sagging and swelling of the salivary glands.
 2) The director must be in his 40s or early 50s with at least 10 years of surgical experience: Surgeons work with their hands, so age is as important as skill, and I think people of that level are the most skilled. If you are from a large hospital, I looked up all the surgery reviews with the director's name on them.
 3) Experienced resident anesthesiologist: Surprisingly, not many people look for the experience of an anesthesiologist, but I think this is also important.
 I chose this hospital because there was a person who was a professor in the anesthesiology department at Seoul National University Hospital.
 4) After-care: Actually, it is not that important, but I think it shows that they treat patients poorly.
 5) Is the director or manager too pushy or too kind?: This is The same goes for university hospitals, haha. Among the talented surgeons, there are many who are a bit blunt and cool. They are technicians, so they don't have much interest in things like customer service...
 But when it comes to plastic surgery, reflecting my opinion and after-care are important, right? So, after reading the reviews, I filtered out the director who said I was too tired or had a strong opinion, and I also filtered out the director who was so kind and said he could do anything. How does it all work when you're cutting up a person's body? I thought it was trustworthy to have someone who kindly explained why things worked and things that didn't work.
 6) Are there any legal battles with patients experiencing side effects? In fact, there is no hospital without side effects. However, the most important thing is whether the doctor has the will and responsibility to correct it. Well, I don't know everything about this from the outside, but I didn't trust the doctor who argued with the patient to the point where it was openly posted on a plastic surgery cafe.
 7) Whether or not CCTV can be viewed: Of course,

I didn't care about whether the patient had a blood bag or was discharged the same day.
 This may be a different style for each doctor, but even medical professors who operate on patients whose lives are at risk often fill the blood drums and leave them on until not a single drop of blood comes out. Because that's good for recovery. So, I thought that the hospital that was suffering from pain was more trustworthy.
 Since I don't know what side effects may occur after general anesthesia, I thought it would be best to go to a hospital that allows hospitalization as much as possible. This is a difference in personal values!
After considering all these things, I made reservations for two consultations. Overall, it is a natural, safe hospital with high patient satisfaction!

3. Consultation
: First, consult with a private hospital that is not famous in Seongyesa. There are two doctors, but the director specializes in contouring and the other one seems to have a sharp eye? There was a bit of a wait and most of the customers were foreigners, but the staff were generally friendly. I took the Citi and went in for a consultation.
 As I heard, the manager has a friendly and non-coercive style. I had a complex about the side of my face rather than the front, so I went for a long curved square jaw. He said it would be nice to have a cheekbone, but it didn't matter if I didn't.
Soon the representative director came in and had another consultation, and the director was also honest and calm. I displayed my CT scan and consulted while measuring the bone angle.
It was a consultation for a square jaw, and the director must have noticed the cheekbones first. Haha. It's the cheekbones that any plastic surgery clinic would want. There would be less sagging, and I'm the type that would benefit a lot from the cheekbones. However, he said that it doesn't matter if I don't have it as long as I don't have a complex. If I had a square jaw and there would be a significant difference in my frontal appearance, he would have definitely recommended clowns, but since that wasn't the case, he told me to either not do it or do it later if it didn't bother me.
And I also have a bit of a witch's chin haha. He said, 'If you want to find fault with plastic surgery, there's no limit to what you can do,' and he also talked about my front chin. However, since I looked thin from the front, he said there was no need to do this at my age. It seemed like you agreed with just fixing the overall complex.
He said that there is a lot to be shaved off for a square jaw, and that if you do a long curve + cortical bone, there will be a 20-30% improvement in the front and an 80% improvement in the sides. He said that the nerve line was located high so it could be cut sufficiently. 
I mentioned that I had undergone other procedures after that, and I heard that I got sculpted because I didn't have facial fat, so my cheekbones would have been more prominent before I got it, right? He said
 yes, so I got it right, and the cheekbones got a little better, but the chin was still square. I said this, and he chuckled.
 That's roughly how the consultation ended.

4. Schedule + surgery amount

As you can see, the atmosphere for the consultation was good and all of the above items were met... I liked it overall, so I just canceled the next consultation and made a date. A whopping 3 days after the consultation hahaha
 I usually work really hard on my feet (I've been to 4 different nose places but still can't decide^^...) so I thought I'd just do it here.  
The time was set at 10 a.m. and the price was 100,000 won more than the app advertising amount. Mid 3 million won range. I received a discount on the condition that I write a review myself on ㄱㅇㅇㄴ ㅂㅂㅌ. But I haven't used it even once because they didn't tell me to use it.
They said I could visit the hospital to watch CCTV at any time within a month after the surgery, and because I had a square jaw, I was told that I would be hospitalized for one day, and that I would also have to wear a urine strip on the day of the surgery. I thought this was a good thing, because if you fall while going to the bathroom while still under anesthesia, you'll have a headache...
 I had an electrocardiogram/blood test done at the hospital and a nearby internal medicine clinic, and the director of the anesthesiology department told me when I could stop taking the medicine I was taking.
The reservation deposit was 10%, and I paid it 3 days before the surgery, agreeing that I would not get it back if I paid it.

