Even if you stay still with an expressionless expression,
the wrinkles are slightly raised
as if you are frowning. Rather than being curved as if tied with a rope in the middle of your forehead, the wrinkles
look like you are frowning due to stress...
It seems that getting botox on the forehead will alleviate it, but
wouldn't filler have a more obvious effect? I want to
, but I’m so worried about the side effects!!!!!
My forehead is really narrow and uneven with curves and wrinkles.
Would it be a good idea to go to several consultations to get forehead filler?
I don't want a puffy doll forehead,
I just want to improve the wrinkles and curves...
I only get it once and don't want to get it done, but
I'm worried because I saw a post about it falling out unevenly...