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I'm looking into getting facial liposuction, so please take a look at the hospital..!

빵쿠 2024-03-07 (목) 12:15 6 Months ago 813 [CODE : 48F5A]
There are a total of three hospitals I have been to, and
 there are four candidates including the one recommended by an acquaintance!
 But who should I trust? ㅠㅠ The words are different and the prices are all different, so
 ask for advice from experts..!
 (I took the picture down)

Hospital No. 1: When I searched on ㅂㅂㅌ out of interest, something came up a lot and there were a lot of reviews, so I went there for the first time.
 - Pros: It seemed like a place where there were a lot of liposuction surgeries. In fact, it seems like a lot of the hospital's promotions are centered around Eoljiheup... They
 said they had recently patented muscle binding technology, and they seemed proud of it.
 During the consultation, the doctor said that you would still see the effects even if you did not take the package,
 but he did not strongly recommend it, saying that the effects would be more dramatic if you did the package.
 So I had some faith.
 - Disadvantage: Absolutely requires moderation. There is a burden of scars.
 A thread is used during the 'fixation' during the surgical procedure performed here, and since
 the area through which the thread passes is the chin, you may feel uncomfortable when opening your mouth wide for a while.
 But because my job is singing, I'm worried that it will take too long for me to recover from my daily routine or that I'll be greatly interrupted by working.
 I want to do it as quickly as possible, but the earliest possible date for surgery here is the end of March.
Price: Suction binding (suction, muscle binding, fixation) = 1,080,000
 Suction binding + NR1 (tough fat removal) = 2,950,000

Hospital 2: A place I often go to for square jaw botox. It is a large hospital with regional chains and many doctors.
 - Advantage: No need to tie muscles. Therefore, no need for excision and no burden of scarring.
 Low price burden. You can make an appointment for surgery on your desired schedule.
 - Disadvantage: Because it is such a large hospital, it feels like Eoljihyeop is not a big deal. Haha,
 so it is not easy to find cases of Eoljihyeop. There are so many other surgical cases.
 It's good not to have resection, but while hospitals 1 and 3 suggest muscle tying as a must,
 here, 'There is no need to do muscle tying at my age (32).' said in this way. I'm worried that the effect will be minimal.
 There is some vague distrust caused by bad stories about large hospitals.. haha
​​Price: Double chin liposuction = 649,000 Double
 chin liposuction + V-fit injection + square jaw botox + Accusculpt (laser to promote facial fat breakdown) = 1,199,000

No. 3 Hospital: I went there after receiving a recommendation from Seongyesa.
 - Pros: I felt that the director here had the best insight and attentiveness to the overall situation.
 Good follow-up care. At no additional cost, if swelling or scarring is severe or unsatisfactory,
 laser treatment/swelling injections are provided.
 Although it needs to be excised, there is no process of pulling and fixing it with thread like in hospital number 1,
 so there is less burden on returning to daily life or recovery later.
 - Disadvantage: Seongyesa seems to have employees.. haha
 ​​Other than other portals, Seongyesa doesn't have many reviews. There are a few, but I don't really trust them.
 Overall, we do a lot of other surgeries, and because we are not a place that only focuses on Eoljiheup, there are not many cases of Eoljieup.
 During the consultation, the director suggested that it would be good to remove sagging cheeks, not just under the chin, but also on the cheeks (bulldogs?), and
 also recommended procedures for areas that are lacking, such as relocating fat under the eyes.
 I'm a little anxious because I feel like I'm going to go. (If I do, the deep cheek + under-eye fat relocation is separate)
 So I want to see more reviews of surgery cases like mine, but there aren't many.
 And at hospital number 1, when I looked at the ultrasound during the consultation, I was told that my salivary glands were not large. But
 here, they didn't even look at my salivary glands and told me that I should tie them 'because they may sag later'.
 The most expensive.
Price: Double chin liposuction + muscle tying + salivary gland suture + skin excision = 3,500,000

Hospital No. 4: This is a place recommended to me by two acquaintances who came here after receiving liposuction. I haven't received direct consultation yet.
 - Advantage: Increased trust in acquaintance buffs. Affordable price, no restraint.
 An acquaintance of mine said that recovery from everyday life is fast. Maybe it's because I just inhaled it?
 - Disadvantage: One of two acquaintances was not satisfied even after the procedure.
 The doctor said that the needle didn't reach deep into the jaw, so he couldn't get it all out. This is where trust goes down a bit.
 It's a large hospital that does a lot of other surgeries, but from the phone consultations... it felt like a factory-type hospital.
Price: (Acquaintance) 800,000

I lost everything I wrote on mobile in an hour and a half and re-wrote it on PC.
 Thank you so much for reading this long post. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think, it will become my life and flesh..!
 Thanks in advance!
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