The surgery date is 3 days later on the same day.
 I went to the hospital alone in the morning, paid the bill, changed clothes, and listened to the instructions. I was very distraught when I wrote the consent form, saying that I could die during the surgery because I was under general anesthesia. ㅠㅠ Still, the director was kind and comforted me.
 I saw the director one last time before going into surgery, and the director explained once again while looking at the CT that the surgery would be done this way. Also, if you have any further questions,
I would like you to do it naturally. Although the surgery is effective, I am most afraid of functional abnormalities. They say that the scariest thing about it is that it cuts close to the nerve line, causing pain or other painful side effects. The director said he would understand and take care of that.

6. After the surgery
and what... I went into the operating room around 11:30, closed my eyes, and when I opened it, it was a recovery room lol
 I don't have a watch so I don't know the exact time, but I think it was around 12 o'clock? The nurse helped me and laid me down on the bed in the recovery room.
 I thought 10 times that I was glad that I survived.
I didn't tell him not to sleep, but I forced myself not to sleep and continued to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. Pneumonia and other side effects after general anesthesia are mostly caused by the anesthetic gas not being released. Even when my family members were having surgery, they kept making me take deep breaths... so I also forced myself to keep taking deep breaths. 
Then I touched my face, and fortunately, I had feeling in my skin and lips, my mouth was open enough to fit a finger in, and there was no other pain. 
 I thought it was really fortunate that I was able to close my mouth and align my teeth after applying a little bit of force. My voice was hoarse, but it came out... Instead, my throat really hurt ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ  
After having such a hard time, a few hours later, they gave me water to drink, and the director and manager came to see me.
 When I said hello, he was surprised how I could say this already. Haha. Then, I heard about the surgery from the director.
 The surgery itself was completed very quickly, there was no bleeding at all, and he said it was cut smoothly without exposing the nerve cords. Next, they looked at the wounds in my mouth, asked if I had drank water, and checked my condition.
 Usually, swelling and pain are proportional to the surgery time, but I was glad that they did it really quickly and cleanly... 
 The director also told me that he had a hard time changing the ice pack when I outlined him, and he was so kind that it made me cry a little.
Anyway, other than the neck pain, there are other problems. I didn't feel it so I was relieved and went to sleep while using my phone. A nurse came in and out all night, constantly changing ice packs and checking vitals.

The next morning after discharge, I woke up, pulled out a urine strip, and went to the treatment room to see the director again. He told me that the pain was removed and the jawline was cut in this way to reflect the requests made before the surgery. Actually, I didn't think I would see the director again, but it was good to see him again.
 After that, after listening to various precautions, I took a taxi with my guardian and went home.
Since my mouth opened easily, as soon as I got home I ate some yogurt and pumpkin porridge and took the medicine.
 From then on, it was a war with my cough ㅜㅜ

It got too long so I'll talk about it in the next post...
 I won't tell you the name of the hospital because it hasn't even been 2 weeks since I had the surgery hahaha... I might suddenly develop side effects or complaints

(oh and!!
 I Fortunately, I survived, and there were no other major side effects, but I'll talk about it in the next episode because it's a surgery that's hard on the body. The recovery at the hospital was ridiculously fast. I also suffered from jaw pain and neck pain... I had no feeling in my mouth. Anyway,
I hope everyone makes a careful decision, and
 if you have any questions, I'll answer them slowly!

