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Donated rib and autologous rib, I decided to use donated rib.

잘하다잘하자 2024-04-24 (수) 15:38 4 Months ago 1325 [CODE : 24D80]
I think I spent 300,000 won on consultation fees alone for a month, and I recorded each consultation and organized it in Excel.
 If I put this much effort into it, I think heaven would be impressed and give me a pretty nose.
 I haven't had surgery yet.
I'm just organizing my thoughts, so if you have a different opinion, you can think of it as the right one. ㅇㅇ
After going to the consultation, I came down to four
 hospitals : 1) Hospitals that use ear cartilage + nasal septum
 2) Hospitals that only use autologous ribs
 3) Hospitals that only use donor ribs
 4 ) Both autologous ribs or donor ribs are possible, but if one of the two is recommended,
none of the materials put into the tip of the nose will be absorbed and cause inflammation. Just because it comes from my body doesn't mean it won't be absorbed and cause inflammation.
 There is a possibility of absorption and inflammation in the ear cartilage, nasal septum, and donor ribs. (Silicone on the bridge of the nose is so obvious)
To be honest, I didn't want to wear the ribs themselves (they were too hard and made my expression awkward), but
 I had no choice because my nose was too small.
Autologous ribs vs. donor
ribs. This varies from paper to paper, but honestly
1. Autologous ribs are superior in terms of absorption and inflammation by about 1 to 3%.
 But anyway, I feel like this is a bit different in terms of numbers.
 (Of course, you can't trust all the papers. The average means that it is roughly like this.)
2. In terms of the warping phenomenon, the donor rib is said to be better than the autologous rib
. 3. When the autologous rib is reoperated, it is treated as an AS concept, but the donor rib reoperation requires tearing it all out. (?)
 This is what the autologous rib hospital said.
4. The side effects of the donor rib can be viewed as side effects of silicone.
 Doctors also say that the donor rib is better for some people and the autologous rib is better depending on what they are focusing on.
 Director ㄹㅁㅌㄷ said that the side effects of donor ribs are much lower than those of silicone (hospital recommending donor ribs), and
 Director ㄱㄹㅂ said that side effects of donor ribs seem to be more frequent than silicone (hospital recommending own ribs)
 . They say they don't really have any (hospitals say they don't care about both)
5. "The donor rib is not bad. However, you have to use a good donor rib."
 It's a simple statement, but you need to think about it carefully.
 Since we are buying donated ribs, the prices are different and the quality is also slightly different.
 In the first place, there might be a hospital that buys cheap donor ribs, or if a hospital buys 10 donor ribs, there might be half of them that are relatively good and half of them that are bad.
 Still, I don't throw away bad things.
 As a result of asking questions like a reporter conducting a fact-finding investigation at each consultation,
 this is what hospitals that use donated ribs and hospitals that use autologous ribs have in common. “Donor ribs are not bad. However, you have to use good donor ribs.”
 Directors of hospitals that use autologous ribs say nonsense, such as saying that donor ribs have 30% side effects, but even the hospital director does not agree with that.;;

In summary,
 it seems that autologous ribs would be better for people who smoke or have undergone reoperation.
The bottom line is, don't think that donated ribs are bad and autologous ribs are always fine.
 If a foreign body was inserted into a healthy nose and it was 100% safe because it was an autologous rib,
there would already be no donor rib surgery in Korea.
There are different opinions...

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[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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잘하다잘하자 Writer 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : 24D80] Address
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