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Real reviews of 5 different hospitals, I can't choose the hospital ㅠㅠ

hoxy윶 2024-01-26 (금) 07:56 7 Months ago 1457 [CODE : 7DE17]
Hello! This is my first nose attempt! I went to 5 places in just 2 days.
I'm still wondering where to do it, but if you guys just look at it and tell me, I'm going crazy.. For quote inquiries, send me a comment!!! I'll tell you everything!! First of all, if I were to describe my nose, it's low, small, and short, with a soft, boxy nose! Because the skin is thin, it feels like a stuffy nose with a very slight shadow at the tip of the nose! It's not an ugly thing.
The first manager I went to
very kind. It seemed like I was in the right place. He asked me about the line I wanted and the direction I was pursuing, and even showed me a picture to tell him! He said he brought a photo that fits my nose well! The director came right away and consulted,
and he said that about 3.5 to 4 millimeters of silicone should be used on the bridge of the nose. If you use more than this, the silicone may show through because the skin is thin. He also mentioned using a nasal septum, correcting a puffy nose, and improving a crooked nose. He didn't mention ear cartilage or ribs at all, but said that the nasal septum material was large compared to my small nose according to Citi, so the surgery could be done easily with just the nasal septum! The quote was really, really the cheapest. Even if it was your first order, it was surprising..? There wasn't really a big advantage to the consultation.. There was no pressure for a reservation deposit at all, and there was no consultation fee or CT fee at all!
, I really liked this place! First of all, it may be because it was a hospital I liked from the beginning... It was a hospital that did not disappoint my expectations?? There was a very natural pressure to deposit a deposit here... They even said they couldn't get this price if it wasn't today, so I bet 10 and ended up going haha... But I liked it that much!!
It was not a famous hospital compared to its capabilities, so in terms of price, it was the cheapest hospital after Urban!!! The director seemed to have a higher level of plastic surgery knowledge than other hospitals, so he gave me consultations as detailed and meticulous as the director! Even when taking pictures, he was meticulous and took the right angles... Even during the consultation, as soon as I went in, he asked me to tell him in detail about my needs and direction, and he listened to my needs in great detail! I liked that it was delicate and didn’t bother you at all! Since there was no waiting line, I went in for a consultation with the director right away. He gave me a very detailed explanation while using photos of my fit, and even the director listened closely to my needs and reflected them a lot! It fits my beauty standards well! Here, they said that I shouldn't remove too much because my nasal septum is large, and that I should also use ear cartilage! He told me about 4~4.5 nose correction nasal septum ear cartilage silicone in advance. I liked that he said it could show through in the ㅇㅂ.. He touched my nose and said that it would look pretty if I shaved it and put it in because I had a bit of a curved beak. I told you that as is for 1 year, but hey. I had a lot of faith in this hospital because I heard that people who had surgery at the hospital try to take care of everything as much as possible..
I don't like the head of counseling here hahaha.. They were kind, but as soon as I told them the estimated amount, they looked ridiculous and I was so upset. The director's consultation was just okay, and I'll talk about the director's consultation right away. Well, this is where I first heard about the donor rib on the bridge of the nose. Of course, he also told me that the chance of using the donor rib was low, and that I had to open my nose to know if my septum was strong. Therefore, since there seemed to be no problem on the CT scan, he said that there was a 5% chance of using a donor rib. He said that if the donor rib was not used, only the nasal septum and ear cartilage would be used. The beauty standard I pursue is a witch's nose, and the tip of the nose is not too square. It looks natural while doing it.. Hmm, the tip of the nose is slightly raised?? However, the nostrils are not too visible from the front and are not lifted up... I told them that I wanted a nose like that, but for the first and last time, they said that in order to meet my beauty standards, the columella should be lowered. Nasal septum, ear cartilage or donated ribs, silicone 3.5 He said it was around 4mm and he seemed a bit busy, but the director was trying to look at it more thoroughly despite how busy he was, so he didn't force a deposit at all!
I went for a consultation here, but the wait was so, so, so, so long. I waited and waited, and if I got late, I ended up being late until ㅂㄴㄴ and ㅊㅇ, so I just gave up on the consultation and left..
I was surprised that I didn't get a CT for the first time. Maybe it's because the other places were so friendly, but the manager was so kind. I didn't feel it too much... I was the only customer waiting, but it took some time to consult with the director, and since there wasn't much benefit, I'll start consulting with the director right away! First of all, I liked the director because his standards of beauty were very similar to mine! It's not a right-angled nose, but a diagonal nose with the tip rising slightly from the side!! I was glad to hear that the director thought this nose was pretty!! They didn't tell me how many millimeters of silicone they would use, so I asked them, and they said based on their experience, it would be about 3.5 millimeters, and that I could use a donor rib here as well.. When I saw Gangnam Unni's review, I liked the line, so I got a consultation, but nothing really caught my eye. If you use the donated rib, the quote was the most expensive. If you don't use it, it's the 3rd cheapest place..
First of all, the atmosphere inside was as pretty as an Instagram cafe.. Maybe because I went there around 5 o'clock, there were no customers waiting. Did they put something on my neck and body for the CT scan? They said there was a possibility of radiation exposure. This was my first time in a hospital like this! I waited for the manager for 40 minutes, but... it was a very long, thorough, and friendly consultation! I made a reservation for a free consultation on Naver, but I don't know if it was because of that, but I only took two pictures while wearing the headband. There were a lot of numbers, like other plastic surgery clinics. ! But it was different between me and the director, the consultation between the director and the director was the longest! There was nothing bothersome at all, and the director examined my septum using a flashlight! He recommended self-assembly, but he said that self-assembly was not necessary for the line and height I wanted. The director showed me many photos of cases similar to mine, so I understood very well. I don't know if it's just here or if I get the same results elsewhere. For a low nose like mine, the 4mm doesn't feel too high, so I liked it!! He told me that my ugly nose is not an ugly one, but an attractive one, and that it would be prettier if I didn't get my ugly nose corrected! Compared to other places, they paid a lot of attention to the angle of the nasolabial fold, and I liked that they thought a lot about the harmony of the face. I was worried about the nasolabial angle because my mouth looked slightly protruding, but they made it easy. This is about 4mm of silicone. ! I decided to use the nasal septum and ear cartilage! Didn’t you say anything about Bokko? I can't remember, so I'll try calling later.
Phew.. It was hard.. Let's talk about the price information with the director in the comments!
I'm worried about ㅈㄷ, ㅊㅇ. ㅠㅠ Please save me ㅠㅠㅠ

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