When I had my first surgery more than 10 years ago, I used Madpore (I didn't know), and it seemed like the tip of my nose was getting shorter, so I had a lot of consultations and had repeat surgery 6 months ago!
During the reoperation, I replaced the silicone, removed the madpore, and redid the tip of my nose with an autologous rib, but now the tip of my nose has been completely resorbed, so it's seriously lowered, and the bridge and line are almost straight, and the columella is depressed...
The hospital where I had the surgery says they do AS, but I trust it. I can't go there so I'm looking for a new hospital....
I'm planning to go to four places for consultations,
but if you've ever had a revision surgery at this hospital, get a great review. Can I see it..?
I'm also curious if it's black ㅠㅠ
I think this surgery will be really important... Please help me