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Breast surgery long-awaited review

star801 2024-04-05 (금) 08:27 5 Months ago 14822 [CODE : 34A6B]
I was in my early 20s and had small breasts, so I really wanted to have breast surgery.
 A friend of mine at the time had surgery at the same hospital, so instead of going to several places, I went to just one place for consultation and decided on surgery. (A really big mistake on my part)
 At that time, Motiva was the first to come out. It seems to be the beginning, but I wanted to do the best for the first time, so I chose Motiva
 , but the feel after the surgery only got worse as time went by, and it was hard. The shape was also fine. The hospital
 said it was okay and I just had to wait without touching it. Even after a year, it was
 different. After taking a breast MRI at the radiology center, it was confirmed that the capsule was thickened, so I received a report of contracture and headed to the plastic surgery hospital.
 Only then did they ask me if I had gone to a separate hospital because there was an MRI machine at the hospital, and they asked me to have a reoperation and remove the capsule (until now, no contracture was recognized and they never even mentioned MRI). When I asked to change the implants, they said no, so Motiva Quality Assurance? I remember calling and saying that... In the end, they said they would do it again with a new implant, but they said they would charge half the cost of anesthesia and asked for 350. They only charge the cost of anesthesia, but this cost...
 And they said that there would be absolutely no arm incision as the capsule had to be removed, and that only areola incision or base incision would be done.
 Of course, I wanted to have a bottom incision, but they kept insisting on an areola incision (I think it was because it was easy to see the capsule). The director also had surgery through an areola incision, but he kept saying that it was not noticeable and there was no scar at all, so I chose an areola incision and had the surgery.
 Conclusion: I got a huge scar and contracture.
 I was still single and in my early to mid-20s, so I suffered a lot of pain and suffering.
 The hospital insisted that the scars would get better with time and that they were not contractures. However, I suffered from stress every day because of the scars, regardless of how they felt to the touch, so I went to a hospital specializing in scar removal and paid 6 million won to get rid of the scars. The removal surgery isn't perfect, but it's really improved a lot compared to before.
 And as time went by, another hospital gave me a great success on my breasts, which had been reconstructed from the arm joints. The feel was better than anyone else's.
 The previous hospital told me that contractures were just my constitution, so I didn't expect this, but seeing that the surgery was successful right away at another hospital, it wasn't my constitution to blame!!!!!
 I've had many surgeries and some failed, but I've never experienced this much stress and pain. This is a breast surgery review.

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