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병원 어딘지 알 수 있을까?
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절개 재수술 알아보려고 6곳 돌아다니다가 여기가 5번째였는데 상담 끝나고 다른 곳 더 안알아봤어요~ 여기가 제일 믿음이 갔고 금액적으로도 합리적이다 생각되서 바로 진행했습니다! 수술실, 원장실, 로비는 청결하다는 느낌이 있는데 실장님이랑 상담하는 공간은 살짝 위생적이다는 느낌은 없었어요ㅠㅠ.. 그리고 실장님이랑 다른 직원분들도 대부분 쿨+친절하신데 찐은 간호사분들 너무 친절 그자체에요,, 물론 강원장님은 말할것도 없어요ㅠㅠㅎ 어제 수술 받고 너무 맘에 들어서 쓰는 1000000퍼센트 내돈내산 후기입니다!! 절개는 무조건 스웨이 강추에요, 아 그리고 후기 작성하면 할인해주신다 해서 할인받은 금액적은건데 정확히 얼마가 할인된건지는 기억이 안나네요ㅠ
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37 Minutes ago
Petit/Laser job - 톡스앤필의원 대구동성로점 Cmt 0 View 44 Like 0
코끝이 쳐지고 메부리가 있는 코인데 다른 병원갔을때는 코 필러 넣을 공간이 없다고 말했어 (이전에 실 넣어서 자리가 없다고 하신듯) 그래서 혹시나해서 여기 병원 갔는데 미미한 효과라도 괜찮으니 코필러 하고싶다고 어필했음 그래서 콧대랑 코끝쪽 최대한 넣어줄 수 있을 만큼 넣어주셨어요 물론 자연스럽게 3주뒤에 리터치했고 만족중임 다만 국산 필런데 가격이 다른 병원보다 비싸다는 점이 단점 ㅜㅜ 아무래도 제 코에 들어갈 공간이 많이 없다보니 리터치 …
1 Hours ago
Facialbone job Cmt 0 View 70 Like 0
미용목적으로 뼈를 깎는 성형에 대한 시선 어때? 일반 회사원인데 알려지면 뒷담화약점이 될거같아서 3종이라 티가 날것같은데 솔직히 말하기도 거짓말해도 알것같고
1 Hours ago
Nose job - 에디션성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 119 Like 1
나는 매부리 없애는게 1번 목적이였구 코끝까지 자연스러운 느낌 원하다고 말씀드렸는데 ㅇㄷㅅ 원장님이 내가 원하는 느낌이 어떤건지 딱. 잘 알아주신듯 감덩 눈물 ㅜ ㅜ 매부리코는 제대로 정리 안되면 재수술 받는 사람들 후기도 봤어서 살짝..쿵.. 걱정되기도 했지만 여기 매부리코 수술 후기가 정면이랑 옆태 군더더기 없이 잘 되는거 많이 찾아보구 나도 여기서 받았숴..ㅋㅋㅋㅎㅎ 코끝은 실리콘 비중격 귀연골 사용해서 수술 받았고 3D비순각교정으로…
2 Hours ago
Nose job - 청담여신성형외과(전다우성형외과) Cmt 0 View 156 Like 0
말 많고 재수술 많은 콧볼축소 기증늑까지 사용하고, 절골 재수술까지했어요! 재수술이기 때문에 이미 큰 수술이였는데 ㅠ 추가로 더 해서 긴장많이하고 했던거같네요~~ 그렇게 걱정반 기대반 하며 수술하고 한달이지나고 두달이 다되어가요 코 피부느낌이 처음에는 욱신거리면서 제 피부가 아닌거 같은 이질적인 감각이였는데 그런것도 이제 많이 돌아와서 제 코같아요! 영업일 하고있어서 사람 많이 만나고 하는데 몇번 뵈었던 분들도 재수술 전보다 훨씬 분위기가…
3 Hours ago
Nose job - 유니메디성형외과의원 Cmt 2 View 141 Like 0
우선 후기를 본 중에 제일 신뢰가 가서 찾아간 케이스였음. 난 굉장히 만족중에 있음 우선 기본카메라로 찍어도 얼굴이 맘에 들고 좀 얼굴이 얄쌍해 보이는 효과도 있어서 매일 뿌듯함ㅎㅎ 주변에선 차이를 잘 모르고 이뻐졌다 하는데! 내얼굴은 내가 잘 아니까^^ 차이가 굉장히! 크다. 성형은 자기 만족이니까 ~~~~
3 Hours ago
Eyelid job - 제나성형외과 Cmt 0 View 110 Like 0
전부터 뒷밑트임 고민하다가 제나에서 상담 후 바로 결정했습니다 수술전에는 눈이 올라가 있어 인상이 쎄보인다고 항상 들었었는데 제나에서 수술후 되게 순해졌다고도 많이 듣고 자연스럽게 돼서 말만 안하면 수술한지 다들 모르더라구요 의사쌤과 상담할때 자연스럽게 해달라고 강조했었는데 진짜 딱 자연스럽고 이쁘게 잘 된 거 같아 엄청 만족합니다!!
3 Hours ago
Bodyshaping job - 체인지의원 Cmt 0 View 70 Like 0
솔직히 주변에서 지흡하고 울퉁불퉁하고 허벅지보다 종아리가 두껍고 이런거 많이봐서 별로 긍정적이지는 않음 근데 갑자기 나도 할까? 라는 생각 들어서 상담부터 예약, 수술까지 2주도 안걸리고 바로 함 병원 고르는 기준은 1세대 원장님 + 내친구 팔 했는데 자연스럽게 잘 뽑히구 가격도 괜찮아서 그자리에서 제일 빠르게 되는날 예약잡고 바로 수술함 ㅎㅎ 얼마나 빠지겠어? 했는데 진짜 옷핏이 달라짐;;; 몸무게는 그때보다 한 4키로 정도 뺌 (다이어트…
3 Hours ago