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Contour 2.5 types, 5th day review (let’s share!! Details from day 1)

사라아아암코및뒷트 2023-12-25 (월) 16:21 8 Months ago 1358 [CODE : 91B65]
Now I'm finally writing this because
 I feel like I'm going to buy it. I've always been told that I'm pretty, but if I just take pictures with my phone, my cheekbones come out too prominent. That's why taking pictures with my camera was so stressful. I wanted my outline to look natural just like the face shape people see on Instagram when I take pictures with my camera. I have decided to have surgery. I recommend that you think about it carefully first. It is not as easy as you think..,,!!
On the day of the surgery
 , I had the surgery at 2:00. I came to the hospital around 12:20 for consultation and preparation, and I think I went into the operating room around 1:20!! Actually, I wanted to do this no matter what until then, but when it happened on the day, I was scared.
 The director of anesthesiology kept asking questions and I think it was around 7 o'clock when I woke up to blackout!! I felt relieved that I was just alive, and when I saw the contour reviews before the surgery, there were a lot of people saying I felt nauseous, so I didn't want to do that, so when they woke me up after the surgery, I was breathing really hard. Maybe that's why I didn't feel nauseous at all. A lot of people say that my neck hurts, but I didn't even know I had a sore throat. It was bent during the surgery.. Other than it hurting like a lump, the inside of my neck didn't hurt. I was breathing really hard for about 30 minutes in the anesthesia room(?) and I didn't even feel sleepy. It was just my jaw that hurt a little. After resting, I'm in the recovery room now? The hospital room I was assigned to? I went to bed and laid down, but the electric blanket was turned on. Everyone else said it was cold, but I didn't even know I was cold. It was too hot, so I asked them to turn it off, and then I just lay down... I couldn't even watch TV, and I was in a daze. At this time, I thought a lot... For no reason. I did it..Why did I do it? I'm 20 years old, so it's time to play again, so I should just live and play... I started thinking about all sorts of things like this. I think this was the most difficult day... I turned off the lights and just continued to lie down, not even looking at my phone or watching TV. I didn't look,, my cheekbone didn't hurt at all, but my jaw hurt so much... And I couldn't even eat any of the New Care they gave me, and I just gulped down the water they gave me after four hours. And I think I fell asleep and
 woke up
on the first day
 , and my eyes were fully open around 7 o'clock. It was like that. The nurse changed the IV and said that around 9 o'clock they would remove the tube, shampoo it, and get a CT scan. I said okay and took the tube out around 9 o'clock.
 People said it wasn't really painful, but it was a strange feeling. I understood right away what it felt like. But it was taken out in an instant so it wasn't that bad ~ And now. I was going down to shampoo, and I just lay down, and they told me it felt like I broke my neck during surgery. It hurt so much that it felt like it was soaked, so I had to get shampoo at the next visit. CT and I'm a fat person, so my mom came and discharged me around 10 o'clock. When I
 got home that day, it started to slowly swell
. Day
 1... the swelling really made no sense and my jaw was so sore, so I bought some strong Tylenol with E-ZN and took 2 New Care pills that day? I think I ate a lot ㅠㅠ From this point on, I looked for a lot of food... I was hungry...
 The swelling
on the 3rd day
 could get more swollen on the 2nd day, and the blood vessels in my eyes were ruptured, so my eyes were red and my lips were swollen, so I was drooling... But that day, Mom. They suddenly bought me pudding...it was so delicious...so I ate a little bit of it with a spoon...I also ordered porridge that day!! They asked me to subdivide them into 3 cans of main porridge, so I ate one...just like mixing it with water and drinking it. I divided it into two walks that day and walked 10,000 steps!!!
 I was scared to wake up in the morning
on the 4th day
 , wondering how swollen it would be... It was still swollen this morning, but it started to go down a little this evening...??? On this day, I ate castella mixed with milk and porridge mixed with eggs and water ㅠ jmt.. I lost about 3kg of weight. Compared to before the surgery, my lips closed for the first time that night.... Today is the
5th day
 , and the swelling suddenly went down... I was worse than others. It was very swollen, and I am prone to swelling... Even at the hospital, I felt a bit surprised when I saw the picture..? It's so swollen ㅜㅜ
 4/5 of what it was at its peak? It suddenly fell out. It's still bloated though!!
 Today, my appetite has improved, so I ate Tous Les Jours castella with milk (there's a lot of it!!), ate the small pieces of porridge mixed with water, and ate three puddings (I recommend the Green Village pudding.. Mango flavor!! It's really JMT). Green Village squeezed and frozen. Apple mango? I squeezed it out and ate it.. Is it okay for me to suddenly feel like this? I ate enough to lose weight. No, that's right. I also took New Care and immediately gained 2 kilos. People who contoured only lasted 4 days. I think I'll start living from the 5th.. I don't know the results yet, but I've had swelling and bruises.. But I'll buy it. It's the same, so I'll write it like this. There are still a lot of bruises and blood vessels in my eyes, so there's a lot of bruises and swelling around my eyes, but compared to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th days, I'm feeling better. I was
just so excited that I wrote it too rambling. I hope everyone understands... ..I’ll come back once the swelling goes down!!
+Day 6 Yesterday,
 I was so excited that I went for a walk for 2 hours and my body is so heavy lol.. Everyone, don't overdo it.. It's hard ㅇ₩ My face hurts a bit too lol ㅜㅜ

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luvday 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : E430D] Address
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사라아아암코및뒷트 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 91B65] Address
후에에엥나 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 467F1] Address
사라아아암코및뒷트 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 91B65] Address
후에에엥나 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 4675A] Address
사라아아암코및뒷트 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 91B65] Address
이뻐지자홧팅 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 1A177] Address
사라아아암코및뒷트 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 91B65] Address
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사라아아암코및뒷트 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 91B65] Address
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사라아아암코및뒷트 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 91B65] Address
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사라아아암코및뒷트 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 91B65] Address
asgasgsa 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 2C09F] Address
사라아아암코및뒷트 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 91B65] Address
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사라아아암코및뒷트 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 91B65] Address
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사라아아암코및뒷트 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 91B65] Address
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사라아아암코및뒷트 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 852C3] Address
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