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[Nunjae] Double eyelid product review!!

피넛버터어어 2024-04-26 (금) 09:22 4 Months ago 1177 [CODE : D898C]
First of all, let me briefly explain my eyes. I had in-out buried double eyelids 6 years ago and was very satisfied! However, since it is a burial, I was disappointed that the line became almost in-line and out-out in the 4th year, so I went to another hospital and said that if I just had an upper eyelid, my eye line would be visible again. Haha, one eye's double eyelid was loosened (it was originally loose... ugh). And one side didn't match the original double eyelid line, so it was just a really weird line...
The end result was that they sold 4 different eyelids and all of them were similar, leaving only an upper eyelid scar and they said it didn't help at all... ㅠㅠ And they all recommended an incision instead of a line. It's almost in-out (I wanted it to be semi-out, but considering that I thought it wouldn't suit all 4 places... I guess that's true. It seems like the eyes and eyebrows are a bit close together). Apparently, the upper slit was made with an incision. When selling my first double treatment at 8 places, there were some that mentioned eye correction, but these hospitals did not recommend it at all. My eyesight is a little weak, but that's not all. It was nice that they didn't force anything unnecessary in all four places.
Foot review!
1. Director ㄸㅋ ㄱㅎㅅ
 had many good reviews, so I went there with high expectations, but he told me to think about the forehead lift later. I went at 10 in the morning and it took almost 2 hours. The manager waited a long time and the director also waited a long time. Even after the consultation with the director, the wait for the director was very long..ㅠ But the director was really kind and explained in detail for about 15 to 20 minutes. The manager.. is as kind as the reviews say.. wow.. and the counter staff... haha.
Surgery recommendations:
 - Incision recommendation
 - Cleavage. He doesn't recommend anything. I think all you need to do is re-draw the double eyelid line.
 - The forehead lift is recommended because the area between the eyes and eyebrows is close, but he said to consider it later and that just the eyes would be fine for now, as long as I don't get greedy about the line.
There was no pressure at all. They just gave me several options and told me to think about them. I drew several lines and I liked them!

2. Director ㅍㄹㅇㅂ-ㅇㅈㅇ
 is very kind. The director was kind, but somehow... he was in a hurry... but that doesn't mean he didn't explain in detail. You oozed confidence! There was almost no waiting!
Recommendation for surgery:
 - Recommended incision
 - They said there was no effect of the upper opening and only a scar was left, so they asked me to do a small opening again
 - When I asked if they recommended the remaining opening, they told me not to do anything other than the upper opening.
They gave me several options, not even here. They told me to do upper eyelid surgery if I wanted to, but if I didn't want to do it, I just had to do double eyelid surgery. However, he said that the desired line would not come out and showed the difference between the line with the upper epicanthoplasty and the line without the epicanthoplasty, but it definitely looked much better with the epicanthoplasty. I liked the line the best out of the four.

3. Director ㅇㅇㅋㅌ-ㅇㅅㅎ (single-person eye hospital)
 The director and director here are all nice and only talk about things that are really necessary. He didn't even mention things that were necessary, so when I first asked about openings and other things, he didn't give any recommendations. However, there is a bit of waiting.
Recommendation for surgery:
 - Recommendation of incision
 - Recommendation of tear opening. Same as number 1. No need to force it here either
. Please hold the line as much as you ask. Both sides were captured in great detail. The reviews said to go here if you want something natural, but it's really natural! If you want something extravagant, I think they will accommodate your needs, but it was nice that they made a recommendation that suited my eyes. This is my second favorite for holding the line!

4. ㅇㅇㄱㄹ- I can’t remember the director’s name, but it’s a one-person hospital.
 The wait was quite long.. There was only one director, but there were already 3 people waiting, 3 consultation rooms, and there were also people going in for surgery.. Looking at this, I wondered if a one-man hospital could handle that. The manager is okay and the director is really kind. He tried his best to explain, but as he looked busy, he was really busy. It felt like he was pressed for time. He drew the eye line 2 or 3 times on one side, and whether or not he grabbed one eye once or not (I can't remember, but I'm sure he kept grabbing only one eye). I could see that they were in a hurry, so I was also in a hurry, so I didn't know what to ask. I wanted to ask them to hold more lines, but it was just difficult. There was a bit of a wait, so I was already exhausted.
Recommendation for surgery:
 - Recommendation of incision
 - He said that he does not necessarily recommend the same for openings 1 and 3
 - However, he said that the fixation force should be strengthened because it seems to relieve the eye easily.
I clearly said that I only had one incision and upper opening with double burial, but they explained several times that it was an eye that would easily dissolve because it had already been released twice.. My incision and upper opening were the same except for one side of the burial being released, but I didn't quite understand what was released.. First, I'd like to ask more. It was a bit difficult to ask questions because they were so busy... But they were kind and it was okay to hold the line... But I just didn't like it that much.

 Except for ㅍㄹㅇㅂ, everyone else recommends just an eye incision.
 In order of price of incision excluding upper slit -

* For reference, I ended up doing it at ㅇㅇㅋㅌ! The price was just right, but I was drawn to this place. I didn't really like the way they drew the line, but they explained it well and tried to meet my needs as much as possible in a line that suited my eyes, so I decided. I had it done through an incision, but I was surprised that the swelling was similar to when it was buried. I'm worried that the line will look too natural later, but for now, even with the swelling, I'm very satisfied with the line itself...ㅠㅠ

Everyone, be sure to sell your feet in several places! I didn't have time, so I sold a lot of hand-made items and went to the places that appealed to me the most.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

아지누댜미 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : 1D240] Address
피넛버터어어 Writer 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : D898C] Address
시부레멧돼지 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : 6D20B] Address
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
바오하아아아오 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : 231CD] Address
피넛버터어어 Writer 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : D898C] Address
SSSSS 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : 2B21C] Address
피넛버터어어 Writer 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : D898C] Address
지나갈게요이 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : 2E6AA] Address
피넛버터어어 Writer 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : D898C] Address
인나인나 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : 534A0] Address
피넛버터어어 Writer 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : D898C] Address
캄다운맨 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : E43B0] Address
피넛버터어어 Writer 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : 15A6C] Address
캄다운맨 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : E43B0] Address
인나인나 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : D5075] Address
상협 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : 32CD1] Address
피넛버터어어 Writer 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : D898C] Address
돌멩이떼굴 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : 52BDC] Address
복이이이이 4 Months ago 4 Months ago [CODE : 29C18] Address
피넛버터어어 Writer 4 Months ago 4 Months ago Address
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