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What you need to know before nose surgery

그만좀봐제발 2024-03-02 (토) 22:10 6 Months ago 9661 [CODE : 475A8]
I am a person who had nose surgery in 2017. I
 used 4mm silicone + nasal septum + ear cartilage.
 The year before last, I had a separate nostril reduction. Then,
 a few days ago, I had the implant removed + nasal tip cartilage rearranged + nasal septum deviation (rhinitis) + a crooked nose osteotomy.
After the removal, I had to put in an implant. I have absolutely no intention of having a repeat surgery, and
 I am writing this in the hope that it will be of help to those who are considering nose surgery.

1. Fix facial asymmetry first and then have nose surgery (first find out if you have a deviated septum)
I originally had a deviated septum and a crooked nose. But if you build a house on a slanted piece of land,
 a high prosthesis was put on top of it.
 Of course, the house will also lean, right? As a result, as time passed, my nose became more and more curved, making it difficult to breathe, and the curved nose
 became more noticeable to the naked eye. If you have high silicone inserts like mine without correcting rhinitis or a crooked nose, it will look even more curved and you will be unsatisfied.
 Before surgery The doctor doesn't tell me these things first. I have to know my face best and ask the doctor questions and requests.

2. It's absolutely impossible to get a surgery that I like 80% of the time.
If I like it 80% of the time, that's a very good decision
 . After figuring it out, think about whether you can realistically achieve the nose you want.
 Never overdo it and make it too high.
 I have now learned that shape and harmony are more important than height.

3. People with wing cartilage or thin skin are prone to having a pinched nose
. This is a fact that I learned after going to various places to remove the cartilage, and if you don't build up the wing cartilage thickly, you will end up with a stuffy nose (I was in this case).
 Especially when viewed from below, the shape of the nostrils is not round but completely pointed, and anyone can see that it is a nose that has had rhinoplasty. …
It wasn't bad for me, but my nostrils were pinched and this was very stressful.
 I recommend that you pay attention to this part first.

4. If the silicone is long, it will show
through. Everyone raises the silicone by a few millimeters, but I don't care. I didn't know much about the length of
 the silicone. If it is long, the tip of the nose will sag and the silicone will show through the skin,
 so I want to go to various places and ask the doctor about the length and height of silicone that can be used on my nose

. 5. There is no case in which nose surgery is done only once.
I sincerely think this way
 and remove it. Whether a reoperation is performed for cosmetic purposes (removal is also classified as a reoperation), the nose is bound to be more damaged. Moreover, even
 celebrities undergo reoperations, so from the perspective of the general public, it is inevitable that the surgery will be more burdensome financially, on a daily basis, and as a result of the surgery
 . Even if you have had a nose surgery that you don't like 100% and the side effects, you have to live your whole life with the worry of having to have a second surgery. You
 can think, 'I'm different' or 'People I know are satisfied with the first number'.
 If that happens, it's something to celebrate. However, it means that as time goes by, there will be parts that are unsatisfactory.
 So, I did not want to suffer from an obsession with my appearance any longer, so I had my nose removed
 (I tried to remove the entire nose, but the regret was that the cartilage at the tip of my nose was rearranged...)
 Not having a nose surgery is also a good idea. I think it's a choice and courage.
 If I could turn back time, I wouldn't have gotten a nose job.

6. Nose design trends come and go, so don't follow them.
There are so many pretty and handsome people in the world these days that individuality is more important than standardized aesthetic standards. I think
 it is positive to have a procedure or surgery that allows me to further appeal my strengths and personality, as I
 have a small, low, but harmonious nose like IU's Jennie,
 but I hope not to do surgery that involves a lack of self-objectification
 Ex) My face is Park Bo-young. Suddenly, I'm getting nose surgery like Min Hyo-rin...
 I lived with a fake nose from the age of 20 to 27, and after getting it removed 2 days ago, I
 have a lot of regrets and thoughts, so
 I'm writing this down with the intention of being helpful...
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