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Don’t get breast implants too big!! It's not a side effect, but it's very uncomfortable...

농심포스틱 2024-02-06 (화) 16:27 7 Months ago 14700 [CODE : 52CDE]

 aren’t there a lot of kids trying to get bigger implants??
 Never put in more than 400cc.
 If I go back to before the surgery, I won't even put in 300cc.
 I went from a 75b cup to an e cup now. Why do you say this is not recommended?
Does it look weird?
 No... the shape is absolutely beautiful even when I see it... it's very pretty with the uu line and the ridges coming together well and no upper blobs.
 Does it feel strange to the touch?
 No... Menek is a real, tactile chest.
First of all, the inconvenience of over-sizing is the fit of the clothes...!!
 I also wanted to wear tight clothes that fit well with my bust size.
 Now that I had surgery, I just look dull.
 And if you wear even the slightest bit of revealing clothes or tight clothes at the gym, it's so bad that you feel like men's eyes are openly looking at your breasts.
Also... I developed scoliosis after the surgery... Because my chest is heavy, I can't maintain my normal posture!
 My shoulders always hurt and my menstrual cramps feel worse.
 It's so heavy that sometimes I feel like I'm putting my chest on the table without realizing it.
I'm in such a difficult state that I wonder why I'm spending over 10 million won of my own money to live in such an uncomfortable condition, but I can't even talk to the hospital because I've told them with my mouth that they want me to make it more than an e-cup, so even reoperation costs money.
 You have to be careful when choosing a bra or clothes that fit your size... There are more than a few things that are uncomfortable...
Please, those who are going to have breast surgery... I hope they think carefully about the size before putting it in.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
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[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

망고망고0108 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : 337B7] Address
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농심포스틱 Writer 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : 846FE] Address
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LIMO 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : 25E9F] Address
멘엑이 제일 비싼거야?? 촉감 엄청 중요시해서ㅠㅠ
농심포스틱 Writer 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : B737F] Address
[@LIMO] 멘엑이 제일 비싼건 아니야..모티바가 더 비쌋는데 멘엑하고 모티바 고민하다가 조금 저렴한 멕엑으로 했어! 모티바는 기본 자산이 없는 사람들이 많이 했고 나는 기본 자산이 어느정도 있어서...멘엑!! 멘엑 촉감은 그냥 내가슴 같긴해..!! 살성 풀릴때까지 시간이 필요하니깐 참고해
세레나씨 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : 2FE12] Address
몇씨씨 넣었는지 물어봐도 됭 ?
농심포스틱 Writer 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : B737F] Address
[@] 400cc 넣었어..
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농심포스틱 Writer 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : B737F] Address
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잇히히힝 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : 28C8C] Address
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농심포스틱 Writer 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : 4837A] Address
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농심포스틱 Writer 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : B737F] Address
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naezzizzi 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : 7DF09] Address
사이즈말고는 어때
보형물 촉감이나 모양은 어때 모양은 진짜 이뿌다
사이즈말고 다른건 만족스러웡 ??
농심포스틱 Writer 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : B737F] Address
[@naezzizzi] 사이즈 말고는 만족스럽지...내몸이 천근만근이야...ㅠㅠ
내코코ㅠ 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : 1BC32] Address
원래 가슴이 좀 있는편이었어? 멘엑 선택한 이유가 뭐야?
농심포스틱 Writer 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : B737F] Address
[@내코코ㅠ] 75b로 어느정도 자산은 있어서 uu라인에 i골로 촉감까지 고려했을때 멘엑이 가장 괜찮았어..물론 모티바보다 더 저렴했고..
루미 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : 2C0EF] Address
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내 가슴처럼 촉감이 말랑해지는데까진 얼마나 걸렸어?
농심포스틱 Writer 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : 337A6] Address
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농심포스틱 Writer 6 Months ago 6 Months ago Address
[@교잉이] 원래 자산 있었어..ㅠㅠ
김수한 6 Months ago 6 Months ago Address
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농심포스틱 Writer 5 Months ago 5 Months ago Address
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용삐사랑 6 Months ago 6 Months ago Address
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농심포스틱 Writer 5 Months ago 5 Months ago Address
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그래두 자연스럽당
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농심포스틱 Writer 5 Months ago 5 Months ago Address
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태굴 6 Months ago 6 Months ago Address
근데 진짜 자연스럽게 잘되긴했다ㅠㅠb
loveyouu 5 Months ago 5 Months ago Address
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농심포스틱 Writer 5 Months ago 5 Months ago Address
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마걸님 5 Months ago 5 Months ago Address
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하호후허 5 Months ago 5 Months ago Address
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견과류냠 5 Months ago 5 Months ago Address
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이쁜건 너무너무너무 부럽다
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